Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Good bye 2009

As the year comes to an end I am more anxious to know where I will be this time next year. It has been a year of many sad things my sister in law died in April. My marriage took a dive to say the least and life as I knew it seamed to fade into nothingness. Dreams were shattered and tears flowed like there was no tomorrow.
But as I say all that and I truly miss England, my dear friends, sister, brother and mum more than they will ever know. I have been amazingly blessed to find amazing true friends. I have learnt to cook, to find parts of me that I never knew existed I mean I catered a tea party for 60 people how cool was that. I got to walk in the rain and just laugh, I got to wear a little black dress and laugh that wow I looked good. I got to see God do amazing things. I got to see a part of God that I never knew and I got to live just a bit in God's amazing grace.
So perhaps as this year ends it might not of been the year I ever dreamed of living but I am thankful for the many people who have helped and blessed me and my amazing girls and that through it all God loved little old me. So as I enter 2010 I pray that I am in a better place than I am now I do pray I find one day true love and that I become a better me in Christ.Thank you all. I do pray one day that I get to see those amazing rolling hills of my England I hope it is one day soon there is nothing like it and it simply is Home.
So Happy New Year to you all.
Please have a cup of tea with me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To dance in the storm.

As Christmas comes and I face a daunting new year. I was reminded by a quote that I saw in a store that life is truly what you make it.
Life is not wanting the storm to pass but learning to dance in the storm.
I use to love running and playing outside in the rain as a child. But then I suppose I became an adult and I forgot how to dance in the storm. This past year I have ran outside and played in the rain with my girls.
This past month I have learnt that life is not always the way we wanted it to be. Sometimes life gives you much more than you think you can take. I have been very blessed to have amazing friends who believe in me.
I am learning that through faith and people believing in little old me that I can dance in the storm and as I dance I am really not so alone.

I wished I had a photo of me dancing alone but in truth God knows that I am not so alone so I have added a Christmas photo of Three English girlies.
So where ever you remember this one has to learn to dance laugh in a storm and one is never alone if they hold onto tight to an amazing God.
My wish for all of you this Christmas is that you dance many times when the rain comes or the sun is shinning or there is snow outside and remember you never dance alone.

Perhaps at the end of this my book should be to dance through a storm.
From my heart to yours many many wonderful blessings.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A handful of pebbles

I grew up along the North Norfolk coast but before we moved there we use to travel on the train from Norwich to Cromer and Sheringham every summer. Cromer had soft sand Sheringham had pebbles. As I sit here and type I have come up with a poem.
A handful of pebbles was placed in my hands,
The waves around me seam to get bigger but I held onto the handful of pebbles in my hand.
As I held on with all my might I noticed that they were leaving imprints in my hands.
Perhaps if I let go of one of the pebbles the one that I decided represented all the tears I cried.
The storm would go away.
So I let go of that one pebble thinking the waves would calm down instead the waves appeared to get bigger
So I let go of another this one represented hatred and the times I had said bad things about people.
Then I let go of another the times I had not forgiven myself.
Then another fell the times I had anger and I hurt people through my words.
So there I stood with one pebble in my hand holding on with all might.
I throw the last pebble into the storm and with all my might cried out, God I now give you my all, now calm the storm.
The storm did not calm immediately but in time the storm did calm down and once the waves had calmed and I was standing on the shore.
There at my feet were my pebbles and the words,"I have forgiven you."
Perhaps in all my storm that I now face I need to just cry out, "God I have given you my all."
Now I need to just wait at His feet.
Perhaps you can do the same.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tears cried are never unnoticed.

I think I have cried a river this past year from my sister in law dying in April to my life been a roller coaster. I have cried so many tears alone and with friends. I was told years ago by a friend that God sees every tear that is cried he has them counted.
I often brushed off those words and thought nothing of them but as I sit here today not knowing if my children will stay in their school, not knowing how the house will be caught up and paid and the fact that the car is making noises and needs to be seen and oh yes there is Christmas and Birthday's around the corner. I am reminded that as I sit here alone wanting to cry yet another bunch of tears that indeed through it all I am not alone. A part of me feels like the end is near that good is in store like the best is yet to come. Yet blanket around me fingers tapping at the keys I feel in all my tears from my whole life even though I felt I cried them all alone God indeed did see them. In all my mistakes He had so much Grace and love for me.
So who knows where my road will lead or who will read this blog I do know one thing for sure that God has seen it in all and has good in store.
So in my moments and even yours when you cry a thousand tears know you are not alone indeed the storms may come and they may beat you until you can hardly take a breath God will bring you out of that storm.
Here's to our new tomorrow.
The photo's are on Cromer beach near where I grew up in the winter when the storms coming rolling in the sea can be treacherous.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The price of a kind word.

My children and I go to a very large church even by American standards we have been there about one year and still know hardly anyone. We have started going to a small church closer to our home on Wednesday nights and although I have to wear a skirt the family unit there is so nice. Yesterday we went there they had a potluck it was so nice people talked to us introduced themselves it was lovely feeling like a family. It made us forget that there was just the three of us sitting with this family. Kind words like I hope you will come back, a simple smile or can I take your plate meant everything. We take those all for granted until there are storms after storms in our lives and then we gravitate to those simple words. What is sad is those simple words should be heard every day of our lives. You might be going through a storm but a simple I care or a listening ear can mean everything to every single one of us. My mum was in tears today on the phone the fact that I listened meant the world. So take the time to say one kind word a day it will bring healing to you and many others. Honestly you can but try it.
The photo is off my Godmother she is in her 90's now. Her kind words meant so much to me as a child in a time of my life where I felt very lonely. But listen I took those words for granted try not do that, be thankful for the kind words that come your way.
Thank you so much Rosabelle.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The long Road

It appears that I have walked a long road in my life for a long time. At times the road has seamed very long and tedious at other times I have endured the heartache and smiled that a better day is ahead. Many of us feel we travel this road alone but indeed we only do the times we stop holding onto God's hands. I have been challenged to not hold onto bitterness but to fight the good fight to hold on with all my might. To seek God and not myself.
When I was a child I lived in the countryside there were no street lights and I would often have to walk back from my neighbors house down those dark roads alone but I always did it I loved been around my neighbor and often My Mum would come to the top of our drive and be there for me or I would run down our drive glad to see the welcoming lights of home.
If you think about it the long road of life should be run to the light knowing that God will be there all the way not just at the end with a beckon of light but every step he is shinning the light.
So to all who are struggling lets remember we are not alone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What will you be remembered for?

My life has certainly been a yo yo since a I last wrote. Through it all it has made me think of what real Christians are. I use to think that often the people with money could so freely give to people in need but in truth they find it the hardest. I have had a friend cut my grass and I offer them a cupcake to say thank you. It is simple acts of kindness that I think God is looking for. It is praying when we feel there is no more prayer in us to pray. It is the time that there is no where else to go but say God I gave my all. I understand the widows mite so much more and what it is to give from the heart. I understand that to daily give over hurt and ask God even in the middle of the night when i cannot sleep to be there for me. I have thought deeply of what I want to be remembered for. My stories I love so dearly, my girls, my love for the countryside but if I had a few things to give I would say truly forgive and give openly like the widows mite did. She gave her all not expecting to get back anything yet in her one act of giving God gave her everything.
So I say to you in the deepest hours of our lives just remember the widows mite you can give even in those lonely hours and it can bring a smile to chase the darkest cloud from someones life. We are not alone we stand together holding a wonderful God's hand.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

If only we could walk a mile in anothers shoes.

This has been probably the longest week of my life thus far. In it I wished I could of walked a mile in the past in an0thers shoes and with the knowledge i have today have made changes.
I never thought for a moment that truly what we fear often becomes life. It is only be handing over ourselves to God that we really have any chance to see what another felt or the pain they went through. God might send someone your way to open your eyes up or put something on the television that makes you see things differently. Be open to listen.
Sometimes the wounds that two people cause each other seam so over bearing that it seams an impossible fix. But I say to that that if God can allow the blind to see and the tax collector to turn to him then God can heal the hardest heart. I guess I am about to find out this coming week.
One thing is for sure whatever road you are traveling allow your heart to be open to see how you have affected someones life. Good or bad we need to see our part and allow God to do a work.
I am just a person who is so believing for a better day. Whatever you are going through take the time to reflect and say sorry even if it is a letter you do what is right and God will honor that.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Life's road.

My life is in a rainy stage for sure. I appear to cry more than i do laugh. But in it all I have been able to reflect at who I am. The mistakes I have made along this road. God is still working in my life even though the tears seam to flood like there is no tomorrow. God has shown me where I should change. I am thankful for that a friend Debbie pointed somethings out I had forgotten certain things. Made me cry a river but I am thankful for her saying what she did. Then old friends from school have made me laugh at recalling the things I wore or how they saw me way back then. Then Faithful to the end Lea Ann has loved me through my life good bad and ugly.
I might be crying a river but I have so many faithful friends. I mean the other day at school a friend stopped by and prayed for me how awesome is that then an old friend from a church here prayed with me Lisa you have changed so much. I cried more tears.
This is my life broken and at Jesus feet. Maybe your life is there to. I am telling you look in it all and see what wonders He is doing. I might like you cry a million tears but God is there with us.
So in all of this remember none of us our alone we need to hold each other up and together be strong.
As my school use to quote Be strong and of good courage be not afraid neither be though dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee wither so ever thou go est.
I use to say those words so matter of a fact I never realized how much i would need them in my life. So you take them too and together we will make it through. I will pray for you and you pray for me and I thank you in advance. For the good work that God has started He will complete.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


As fall/Autumn comes I am reminded of the wonderful things that we can do. When I was a child we lived in area surrounded by forests we would constantly go for walks.I would look around and see the wonderful different colors of leaves and hear the different sounds that autumn brings. You can do that where ever you live.
Here in North Carolina I am constantly looking at the different pumpkin patches and the wonderful colors that go along with pumpkins and squash.
As the seasons change we often forget to say a few words of thanks. We think oh it is cold and jackets have to be worn. In England I loved having sweaters/jumpers and each year digging out my winter coat. Now I did not like the long winters. But I loved the warm jumpers/sweaters that I wore.
So it is with life we all go through different seasons and each has it's beauty sometimes we just need a friend to take along with us and show us what we often miss.
As I sit here i see that the weather is cool enough that I can wear jeans that the leaves are changing wonderful colors and as i sit here I see that my life is writing a new book perhaps it is not the one I would ever want but with God by my side I can walk this season not alone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh Glorious Rain.

Yesterday my children, two dogs and I went for a walk. It was very humid, we were feeling a little down. We decided to go the long way around our neighborhood. I saw the dark clouds above and thought no worries after all we had no coats. But about 10 minutes from our house it poured. We could not stop laughing, we all agreed that God had done it on purpose to make us laugh. Our smallest dog however did not think it was so funny and found it hard to walk. My oldest daughter picked her up and carried her home. What a sight we must of looked.
It is so important in life to just take a second and laugh. We had no idea that God was going to help us. Perhaps he sends things your way to make you laugh and you miss it.
On Sunday I fell down when trying to take a photo I sat on my bottom just laughing. Or the time my friend and I made flat Yorkshire puddings we used them as Frisbees at the table.
Look around you God wants us to take a deep breath and laugh. You can do it. Laugh at what happened to me you can. I think in our laughter God hears our cries and He truly says. "My child you are going to be alright come to me with all your burdens".
So laugh a lot cry a little and be blessed today.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Butterflies Glory.

Yesterday, we went to the Science and Life Museum in Durham. It is amazing the wonder of God. My girls loved the butterflies, and as I watched them fly around, I thought of how wonderful God's love is. He made such an exquisite, wonderful insect with oh such wonderful colors. It made me think, as the butterfly flew around me, that God's love is always flying around us, so to speak. In all its wonderful glory, God's love is there for us each day. They had a time when they let out a bunch of butterflies, but yesterday they only let out a few. It did not matter though, there were so many butterflies flying around just like God's love is even on the days we feel He is not there. There His love is always flying around in all it's wonderful glory. A man saw one on the ground and carefully placed it on a leaf. I believe this is like the good Samaritan, and so it is with God. He carefully picks us up each day and sets us on solid ground.
It was amazing to see such wonderful glory and to think so much more of life than myself.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tasty treats.

I am the last person that I would think would take up cooking, but God sure has humor. I took a bunch of the food I made to The Little Herb House in Raleigh. I took ice cream, peppermint creams, crushed meringues with whipped cream and grated chocolate, fairy cakes, truffles, meringues, stew and dumplings, home made croutons, and leek and potato soup. I also took home made crafts that I had done. The lady loved them all. So I am trying to get a business going selling them. Check out a new blog that every now and then, I will write in with recipes and crafts following my attempts to get English Delights off the ground. The blog is http://EnglishDelights.blogspot.com
In all this, God might show you a talent that you say, "Oh no I am not good at it" but if you give God a chance you truly might be. It just takes you having a go. As I said last year when I passed my GED, Dream Big who knows where it will take you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The Beggar.

As I drove home today from dropping my children off at school, I saw a Gatorade bottle near where these men beg. It made me think we are all seconds so to speak from being just like them. Maybe not literally but without being around Christian friends, being in church and reading the Bible we are no different. We are simply begging for help. In all our lives we go through situations which cause a lot of stress. I do believe it is continually going to the cross that God gives us the food we need. Life is so unpredictable with jobs and even family.
The cross is our only refuge.
Seeing that bottle made me think how often I run thirsty. But if I go to the Cross all my needs are met I am not a beggar but a child of the living God. Don't let anyone try to tell you anything different.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wish Flowers

As a child I would find dandelions when they started seeding. We would take them and blow on them and make wishes. I still do it today accept my wishes have got a lot bigger. I think in life we all want are wishes to come true I mean blow on a flower and all our problems are gone.
It is never that simple or is it?
I think as we go to God crying out he gives us a peace. It is like picking up that flower and seeing it fly every where. I know God has the power to take our prayers and do what He believes needs to be done.
In truth it is as beautiful as watching the wish flower, as I call them, disperse. The wonderful thing about wish flowers and God is that the wish flower as you blow on it disperses and the seeds plant more as it is with God He plants a message and it disperses more.
So when you see a wish flower remember the similarities of God and that flower. Both have power to spread a message. The big difference is God made that flower and has so much more power than a wish He can make things happen.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 31, 2009

TaTa Moments.

Recently after 26 years I swam with a kick board. It meant the world to me. I was 16 the last time I swam and I did not learn to swim until I was 15. It felt so good not to have given up. I joked with my girls it will be another 26 years before I do this again. I think all of us have something we need to get better at or overcome. It is often been at the right place at the right time, believing in yourself and often just listening to God's voice talking to us.
I thought how many times I missed out but it is very true it is better to have tried, than never have tried.
My two daughters both took a little while to learn to ride their bikes but they never gave up.
My daughter Emily plays the flute and practises and practises she keeps trying.
My husband Tim always wanted to make something out of wood and he made a very good step for my mum's house.
All have one thing in common a TaTa moment. It is a moment when we overcome our fears.
If we daily give our fears to God how much better would life be how many moments would be TaTa It is not easy and it might take a long time but better to have tried than never tried at all.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Friends in the rain.

God is so good. Yesterday I had to take my oldest daughter down to see a friend who lives 1 hour from where I live. I do not like driving this by myself so I asked a friend if she would come, she not only came but drove the trip too. God knew best as it poured with rain and on the way back there was a detour.
It's amazing how God worked everything out. My youngest daughter even got to stay and play with her best friend.
I am so thankful that when the rains come in our lives that God sends such amazing friends. I mean God knew that I would have panicked about the rain and the detour, and He arranged it all that a friend could come.
Really we should call on God first. I know I often call on friends and God last, but I am learning that if we call on God first the storm is so much easier than when we go through it alone.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Unexpected Smiles.

Life sure has it's ups and downs and we surely at times feel more down than up. The other day someone unexpectedly bought a smile and a laugh to my children's face. We go to a very large church it has I think about 5,000 plus people but Pastor Mike Lee joked with my children and they laughed and laughed when they got in the car. He is like a sparkler or like going some where wonderful he has such a personality that energizes any soul. I wished his joy that he has could be bottled, it so lights up what Christ wants us to be. It was like taking a cup of hope a cup of love from God. It was a blessing from God.
We all need each other and so look for someone that you can add a smile to their face or add hope. It might just for a moment in time lift that dark cloud from their lives.
I have often questioned what will I be judged for at the end of the day and concluded we are judged for what was really in our hearts. How often our own hearts deceive us. But laughter and smiles bring us so closer to what God wants for us.
So go out and bring a smile to someones face.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Who's driving the train of your life?

Have you ever been on a steam train? Well I have and my eldest daughter went on one this summer. They go a lot slower than a normal train. You have time to enjoy the countryside and take things in. I often think of life like a train ride. If we are the controller driving the train, we often don't see the wrong turnings or the curve along a cliff. We often allow circumstances to push God out of the drivers role. It is only when we allow God to be in control of our train, so to speak, that He can then direct us through the steepest mountains. I know it is not easy, but I think if we try, God sees that and helps us to trust in Him. The ride becomes smoother and our trust in Him grows.
So this is a short message, find someone that you can talk to and take them along lives train ride when you are tempted to drive the train, they will help you to sit down and trust in God. They might be doing it for you today, but the next day, you might be doing it for them and together we can ride the train to a glorious heaven.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Voids in our hearts.

In life, we all have said things that we shouldn't of said or perhaps done something we regret. The thing is with life, God is very clear that the things that we do in secret will be shown. Not just shown but truly shown where our heart was at that time. Recently, something was bought up about a friend's past. It is so true, your past will haunt you unless you are honest and deal with it. Your past is always there. You can never hide from it, but you can deal with it. I know, for myself, that I have had to face many mountains about my past. Did I want to? No, but I knew I had to. It was only through God's grace that I moved forward. I will be honest, I had issues with my dad for years, but I wish him well today even though there was a time I did not wish him well at all. However, that does not mean I don't cry a few tears, and I wish that my dad could of seen what he was missing. I do know that life has left voids in my life that only God can heal. My dad is God's problem, and I leave him for God to sort out.
I don't know where you are today, but the first step is being honest. The next step is allowing God into that situation. I might be sad about my dad, but I often imagine God dancing with me, twirling me around like a little girl, and in those moments, there are voids of just peace and a thankfulness that God loves me as His daughter. It might take a little bit at a time, but God can heal all our wounds. I have no doubt.
My sister took this photo. She had just got the camera, and so unfortunately, her thumb got in the way. I was four years old.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Standing in the gap.

A few years ago, a friend of mine went to a women's retreat. When she came back, she told us some of the things that were said at this retreat. One thing that really stood out was that we are to stand in the gap for people. None of us know exactly what is going on in each other's lives, and often, it is through prayer, love and others standing in the gap that keep us going. She quoted this, "I'm standing in the gap, I'm standing in the gap for you, lifting Holy hands, lifting Holy hands, lifting Holy hands for you."
Kim might not of known how those words that day have kept ringing through my ears ever since. God has often bought them to my remembrance and has sent people my way. Yesterday at church, Pastor Mike Lee asked us to raise our hands if we had lost a job or were a single parent. Many raised their hands, and he asked us to pray for those people. I would like to take that further. There are many lonely wives and husbands struggling, many with finances, and many with relationships. Many children are struggling with peer pressure and the issues of home life. It is all of us that need to stand in the gap. Maybe some can help with finances, maybe it is a prayer or a phone call, but all make life a little easier.
The picture that I have chosen for today is of my girls and I along the cliffs in Cromer. I might never soar like an eagle, but with God, He lifts me up, and in Him, I do literally soar like an eagle. So today, think who you can lift up. We can all do it whether we are the one going through a situation or not, we can stand in the gap for each other. After all, the Cross stood in the gap for us. What more should we do? Jesus gave us the cross as an example so let us stand and place it in the gap for so many people. If we do this together, God will do amazing things. I have no doubt.
Thank you for the many people who have stood in the gap for me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Angels in the midst of trials.

It continues to amaze me how wonderful God is. How God through our valleys sends angels. It might be a friend or selling things at a yard sale. God is all around us. Last night, God sent such an Angel to encourage me. "God never leaves us nor forsakes us" and that is easy to say and hear, but I do believe it is true. I have some wonderful friends out there, and God brings them into my life and me into their lives to build each of us.

My daughter came up with a brilliant idea of selling these truffles and meringues that I made for her tea party. If you need to place an order please email me at lisakc67@gmail.com for more information. They are $0.50 each/12 for $6.00.

I encourage you whatever you are going through, look for those Angels because there are many, and they can encourage you.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Letters to God.

Over the summer, I would see my older daughter typing on the computer, and I asked her what she was doing. She replied,"I am writing a letter to God, and I write what I think He would reply back to me". How absolutely wonderful! It really struck me that she was truly having a relationship with Our wonderful Dad. Often, my younger daughter will get a balloon from a store and let it go. I have asked her,"Why are you letting the balloon go?" and her reply was, "I am sending it to Jesus, Mum".
What a wonderful idea to write a letter to Our Heavenly Father or to give Him a bright colourful balloon.
My daughters might be only thirteen and seven, but, boy, do they have some wisdom. Perhaps it is something we could all do every now and again type a letter to Dad, and just listen and wait to hear Him reply. Or let a balloon go and see it go up to the sky. A gift from the heart to a God that gave His all.
So today, just take the time to talk to God or type a letter to Our Dear and Wonderful Dad.
There is really a lot of wisdom to learn from our children, and I believe that they hear the heart beat of God perhaps clearer at times than we do.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

We are recycled to be the best for God.

This year, in the spring, my younger daughter had a project to make something out of recyclable things. It was a little bit of a challenge, but we made several amazing items out of these recyclable goods. As I look back at her things that we took the time to make, I see how God takes things in our lives and makes them new. It is like recyclable objects, we can take them and make them into usable things. God does the same often with our lives. We come to Him with our messed up pieces in a recyclable bin, so to speak, and God takes those pieces and makes us into the image He wants us to be. God is surely good.
I do ask, as I sit and type today, that you would be praying for me as I pray for you who read this.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Which are you a bumble bee or a critter that destroys?

My daughter, Emily, was talking to me about bees, and she is so right in what she said. So I thought I would share it with you and add a little. The bumble bee pollinates the garden and allows us to have wonderful fruit and flowers. The bumble bee is like good friends who help and encourage us through life, but then we have the bugs that destroy the flowers and fruits. These critters are the people that come to try and destroy our faith or our hope. I think, that if we get around enough bumble bee friends, we can defeat the onward attacks of the critters that try to destroy our faith.
I also think that women need women, and if we stand united and encourage each other then anything can be achieved. Our words need to be like the bumble bee, not like the critters that destroy. I know it is easier said than done, but united we can be strong.
I am so blessed for the many friends that I have.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Dragons tongue.

Last year, my eldest daughter drew the head of a dragon. Well, last night, we were joking what we would like to be, and I said, a goat so that I could poke people in the bottom that I did not like and roam the wonderful hills around the world. Then I laughed and said, "How about a dragon? Yes, I could be a dragon and only use fire on those not beening nice." My daughter and I laughed, but then she added, I guess that is how it is with our words. They can be like fire from a dragon's mouth burning up people or like in some stories when a dragon is nice, they bring peace.
So my words for today are let our words send out peace and hope to all those that come our way. God wants us to glorify Him, not destroy the very people He created. I know this is easier said than done as many people are awkward. But try your best to pray for those people.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Winds may come but God remains.

Winds may come in our lives, but God stays close to us. As I am going through yet another storm in my life, I am reminded that God is there for us when we are weak. Perhaps, in the silent moment of our storm He talks. I have seen many a storm come rolling in from the North Sea. It truly crashes the rocks and can cause tremendous damage, but eventually through time and patience what was destroyed is restored, not to it's former beauty but a new beauty. So as I write this in a Storm in my life, I pray that after this storm, my life will be beautiful and to give God the glory.
Today, as I type this, I pray for all who read this, and I ask you to please say a prayer for me. And let the storm bring us more closer to God's glory.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The true artist.

Today I was thinking of the many talented friends I have Kellie Fowler who's blog is skwmjustme.blogspot.com who is an amazing photographer and awesome woman.
Lea Ann who is very knowledgeable of the Bible. Pat who is loving and just a blessing to be around. Sharon who's art I have posted. Eunice who is brilliant at crafts her blog is brandcraftandcrop.blogspot.com. My husband Tim who takes amazing photos. Oh and so many more. Mrs. Beck who is such a joy to be around. I keep on going on. But as I reflect on all these amazing people. There is only one true artist and that is Christ. We all have our talents and if we use them for God's glory they can bring joy to so many others. God takes our brokenness and paints an amazing picture.
So today take a moment to remember those amazing people perhaps list them and then take a moment to just think what amazing things God has done for you. He is the true artist and whatever you are going through He will finish the good work He has begun
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

New beginnings.

As the school year beginnings it makes me think of new beginnings. New friendships are being made and new chapters are been opened. This past year I have looked at some things in my life that I needed to move on from. Some I had made huge mountains others I needed to say sorry to people. So I guess this is short but think of how as your children go of to school we can perhaps take a chapter out of their books and learn to make new friends, forgive just a little more, move on just a little more and learn that every day is a new day.
We don't have to be perfect simply try. Just willing to say I am sorry willing to admit we have not got all the answers and willing to not be so perfect.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.