Friday, December 31, 2010

Reflections on 2010

As we watch the ticking clock and see the New year entered in one county as a time. I reflect on this year. I went back to work part time at the moment after years of staying at home,my girls left their school, tried and I am still trying to remodify my house, went to mediation many times, Scott died and I was handed divorce papers, and today massive toothache. So along with the ugly goes the good, I have learnt who are some good friends, learnt to smile in the rain at times, learnt what a catalatic exhaust is, learnt that homeschooling is not so bad,that I still love history and art, that God sends blessings along the way financial and through people's words, I mean a woman in the street hugged me, Ali from school has encouraged me and made me laugh. My girls are growing up to be amazing young ladies, my dogs love me even more and playing in the snow and laughing is so much more fun than been a bah humbug. That through my brothers death I got to understand how others feel in grieving. So looking at the good makes my heart know I am not alone. This new Year holds what the pages waiting to be written. 2011 wow I will be 44 so here we go to an amazing year. Thanks God
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bargain or not a Bargain?

Bargain or not a bargain. My daughters and I love Crackell Barrell it is a warm lovely resturant with a crafty shop as you enter it. We love buying Christmas decorations there. We often find bargains like we did the other day small ornaments for 40 cents. But how many times do we pick something up and have no need for it. It is not a bargain it is us spending money and the item just tossed in the closet. If you think of friendship we often go the bargain way of investing little time in a friendship and expecting a lot back. It is the time spent that makes or brakes a good friendship. Like really thinking if you need an item. You truely feel better and feel you have a bargain after thinking about it for a few minutes or even days. My daughter and I bought a salt and pepper shaker she looked at the receipt and noticed I was not charged for it. We went back and paid for it. It is honesty that sets up a standard of doing what is right. So think before the bargain gremline comes along.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

White as snow or what?

The snow covered a lot. Yesterday my daughter and I was talking about how the snow is like Jesus cleansing us of all our sin. I pointed out that some people portray that they are as white as snow however underneath that white disguise is poop. I had not cleared all my dogs mess up before it had snowed but as soon as the snow melted there it was waiting for me to clean up. So it is with our sin if we do nothing about it it will decay like poop and stink.
So be watchful sometimes things are not what they appear to be.
On the other hand if a person is genuine God clean up the worst poopy mess.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Snow much fun.

My dad use to always say that the snow wiped the wold clean. We had 8-12 inches of snow yesterday. Usually I am such a bah humbug and never stay out long. This year was different as a single mum I had to multi task pull sledges, throw snowballs, take photos and dry clothes. We got under some tree's that we called Narnia trees and shook them this I would not advice unless there is only a little snow on them. We laughed and laughed.
In all this I became very sad 17 years of my marriage coming to an end. Several friends have said write down the things you are grateful for. So as I reflect on yesterday I am so thankful for all the snow, for laughing for sledding with my girls and for a gracious God that cares daily for my family.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Chritsmas.

I was blessed to take my girls to a Christmas Eve service the message was true how gracious is God and how he died for us. It is not in what we can receive back but in giving with a Christ like attitude. I pick up my girls today and as we face days of uncertainty ahead I do know and believe that God holds our hands. As I looked up at the ceiling of the church and wished my brother and many wonderful friends who have moved on a Merry Christmas I was reminded how great God truly is.
So in all the gifts that are opened today take a moment to just be thankful. Even through all this year from my brothers death, to been handed divorce papers I know that I have been so blessed in many ways.
That is my Christmas wish for you, that you see the good and hold on to that.
Merry Christmas.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Often in life there is no title. As my week began I was filled with hope, then sadness and an ending of seventeen years of my life became clear. In it all I saw God close a door and many friends rally around with arms of kind words. As Christmas comes and a Christmas without my brother's voice been heard. I am reminded that in it all of this there is an amazing God who sees it all. As my heart feels numb and I wonder what the next year holds. It is focusing on how much we all have. I went to a school the other day children with real needs were there. I thought in all my mess who was I to complain who was I to be shedding tears, these parents carry this every day. Yet their heart full of love they carry on each day. I am reminded of how Mary looked at this wonderful child and yet God knew that this child would carry every aching heart.
My Christmas wish is that we could all see how much some truly go through take a moment to reflect and give a kind word a hug to someone who truly needs that love this Christmas
Merry Christmas eve, eve.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Please think of others this Christmas.

As the holidays approach many a single parent will face the agony of not been with their child over the Christmas holiday someone will say goodbye this week and not see them until Jan 2011 others will see them on Christmas Day. Children's hearts torn in two and families that once sat opening presents together sit in separate homes trying to recapture something that God had intended to stay together. Others are widows and children who are orphans and have no parents any more. Some are simply people who have through hard times found themselves alone not knowing where to go.

Please remember us all you may be in a position to help some of these people and I ask you to do that during this time. It truly can be the hardest time of the year for these families. I know because I am one of them.

Together we can make a difference.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Think before you speak.

Think before speak. It is an old saying. So many of us never take the time to do that. In a year when so much has happened in my life. Few people have come along and said words of hope. They seam to be stuck in knowing what to say or when to say it or simply have no tact. It is true walk a mile in someone eles's shoes and you might see the world in a different way. It is also true that often friends can be closer than family they see your pain throughout the years and they see you more for who you are than who you were.

So as we enter another week. I ask you to think about those going through financial trouble and those who are alone this Christmas and think about spreading some Christmas cheer.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Treasures from the heart.

I have some amazing friends who hug and love me throughout my life. I have been blessed with calling these more than friends they indeed are my family in Christ.
They are treasures from the heart.
Yesterday someone sent me a blessing it touched my heart and made me smile.
The girls and I went to this secondhand store that we love going to we found a china Christmas set with four plates and four smaller plates and three bowls and then four Christmas glasses and then a broach with a mumma dove and two little ones. They were treasures for sure and a joy.
My youngest daughter loves going there I feel it is a blessing on this earth for people going through hard times and to be honest it is run by amazing Angels or God's helpers I like to think of them.
So to my amazing friends LeaAnn, Paul, Sue, John and the amazing blessing from a person I will leave un said I so give a hearty thank you. Air hugs to you all.
May you find treasures through this season.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Another day.

I have applied for job after job. How discouraging it all is to not get replies back or spam in your inbox continually. I have tried to sell cakes and clothes and got no where this year. I have tried at times to get my books published yet none to this day have been published I have tried to refinance my home, keep my children in their school yet to no avail as yet.

I wonder if God felt that as His son died on the cross we tried to make you all listen yet here my Son dies an ultimate rejection an ultimate death to people who care little of their hurting words or cared little of a man sinless and dying for them. God saw all ahead on that day and saw their true hearts.

I stood in a woman's kitchen this week Lisa you will do well at anything this woman has not known me very long her words God given to a me who has felt battered by the world.

On her estate as a tall as life nativity of Mary, Joseph and Jesus I so wished I had taken a photo it is amazing.

Yet through all my pain and suffering I will have to say God saw me even when Christ died and took those blood stained robes and dried my never ending tears and said I know your pain.

So I hold tightly to that as I face the weeks the roads ahead and ask as I pray for you you would pray for me.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Lessons in being silent

Since my brother died I have learnt that it is often better to just say nothing. People appear through life to say things that just come out of their mouths. Like worms coming out of the ground when it rains. So sarcasam and words that truly hurt come flowing out of the gound of a persons soul through their mouth, like worms so to speak. I have made many mistakes over the last three years in my marriage and even through my separation. However rather than throw back words to hurt I try my best to say nothing. My husband use to always say that my silent words said everything in fact the silent words said that the game was not been played and that is often better to say few words than words that a person would regret. If I look back at the last words I said to my brother yes I wished I had said more to express how much I loved him or made some difference to stop what would be found out in the next 38 hours from happening, but one thing I do know my last words were full of care and love. If we look at Jesus's last words to mankind they were not words to up someone but words of compassion, love and care for a very hurting world and a world to come.
There are so many lessons to be learnt in saying few words.
May you find comfort in the kind words offered in my blog.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Ah in Christmas.

As Christmas comes around and songs are sung many children face the torn in two experience of opening presents at one parents house, or not even seeing one parent for the holidays that year. As I sat watching my younger daughter sing with her dad sitting by I could not help but think of the scripture where two women were fighting over a child. As soon as the king ordered for the child to be cut in half the mother declared let her have him. It is the same gutt wrenching feeling I feel for my children this Christmas the feeling of having a part of me torn in two pieces yet saying it is going to be alright. Christmas has been a huge do in this house. Yet this Christmas brings change that will go on for my younger daughter for at least another ten years. My hope for my children is that they hold dearly the good about Christmas. They are amazing children.
Each child weather facing parents going through divorce or like my nephews facing a Christmas without parents faces new challenges. We can but hold onto we are all orphans in this land like a friend told me today all been made into a family through turning to Christ.
We had our First snow today it is so pretty as my dad would stay it wipes the world clean.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Silent tears.

Silent tears. My brothers inquest is over and the silent tears and heart ache turn once again. Like raking leaves and finding new ones or turning the soil and finding new weeds. So our hearts are with the sorrow that life often brings. From losing a house, to divorce or separation, the loss of a job, a friend, moving or a person, our lives turn the soil of life and sigh and ache for that moment in time. Grief captivates our soul unanswered questions remain and like standing next to the sea when the gail is coming in, we stand frozen in time, like the feel or lack of feeling in our hands after we come in from the snow or the damp feeling we feel after coming in from the rain. Like the cold winter nights and the dark clouds of rain so we feel the silent aching of our soul.
Only those who walk a mile and bravely hold us up listening drying the tears and sharing in our pain ever know the silent walk we walk.
Grief is for a season.
As Christmas is upon us. I have a tree near my brothers picture I think I will always have one near him or at least a picture of Scott up so that although as an adult i never got to share a Christmas with the brother that I loved I know I will never forget him.
Air hugs to all you who are grieving and know for sure that God does see our pain.
I encourage you to do something like I have done to remember your loved ones buy an ornament or write a note and place it in a box so that you can share how you feel each year. It is just a suggestion I don't know your pain all I can say is you are not alone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Best career ever.

I was a stay at home mum for about 11 years until I started getting part time jobs. As I keep on looking for a full time job. I find myself realizing ever more that the best job that I ever had was been a stay at home mum. I really took it all for granted. Every summer holiday I was off and I got to visit England every two or three years. This coming summer I will not have seen my Mum for 4 years in the summer of 2011. So many of us take so much for granted. I know I have.
The time I am off work I Cherish with my children.
I often think about my brothers children who have no mum and dad now. I often wish I could hug them all tight.
So to all of you who wish you could spend longer with your children or miss your home.
Air Hugs to you all.
Truly I believe God sees our hearts and our yearnings.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Angels in our midst and just kind people.

This Thanksgiving has been a blessing. It has also been one that I am sad not to be around my mum and I miss my brother. I also have meet along this road recently people who make me think. Their calm spirit seams to be so peaceful so mesmerising and draws you to truly think of where you are in life. I have been in a battlefield so long that when a person like this comes along it truly makes me think. I have people say kind words to me that I have never known. Made me smile, just listen to me, made me feel like I was a person. To these few people I believe that God sends them into our lives.
I just hope they get to stay a while.
Happy week to you all.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


This year has been a AHHHHHHHH. However I am thankful for many things. My girls,friends, my brother and his family and the time I did spent with them in 2007 and telling him that I loved him before he died. My sister and her family. My mum, church and God's grace. Oh and the rain that reminds me of home.
So in pictures is a few things I am thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, November 22, 2010


If our eyes could tell a story they would flow with how our hearts really felt. What tears we had cried the grief and hardship, we had gone through. Maybe even bitterness would flow. Out of our heart flows so much. Yet in a world where so little compassion is. I see people hug complete strangers as they cry in the streets. Their life changed their dreams shattered a moment in time and life changed forever yet a hug an Angel you might say appeared to offer compassion to a broken soul. My eyes have glistened, my eyes have cried yet through it all I want a heart with compassion.
Today was very foggy so much like England. So much fog sometimes is in our lives.
My hope for you is that you hug that crying person in the street.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Brit in America.

I have never thought of myself as a Pioneer. But as I watched Ree Drummond on the Throw down with Bobby Flay I could not help but think of myself as exactly that. Ree is an amazing woman and her blog The Pioneer Woman is just enchanting. I suggest anyone read it.
I might not live in the mid west like Ree. However I traveled 3000 plus miles to be in Raleigh North Carolina from England. I have learnt to grow water melon to love to decorate my home for Autumn and to enjoy the Carolina Blue skies.
I have learnt that been a single mum in America is a jolly hard job, and I have seen people smile when I simply give them a hug or listen to their needs.
I may not be a pioneer woman like Ree but in my own way I am indeed a pioneer making a difference.
I encourage you, to like Ree be a pioneer in your own lives. Please go to her blog it is a shear delight.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Three little women and one Nana.

The other day at work I thought wow the girls and I are like three little women. Then there is my mum who rings them faithfully and my daughter reads to her. In a day when politeness seams to have died there is hope even through a phone call. We laugh at times cry a lot even run around in the rain. In the madness of looking for a full time job, trying to sort out the mortgage there are glimpses of hope.
I love the book The Penderwicks and I love the hugs my girls give me. My dogs chasing each other.
My life may not have much Sunshine but in the moments I hear my mum laugh or hug a person going through a trial. I see true hope.
May you find a silver lining in your day.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lumps of coal in my tea.

Isn't it surprising in life when you are down and you want that sweet kind of friendship to help you through. Instead you get as I like to call it lumps of coal in your tea. They make your tea and life feel heavy and leave nasty marks of feeling rejected and hurt.
Through my brothers death I have understood that coming along side a friend in hard times, sending an email saying I care or giving a hug is worth more than gold. It makes the tea in life glow and makes that person for a moment in time feel warm and fuzzy inside.No nasty mark is left they feel loved.
My question to you is what are you doing we can all make rude and nasty comments it takes effort to add words of honey and wonderful sugar and those are the ones that help any person through tough times. The tea is sweet and healing.
The last words I ever said to my brother was how much I cared and loved him.
Make your words pure and wonderful sugar and not lumps of coal.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Living in another perspective.

LLiving in another perspective. I have been separated over a year now, in it I have cried a million tears, sat and ate ice cream out of a tub, dealt with the death of my brother. Oh yes my children left their private school, I now work, clean and have learnt names to do with a car that i am not to sure if I ever really cared to know. In it all I have learnt a lot about me. Through Scott's death I have seen truly I knew nothing about death nothing how someone felt or was going through. Maybe I thought I had compassion but in truth death can either change someone or make someone bitter. It has also helped me to have compassion for my mother in-law dare I say I even miss her at times. I value life differently. I see how a simple word of kindness can change a person how a smile can lighten a day. A hug is worth a million. I remember the day my brother died and I just cried in my friends arms. I also have seen a long my road of life I did not always make wise decisions, I never appreciated how hard my own husband worked to keep his job and to pay the bills. Nor value the times we spent together. So easy is it to pick fault than to just be quite and see the good in a person. Off course a long the road add a lawyer in the mix and life is never the same. It is so amazing just to want the best for a person regardless of what they say to you. To help a person if you do not know them. I helped a man gather a view shopping trolleys the other day his face smiled like I had given him the crown jewels. In fact he had given me them because he had made me see doing what is right is more rewarding than simply just ignoring it.No one has to be right all the time no one has to have the last word. So my life has changed I see life in a different way. I thank my brother Scott, God and some wonderful friends.My hope to you is that you do not have to go through anything that I have gone through just do what is right forgive and see the good instead of the bad in this life the bad will always out weigh the good.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Forgiveness is what? Forgiveness is one of those cringy words, that cause us to either think or just say i have nothing to forgive. But come on you might not of liked that another person at school got to be the main role in a play or that you did not get where you wanted to in life because you feel someone else got there and you so deserved it. The issue is none of us deserve anything. God is gracious enough to forgive us only He sees true forgiveness it is not in our own eyes that anyone can forgive. I have thought about this with my brother dying it is not in just grieving but forgiving that Scott has died. I will never get to say Happy Birthday to him again nor hear him say I love you Lee or see his smile. Yet in my heart I have to say God knew best. I am not finding it easy. Nor in the fact i still need a full time job and soon I don't know if I will have medical. I do know for years I held onto a unforgiveness and the only person who got hurt was me.
Forgiveness is kind of like the white snow and the unforgiveness like the trash however if you let go of all that unforgiveness you are like the snowman a true work of art.
No road is easy but at least the road of forgiving brings hope to the person who is brave enough to say I forgive.
We all need to be forgiven.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mighty is what?

Have you ever heard that is a mighty person either of God or they are so spiritual or so strong. May I suggest after much thinking about this that it might not be what we think. Perhaps mighty is someone who has gone through hard times and tried to turn their lives around perhaps mighty is a person who has seen the pain that others goes through and tries to reach their lives by reaching out to another person. Mighty might well be a person saying how are you and actually wanting to listen. Mighty could mean having a forgiving heart and wishing the best for someone. Mighty might well be seeing the pain in someones life and giving them hope. Simple words, you are doing great, I am proud of you. I care. To me that is mighty. It is like the ant small little creature but oh so mighty.
Whatever you think remember it is not always how we think mighty is so much more it is a heart willing to change willing to listen. It is like beautiful can be in a thunder storm or in a cob web or even as this harsh ice hit all of England this past February, it is in how you decide to see it.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Finding hope through hard times.

It is so difficult to often find hope when going through difficult times. Someone blessed us with food and said do not tell anyone. So I am not mentioning their name. They were so humble so genuine. The coroner officer who is dealing with my brothers death has been so sweet. Then there are certain friends that simply say do what is right. It is never easy to keep running a race when you feel that you are against all odds. What is humbling is to see people who are running the race in hard times helping others out and not expecting a single thing from it. In truth it is a lesson to learn. It is those people that are the hero's of today's times. Not the ones who simply offer help with a motive.
It is a lesson to learn and one to think about how often do we want the praise.
It is a lovely Autumn day I encourage you to think how you could bless one person this week and you not want the praise.
Don't forget England changes their clocks back tonight.

Happy Autumn.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Cake crumbs of kindness.

Have you ever gone into a store a tasted the samples that are out. I sure love those samples at a store called Whole foods the cheese is Magnifque yes not magnificent but Magnifique. Not just are the samples in this store Magnifique but the staff are amazing they treat you like you are the only person in the store. The customers even have picked up this trait. Not so in every store.
Yesterday we were in Lowes food the samples were out at the cake stand and yummy as always we each had some I even had some in my hand, my younger daughter went back for more the whole container fell to the floor. Her face fell like a frightened mouse about to be pounced on. I quickly came to her aid, I told her it is no big deal things happen. No one else came, a man who was with his child actually stood in our way making us feel like we were beggars on a street corner people looked and starred and did nothing. The Lady who sold the cakes said things happen and offered my daughter a cookie. My daughter felt embarrassed and hid her head into my tummy.
Anyone could of dropped that cake box anyone all of us our moments away from been that beggar on the street. It is like I wrote I believe at the beginning of the year or end of last year I saw in Walmart a man eating grapes I would of condemn him and the store probably a year before. But who am I.
I as a Christian should be the first to help and the first to pray and the first to walk a mile in another persons shoes. I have not always at all.
Ask me if I would of reacted to my daughter like that three years ago NO I would of been upset embarrassed. A lesson to learn is crumbs of kindness cost nothing but touch a heart for a long time.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Memories forever.

These our the last few pictures that I have of my brother and his family they were taken in July 2008. My brother and sister have never been very good at emailing photo's. My brother was doing up his very old house. He was very clever at reading up about things and then working out how to do them. He would of probably been a an amazing engineer.
His wife loved going on picnics.
Tonight I am taking some photos of them all to grief share I encourage anyone who is going through any grief maybe separation, moving or a death of a loved one to get involved in a group. My dear friend tried to reach out to Scott from America.
You never know how someones words may touch another persons life.
Memories are held in a photo but in our hearts forever. Do not grief alone.
I hold dear to the memories i have of many things.
May God bless you always.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pink Daisy of Hope

This month is cancer awareness month. Before my sister in law Rita died of cancer I wrote a story about planting pink daisies for cancer patients. I never got to read my story to her. A group in Raleigh called Pretty in Pink loved it as yet it has not been published. We all can make a difference I am big into leaving something on this earth that can help others. My story was to help cancer patients. Your story maybe helping a elderly person across the road. Whatever it is we can all make a difference.
This tatty teddy with it's pink flower reminds me that although my sister in law died we can all spread hope and make those friends, relatives that we may lose to tragedy still count.
The other day I saw in my garden some daisies I felt so it was from Heaven. I have never seen little daisies here before. It was as if my brother had planted them for me
I encourage you what ever cause you believe in, to fight for it.
Make a difference and allow as I would like to say the Pink daisy of Hope to live.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hope through an amazing song.

Yesterday I was very discouraged, I went with a friend to a fall festival, I felt very alone. I cut some of the grass had no energy, my teeth ached.
My discouragement was very high from the week that I had just had.
Usually I cannot get the christian radio station very well. However as I drove home I heard this amazing song.
It is by Kutless called What faith can do.
I wished my brother had heard it. It so encouraged me.
It is such a true amazing song.
I felt the song was written just for me.
Enjoy the song i hope it encourages you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Holland and Such memories.

As i looked at many blogs this morning I came across some from Holland years ago I went to Holland. As I looked it bought back happy memories and a sense to want to go back there and visit.
My brother and I use to ride our bikes everywhere down the country lanes of Aylmerton.
As I reflect on the week and all it's happening I am reminded that life is just a vapor a moment in a capsule of time. Often words are said that never should be said. How a simple sorry can change your own heart. Or simply looking back and remembering happier times. I hope one day I will get to ride a bike in Holland and one day walk along Cromer beach. Or even revisit the tea rooms my mum once owned The Owl's tea room in Holt I loved it there learning all the different breads I remember my mum bought me a red skirt for me how I felt like a Queen. I loved walking into churches and my dad would do brass rubbings or walking down fields and picking black berries such wonderful memories. They are who I was and who I Cherish.
I hope your day brings you sunshine.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Forever close to my heart.

As the days tick on by since my brother died I realize how little I understood how he really felt and how I wished I knew what I do now then. A friend drew a picture of my brother, sister and I it was taken from a picture of us seventeen plus years ago. I love my sisters child like smile and m brothers cheeky smile how we all look a like and how we were for that moment in time all together again. Little did we know then that it would be the last time we would all be together.
Life is interesting if we could all go back and know what we did today how many of us would say sorry quicker or listen more or simply think before we spoke. I know I would. My friend blessed me with this picture. I guess in all this since my brother died I have learnt to listen more to show compassion when a person loses someone.
So where ever you are today and whatever you are going through I pray that you can one day help someone else. I wish you all good days ahead.
I will hold onto the forever good memories of Scott never forget Sept 4th 2010 and hold this picture forever close to my heart.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

You'll remember me.

You'll remember me is a few words from a song by Eva Cassidy, Fields of Barley, that was played at my brothers funeral. In truth I will remember my brother every time a see a cheeky boy in a school uniform, when I see a toy train set when I see a dad play cricket with his son, when I hear someone say that is my little sister. When I hear his name when I see Laura Ashley stores or hear We three kings and when I see silent movies I will remember you Scott. It is not in one simple thing that we remember a person but in many songs they bring back memories and places where we were with those people. As I stand in church and gaze at the ceiling I hope you see how much I love you Scott. I wonder often when all is said and done what will people remember me by. I hope I leave good and some how leave something that my children will laugh at my mum did this and my mum laughed at that i hope they say. I run in the rain laugh at times I stop the car in the driveway and with the music blaring we run around it and get into the car we often sing as loud as we can be those are what i hope that they remember me. Silly stories made at bed times and cups of tea and hot chocolates bought to school.
The song by Eva Cassidy is very moving the song I love is by Rod Stewart forever young. Whatever song you love. Remember you will be remembered however low you may feel people will remember you and you are amazingly special.
Here is the link to an amazing song.
Love you always Scott and so many amazing people.
You are one of those don't let anyone tell you other wise. You are amazing.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stupid silly dreamers. Not so.

Someone said to me to get into a job that paid a good wage and on the side to follow my stupid dreams. When i got of the phone I thought of all the people who followed their stupid dreams Oprah Winfrey, Beatrix Potter, J.K.Rowling, My own Pastor, Pastor Davey, Pretty in Pink Organization in Raleigh, The Hopkins hospital in Virginia, the main organizations that have raised money to help others perhaps you can even add your name to that list. Many great people many great hero's. Oprah Winfrey has stood to make a difference not for her own glory but to help others and make a difference even Bill Yates and his wife have ploughed money into helping others. President Carter who has labored building homes. It is in those stupid silly dreams that those people have given hope to others. I wrote a story to help cancer patients one day my stupid silly dreams will touch someones heart and make a difference. One day my hope is that my story will give someone hope. I make up stories for my children over the past three years it has provided us with hope laughter and encouragement. You tell me if that was stupid.
Stupid and silly is only to those who dare not dream and see how they can or need to make a difference I may sit here in a difficult time in my life but one day I will get out of the ashes and help with my silly dreams.
Don't let anyone steal your silly dreams.
My brother wanted to be a pilot my hope is that today he is flying high in Heaven.
Fly high and believe big you never know who might be watching and where you might soar to.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What to learn from a dark Chilean mine.

As my life is filled with uncertainties like so many face today and I still sit hoping that my dear brother will call. I am reminded that God can do miracles. The Chilean miners caught the world they wrote in their papers how it was a miracle yet the rest of the world wrote how it was an amazing act of technology. There is no question that the only thing amazing was that God was with these men. Little rays of sunshine often show us in life that God is still on the move.
I will always have questions about my brother and I so wish I could hug him.
I do know that seeing those miners appear brought a tear to my heart and a knowledge that God can move mountains.
We just always have to look up. How amazing and how true it is often our lives are like the dark coal mines the very lows but eventually if we look up long enough we do see the light.
My cup rises to those men may they use it to glorify a true and living God.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fields of Gold

My brother Scott and his wife Rita both had Fields of gold by Eva Cassidy played at their funerals. I was listening to this song on Saturday it is on you tube. The version that I listened to had these words at the beginning of the song.
If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane we would walk right up to Heaven and bring you back again.
No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye. You were gone before we knew it and only God knows why.
I was in tears the pictures showed fields of corn I believe. At the back of my brothers house were corn fields. Eva died of cancer not the same cancer as Rita but still it touched my heart.
I wonder how many of us who know someone that we have loved would not walk right up to Heaven but would run. I sure would I would run if it was a steep hillside and I hate heights if I could but bring my brother back.
Life is a interesting road and if only we could have the knowledge that we so often learn after things happen I wonder how different life would be.
Where ever you are my advice is show some love give a hug, you never know how much that means.
I will always love my brother and I would run up a steep staircase to bring him back again.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Scott no longer a lost boy.

A friend that I least expected emailed me recently about my brother. They referred to my brother as a Lost boy who was so fortunate to have me as there sister. I will have to say I never expected this person to email me or say these things to me. My brother Scott was very lost. I love the Peter Pan movie I do not like many movies but that one has to be one of my favorites. My family and I went and visited the Peter Pan statue in London it was as magical I could expect it had rained the whole walk there well most of it and then when we got there it stopped there was the gold dust left on the statue and there was something amazing.
When I read this email I saw my brother no longer a lost boy but like the lost boys of Peter Pan they found Hope in Peter and Wendy my brother was no longer a lost boy but in the arms of a loving God that was so much more magical and amazing than Peter Pan.
It made me cry the letter and as I type this I so hope Scott knows how much I miss him and Love him. But I know he is not a Lost boy any more but a Boy who found his way home. Look after him good God because I loved him more than he would ever know.
Thank you dear friend for the loving note. Today is three weeks since my brother became no longer a lost boy but a boy who found his way Home.
So where ever you are whatever you are going through you might find a cheerful note that touches your heart from someone you least expect or maybe you will be that person.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good night Scott.

My mum said the funeral went well. She saw the flowers that were sent by the girls and I. Jackie Evancho sang on America's got talent an amazing 10 year old little singer. I believe that when we get to Heaven the music will be like her voice. I went to grief share last night it is a tough thing to go through no one can understand your pain I think unless you have gone through it and the depth of it I think depends on how close that person was to you.
My heart goes out to all those mum's who lose a child or husbands who lose a wife. I would love to be able to help others one day.
When I was a child we would say good night and it was like the Walton's. So today I say for today Good Night Scott. love you miss you.
Hugs to all who are grieving.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

1 week I miss you

One week has gone by since Scott Jonathan Wakefield died my one and only brother. I cannot believe one week has gone by. I looked at photos today last time I saw Scott was on June 4th 2007 I never made a video that day. Found photos in 2005 no video I remember Scott made them but never sent them and then a video in 2000. Wow how short life is. Scott was never a big letter writer. But I was so right his sparkled like no other eyes seen before I never told him that. As people remember September 11th I am drawn into my own world. I wished I could go home my heart is broken. People become bitter about the most stupidest thing life is so short. I wished I had spent more time being his friend. More time writing and more time just not arguing about stupid little things was it truly worth it.
I mean if you are reading this and you still have loved ones that you don't talk to think about it. They could be dead in a heart beat is it truly worth been that bitter. I would do anything to see my brother again to hear his voice. I would do anything to wipe all the bitterness away from my families lives.
So please if you read this think do your part to make amense because life is way to short and everyone deserves forgiveness.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, September 10, 2010

One week

On Saturday my brother will have been dead for one week. I never knew what pain someone went through in a situation like this my heart goes out to all those people. I just truly had no idea. I have cried an ocean. My work gave me flowers said I was family. Told me to hug my girls. I have also had nasty emails which I would not wish on anyone.
I still cannot believe it. My mum cries down the phone and my heart is broken in the pain that a mother must be going through. She seems to have lost hope. I am so torn. What can one week teach a person. I love my brother dearly. I am broken and miss him. I want to go home and hug the people I love. Life is not always perfect and sometimes tragedy makes others hurt someone even more.
If you had a cup of tea with me Scott today I would give you eclairs like you made them when I was six and I would hug you.
So to all you reading this and all of you going through hard times my heart and prayers goes to you.
I am praying for air miles to get me home. But my time is running out.
I pray that God will hug you tight because my brother felt very alone.
missing you Scott
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Don't take anyone for granted...

Don't take anyone for granted because you never now when they are going to be gone. Think before you speak harshly, because that might be the last words you get to tell them. My Uncle Scott pasted yesterday and last year, his wife, Auntie Rita died of cancer. It is all so sad... I can still see my auntie bringing out the cookies and tea for us every time we came to visit while the youngest son licked the cookies we were supposed to be eating. I remember the last time I saw them. We played soccer or "football" with their three sons and Rita. Scott played cricket with us... We have pictures also, really good ones, that will last a life time literally as that was the last time we ever saw them. I sent my uncle photos of us every now and then. I had saved the email that he had replied back. It said something like this, Lovely photos. Have a Merry Christmas. Love, Scott. Those little messages that probably mean nothing to you mean everything to me.
So remember today to cherish every single moment you have with people because you never now when it could be the last.
Love you oh so much Uncle Scott and Auntie Rita.
Emily and Katie

My wonderful Brother Scott. I will miss you so Much.

A few weeks ago i wrote on here about my brother. Yesterday he died. I am not going to share all the details. But i am going to share how much this one man meant to me. When I was 7 my eyes were crossed eyed and he stood up against the kids laughing at me. When I was 13 we raced our bikes around the village area where we lived. When I was in my early twenties he bought me a dress. Made me feel like a movie star. When I got married he was there. When I was last in England in 2007 he called several times wanting to see him. This is the brother I will never forget who had kept a picture that I had drawn when I was three. Who laughed the same way as me and remembered the same things as me.
I had the chance to tell him I loved him on Thursday. I never knew it was the last time I would speak to him.
I would give anything to hear his voice today.
Please as you read this remember life is very fragile and short. Love like you have never loved before, pray like you have never prayed and Cherish every word that a kind soul says. If someone is down listen, hug more and never forget life is very short.
I love you Scott, I will miss you so much.
Always your little Sister Lee

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is it God talking or us?

As I sit here very tired I ask you this question how many times have you said oh God is saying something to me. I received a pretty rude email this week from someone who decided to play God and bring up issues from my past issues they knew little about. They said that they had prayed about it. But how many times do we really pray about things. My friends Sue and Susan often direct me to pray it is in those moments that I am still that I feel a peace. This week I was so blessed all the books for this years schooling were given to us. That is so God. The times I get to encourage a person who might lose their home or has lost their job that is God. The time I say thank you even in the small things. I consigned this week and instead of taking the clothes back I was going to donate.I decided to give them to someone her smile was like she had won the jack pot it was amazing in that moment it was true I did not have to have the writing in the sky God spoke and I did it. Often we simply do not do what God says because it is not us who is talking. I think we can see God talking to us in many things I home schooled my oldest when she was 5 and she was held back a year someone bought that up this week but do you know God has used her to touch so many people that she would never of been able to touch if it was not for my mistake and at the end of the day God could of told me that she would of needed to read but He was gracious enough to use her life in such an amazing way.
I may not be a huge author or of much importance but each day God has a plan for me I wished some days I knew what it was but one thing I know for sure if I stop for a moment I will know God is talking He has seen it all and He surely See's me a broken mess who needed Grace and for that I am thankful for.
Let God talk to your life you will be changed forever.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Old Fashioned Politeness.

It is amazing the amount of junk emails I receive and how rude people can be. I received a rude email the other day. It was from a professional. The title read Hope all is well and no news is good news and there in this email was a bill for a ridiculous amount. To me that is no professional simply someone who has not learnt the art of been polite who preys on the weak and uses those situations for their own gain. It is many a rich person or any person in life who has not taken the time to be polite and think of how another will feel at what they say. It is easy to not smile and not be polite at a cashier or open a door for a child. But it is in those moments that God shines through. We might not want to do it but going the extra mile counts. Call me old fashioned but I would rather be old fashioned and bring a smile to a persons face than feel I have left them feeling down. Trust me I have done that many a time.
Take the time to make a difference it will change your life too.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Where has chivalry gone. Long ago the word meant manners befitting a knight even in the 1930's we could look back and say there were men who were gentlemen. Perhaps the problem is today that men have become gentle men simply that no longer a knight. I see many women carrying the shopping out of the stores and packing the bags as well as trying to juggle the kids. Perhaps men think that just paying the bills is enough. Women want that all in one package. Where they are walked to their car where they are listend to and where bags are carried. Christ was the ultimate knight who saw good in even the adultress woman he lifted her heart out of the miery muck and gave her hope. Yet where is that today. I see little of that around. Boys at school where shirts all baggie and to be rude seams to be in the thing. But chivalry is what I think we all can do, bringing honor and dignity into our homes, schools and work places. Opening a door going the extra mile. Buying some groceries for someone in need perhaps, by one person going that extra mile that will bring chivalry back and a smile to women who long for those knights to come ridding into their lives.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My blog. My books and ME

My blog has been one of the most inspiring things I have done. That and my stories it has helped me keep hold of an England I love and hold onto something I love doing. My books have made my life feel so alive at times. It has bought rainy days feel like that they could have been the best day of our lives. If I could ever have a job I would so love to write. I might be terrible at grammar but the stories I have make this world at times a happy place.
I don't know where you are today but look inside and find what makes you happy. My books have bought joy and if they end up on your lap one day I hope you will see why.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fibs and Febby's

Fibs and Febby's. I like to make up stories for my children it is funny Lucy is a character in one of them I like to think that she is often like our conscience she oftens tells people that the Sunday school teacher would not like that. But how often do we hear the Lucy in our minds and shut her out. No it's not that bad. However not that bad leads to some problems down the road. Fibs and Febby's seam quite funny when you are 4 but how about when you are 44 it's not so funny to the people that those fibs and febby's hurt.
My stories have been a God send to my many rainy days. I encourage you to be honest Fibs and Febbys never rule weather you are 4 or 44. Enjoy been honest and the Fibs and Febbys will not rule.
Please have a cup of tea with me today

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Calling Whistle

Today we went to the pool. Every fourty-five minutes, there is a fifteen minute break for the kids. Most of them sit around the sides of the pool just waiting for the whistle to be blown so they can jump into the refreshing cool water. Some kids though, go and have a snack or just sit on the side. Even when the whistle blows, they just stay there like nothing happened. My question today is are you going to come when God calls you or are you going to not even see the little things God is calling you to do to help others. You could be the person who makes a difference in someones life, but that good change for someone else depends on you. And remember, watch out and have your heart open to God because God could be calling you next to do something for Him, even if it is just encouraging someone else it can still be used for God's glory.
Because what you do makes a difference, no matter how small.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Crying out.

The last few days. The girls and I have just cried out to God with all that is engulfing us. I will have to say it has lifted me up a little. A friend was very sweet and said something to brighten my day. My daughter and I cut the grass and both sat in exhaustion but both agreed we had done a great job. I think often we look for answers from certain people or places when often encouragement comes from the least expected places. A child's smile an encouraging word a hug when the clouds keep rolling in.
So keep crying out and keep on walking the sun I believe is going to shine soon in our lives.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rain, Rain that is all that comes my way.

There were huge storms here last night it shook the house. It felt like how I was feeling just rain and more rain with no break in between. I don't know where your life is today no one leaves notes on here and few have added their names as followers. I know that your days probably feel like mine some of the time. I have walked this road for a long time. Hoping for things people thought was dumb seeing every dream shattered and still having to try to go on.
I have seen wonderful people face trials and others say we will pray the reality is we don't want your prayers we want some lifting of these burdens and how many people who say they are praying really are not. Such idol words.
So where ever you are. Walk my path with me today. Cheer me up and lets laugh along the way.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A cry for a break in the storm.

Well many just say pray and others keep saying we feel that there is going to be a break in your storm. I trudge along. I see my daughters grasping for mum to provide a light in these storm driven past years. I often look up the places I lived as a child longing to return to Cromer and Sheringham such wonderful memories those places have for me. Often I wished I could just pick up the girls and take them there and some how make a living, all joy be known just be a mum.
I think when the storms have ragged so long it is almost like a heavy coat around you, you just so want to feel some relief.
My oh my what a road I have travelled. I long for the days that I can fly up to Maine or to London and go and walk on Cromer beach and just sit and be still knowing that life has turned and the heaviness has been lifted.
It is so easy to point fingers at those who are depressed yet I often see that sometimes the weight is just so heavy.
All I know where ever you are weather in America or England or where ever and you read my blog know you are not alone. I pray that all those reading my blog will know that someone else cares.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A brother.

I have one brother he is 5 years old than me. I have fond memories of how my brother stood up for me at Priory School Stamford when children would laugh at me when my eyes were cross eyed. I have fond memories of when I went on cross country runs with him and my dad. Of my brother waiting for me as my dad ran off on his run in the woods. How we raced on bikes around the country streets where we lived and how in him I saw such a wonderful person who did not agree to seeing his sister being laughed at who was an amazing artist drawing cartons. The sad thing is today he has forgotten all those wonderful qualities. I think God gives us wonderful qualities not just to use as a child but to allow us and others to grow when we become adults of course that is always questionable at who actually grows up.
Today my brother may not see or use those qualities and indeed God has bought many a wonderful Godly brother my way.
I look back at my own life and see qualities that I had abandon and see that those qualities were God given and could be used to help others.
I ask you to think and remember the wonderful things that when you were young made you smile made you happy and ask God how you can use those.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Moving on is not so easy.

I was given an assignment to read chapter 6 in a book called Truefaced. I have read some of it and the papers given to me. As I sit here it is apparent forgiving is a very hard road. No one knows our pain and simply saying we are praying for you really when pain is so deep seams like words in the wind. At the end of the day it is true we have to face the loss the hurt the feelings, emotions and on going challenges that we have had to face through situations or what another person has done to us. In that we have to face our own part to. It is interesting as I was reading I started to feel some others pain. Perhaps that is healing perhaps that is letting go.
I sit in a house not knowing if I will be able to stay here, not knowing where my children will go to school, not knowing when I will see my Mum if I will ever get out of this Pitt, or when a full time job will come. I also see that I have missed not having a dad around missed not just been a mum in all this mess. Perhaps it was never how I wanted it to be with my Dad. But I do know that God is showing me He is my dad. As I sit here I also see that to forgive truly is healing for me and allowing God to move me on. It allows my children to heal and perhaps others to see my passion of who I truly am. Perhaps we all wear a mask when we do not forgive.
Simply praying for someone is just a small part of the help we all need when we go through tough times. It is the labor of love to see someone through with love, words and actions that does not just bring help to the person going through that experience but to the one who is bearing that cross along side of them it brings them to face their issues and find healing to.
Where ever you are and who ever you are. You can find you. You just have to truly let go and truly forgive. It is in those hours I believe that you will be lifted higher than you ever know and you will find you.
Trust me I am walking this road with you holding up your cross and knowing that we together with the help of God we are going to make it.
Truly forgiven and truly set free to forgive others and set them free and in that I believe God will do amazing things.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waiting, Forgiving and moving on.

Waiting on an answer. Sometimes it feels like I am on auto pilot. In May we left WCA I stood saying I felt that it was not good bye. I will have to say I still feel that our days at WCA are not numbered some I am sure feel I am just a pushy parent who should just face reality. Most of the time that I have left a place I knew I would not be back. As I have watched many people go through trials it is obvious to me that those who hold on are the one's which seam to have found a peace. I think it is so easy to tell another pray or do such and such unless they have shared with you a road they have been on. I think anything involving children is so tough.
I was given a book yesterday called TrueFaced. I wonder how many of us show our true faces. I think it is true we have to get to the bottom of who we will not forgive to allow God to hear our prayers. We have to search our own hearts. I think many people mean well but I think often they play God and truly sink a boat of someone who is already struggling.
I think you should hold on for miracles hold onto your dreams. My brothers wife did not live but I do see through her death she taught me to really understand and have a heart for people in so many ways and I am thankful for her gift to me.
Today let go of all those people who hurt you and see what God will do. I know I am going to do that.
Here's to a brighter day.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Help or not help?

Many people in the walk of life have offered help but as I was listening to a sermon yesterday. I wondered how much of that help was just coming from them. A friend once said people give tons of advice Lisa you be the person who works out what is right you have the ability to do this.
As the roads have twisted and turned in my life it is true that the moments I stopped and listened to God I have found peace. It is the moments that I sought a million answers that I have been most nervous.
It is like Paul on the boat his trust was in God and God alone. I cannot say that I am very like that. I do know that the biggest peace is found in finding a few good friends and then place the rest into Gods hands.
Many people have written to me with advice but few have walked my road and few want to spoil their pretty worlds with issues they know nothing about.
My mother wrote a poem how friends will all come back once your worries have gone away. This I believe is true.
My advice be very wise who your friends are many mean well but sometimes their advice is sharper than a two edged sword and kills to the bone and not in a good way.
Learn to listen and learn to be still I am not good at this. But at least I am trying.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just getting by.

How many of us just do the bare minimum to get by. Many of us do this. Weather at work or even doing a job for someone else. The truth is we leave out important steeps that need to be done to get a job done well.
I use to be like this when I worked in a factory but then I changed my attitude and decided to give it my best. At my part time job I like to make people smile and go the extra mile.
I think many Christians are like this they do just what is needed to portray that they are a Christian but inside their lives are an utter mess.
That does not mean we do not struggle it is simply changing gears and have a new perspective that we will do all we can.
I am hugely accountable to some friends that has helped me immensely.
I encourage you to go beyond just getting by you will find it very rewarding.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Pebble of Hope

A pebble of Hope
Tossed into a Sea of Faith
Will send ripples of Hope
farther and deeper
than we can know
Someone wrote this recently. I will have to say in life we hold to hope that God will lead us through and by His faith we will make it.
The poem is somewhat true for so many trials in life.
However I would toss your hope not into a sea of Faith but into God. I am not very good at this at times I am and others pretty useless.
I know we all face many trials but trust in the fact that it does take a small amount of faith to see great things happen.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Being a witness at all times.

I will have to be honest I have not been a witness to many times in my life. Some might even say I have complained more than be thankful. I like to think a bunch of complaining with a dash of thankfulness. However that is not a very good witness.
At my present job I like to talk to people, it is one thing I have found that I am good at. I ask people what they do for a living. I have been blessed when people share with me that they are out of work to direct them to a Jobseekers at Colonial Baptist in Cary it is the best one in this area a person just has to go one time on Monday to receive all the updates about jobs. This lady over heard me telling this chap and told him the times .When he left she looked at me with a shocked face that was very nice of you to tell him. I said I tell everyone who I know has not got a job to go there it is our place as Christians to help others and then added well that is my belief.
I try to encourage the older people on senior citizen day by calling it junior day when I hear people have gone through a divorce or are I hold their hands and say I am so sorry. When I see someone with a cancer shirt on I tell them about my story that I wrote and Rita and how brave they are.
Perhaps in these moments even putting shopping bags in a place that makes it easier for the elderly and young to pick up maybe in that others see Christ.
I may say i have grumbled with a dash of thankfulness but I am thankful that in all this God uses me to reach others by telling them about Jobseekers by adding a smile to a child's face or holding an elderly persons hand.
You might not think you make a difference but you do.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jesus Loves me Yes I know

Jesus loves me Yes I know is my most favorite song. There are few others that I hold dear to my heart young at heart, On England's green and pleasant lands and Forever young. Jesus loves is a song that was sung to me when I cried to go home when I first went to school at Lonsdale in Norwich. I don't believe the school exists any more. The Kindergarten teacher sat me in her lap and played on the piano that song with the students singing. I will never forget her kindness and she will never know the impact that she had on me for the rest of my life.
It is that way with being a Christian many of us will never know who we will reach by our testimony or who we will touch.
So today just take a moment to remember that Jesus Loves you this I know. That He See's all and has good in store. Just remember you will never know who you are impacting like that teacher she will never know how much she has meant to me over the years. Just remember to you are precious to Christ. It is not a lie. Jesus Loves you this I know.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thankful heart.

I was convicted today as I sat and was very discouraged I even emailed some friends about it all. A friend said go and read some thankful scriptures I decided not to do that but started saying the things I was thankful for and saying sorry for the one's I had complained about.
I saw today that the gulf has finally opened up to allow fishing again. What a blessing I thought as I saw this photo of this man walking across this bridge with his fishing rod. Many people who had loved that sport can now find their joy again.
I got to read a wonderful note today. I got to see a friend, I got to see it rain. I got to go for a walk and I got to think of things I had rather than things I did not.
No trial, road is easy but I know for sure with a few good friends and a lot of God it is the only way to make it through.
I am reminded as I type this of my mum who lived in the world war 2 of her story of parties in the streets when the war ended. The war may of seamed like eternity but there was rejoicing at the end.
Take a moment to be thankful even if you just think of one thing and say it out loud it will make you feel good.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Who is a Christian.

I will have to say as the years have gone on I ask this question. Many go to church wear the right clothes and wave their hands say amen at all the right places and even put money into the offering. They shake hands with you and me and say the words yet there is something not quite right. Easily we are swept into thinking that they have arrived and we know nothing about God. I have seen people who have very little money, and they admit they cannot quote scriptures very well yet their heart is pure gold. They would give you a cup of tea or piece of cake if it was the last thing they had. They see the needs and do not have to be asked to meet it.
Whatever life brings it is those people that make us see living faith and want to reach to the other side.
The older I get the more I see that many Christians are very selfish maybe I was to it is not just all about you and me but seeing others needs in your church. If you hear about a situation and you can help then do it. Many are wise with their money but they forget that all in an instance that can be lost and then what have you, they are wise for themselves not taking into consideration God.
Life is short.
It is so true rise up Christians and see the needs how can we be witnesses to the world if we do not even look after are own people.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Christians need to rise up.

I have been very blessed along my road through the last year. If anyone ever thinks that I am not then take it up with God. After watching a video on Wednesday at church it so struck me where are the Christians to help the single families. This video mentioned about lawyers representing them, about accountants helping those parents get on a budget. We all should ask the question where are those Christians. Is it simply that we feel a person going through a divorce or a trial needs to turn to God and work things out themselves. Are we simply to afraid to walk out on a limb and make a difference. When my sister in law died I was very hurt I was not told that she was in a hospice until the day I rang and she was dead, I thank God He told me to ring my brother that day. I was more sad that a story I had written for her was never read. It is my hope that that story will be published one day.
It is also my wish one day that I will be help to help divorced mums and their children.
A book by Mary Ann shaw is brilliant Helping Children Survive divorce.
It simply says about children's needs I recommend it to even those who are not going through a divorce.
God brings people are way. Don't forget what the family of God is about.
I often talk to older people hug and try and make them smile it is not my job but it is my job as a Christian.
No one can make anyone take a family under their wings.
Weather we are single,divorced,separated or a widow we need you families who are in Christ we have something to give all of you more than heartache we are survivors.
We all need to rise up and make a difference one person, one church and one town at a time that is what Christian families should be.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.