Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is it God talking or us?

As I sit here very tired I ask you this question how many times have you said oh God is saying something to me. I received a pretty rude email this week from someone who decided to play God and bring up issues from my past issues they knew little about. They said that they had prayed about it. But how many times do we really pray about things. My friends Sue and Susan often direct me to pray it is in those moments that I am still that I feel a peace. This week I was so blessed all the books for this years schooling were given to us. That is so God. The times I get to encourage a person who might lose their home or has lost their job that is God. The time I say thank you even in the small things. I consigned this week and instead of taking the clothes back I was going to donate.I decided to give them to someone her smile was like she had won the jack pot it was amazing in that moment it was true I did not have to have the writing in the sky God spoke and I did it. Often we simply do not do what God says because it is not us who is talking. I think we can see God talking to us in many things I home schooled my oldest when she was 5 and she was held back a year someone bought that up this week but do you know God has used her to touch so many people that she would never of been able to touch if it was not for my mistake and at the end of the day God could of told me that she would of needed to read but He was gracious enough to use her life in such an amazing way.
I may not be a huge author or of much importance but each day God has a plan for me I wished some days I knew what it was but one thing I know for sure if I stop for a moment I will know God is talking He has seen it all and He surely See's me a broken mess who needed Grace and for that I am thankful for.
Let God talk to your life you will be changed forever.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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