Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waiting, Forgiving and moving on.

Waiting on an answer. Sometimes it feels like I am on auto pilot. In May we left WCA I stood saying I felt that it was not good bye. I will have to say I still feel that our days at WCA are not numbered some I am sure feel I am just a pushy parent who should just face reality. Most of the time that I have left a place I knew I would not be back. As I have watched many people go through trials it is obvious to me that those who hold on are the one's which seam to have found a peace. I think it is so easy to tell another pray or do such and such unless they have shared with you a road they have been on. I think anything involving children is so tough.
I was given a book yesterday called TrueFaced. I wonder how many of us show our true faces. I think it is true we have to get to the bottom of who we will not forgive to allow God to hear our prayers. We have to search our own hearts. I think many people mean well but I think often they play God and truly sink a boat of someone who is already struggling.
I think you should hold on for miracles hold onto your dreams. My brothers wife did not live but I do see through her death she taught me to really understand and have a heart for people in so many ways and I am thankful for her gift to me.
Today let go of all those people who hurt you and see what God will do. I know I am going to do that.
Here's to a brighter day.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Help or not help?

Many people in the walk of life have offered help but as I was listening to a sermon yesterday. I wondered how much of that help was just coming from them. A friend once said people give tons of advice Lisa you be the person who works out what is right you have the ability to do this.
As the roads have twisted and turned in my life it is true that the moments I stopped and listened to God I have found peace. It is the moments that I sought a million answers that I have been most nervous.
It is like Paul on the boat his trust was in God and God alone. I cannot say that I am very like that. I do know that the biggest peace is found in finding a few good friends and then place the rest into Gods hands.
Many people have written to me with advice but few have walked my road and few want to spoil their pretty worlds with issues they know nothing about.
My mother wrote a poem how friends will all come back once your worries have gone away. This I believe is true.
My advice be very wise who your friends are many mean well but sometimes their advice is sharper than a two edged sword and kills to the bone and not in a good way.
Learn to listen and learn to be still I am not good at this. But at least I am trying.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just getting by.

How many of us just do the bare minimum to get by. Many of us do this. Weather at work or even doing a job for someone else. The truth is we leave out important steeps that need to be done to get a job done well.
I use to be like this when I worked in a factory but then I changed my attitude and decided to give it my best. At my part time job I like to make people smile and go the extra mile.
I think many Christians are like this they do just what is needed to portray that they are a Christian but inside their lives are an utter mess.
That does not mean we do not struggle it is simply changing gears and have a new perspective that we will do all we can.
I am hugely accountable to some friends that has helped me immensely.
I encourage you to go beyond just getting by you will find it very rewarding.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Pebble of Hope

A pebble of Hope
Tossed into a Sea of Faith
Will send ripples of Hope
farther and deeper
than we can know
Someone wrote this recently. I will have to say in life we hold to hope that God will lead us through and by His faith we will make it.
The poem is somewhat true for so many trials in life.
However I would toss your hope not into a sea of Faith but into God. I am not very good at this at times I am and others pretty useless.
I know we all face many trials but trust in the fact that it does take a small amount of faith to see great things happen.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Being a witness at all times.

I will have to be honest I have not been a witness to many times in my life. Some might even say I have complained more than be thankful. I like to think a bunch of complaining with a dash of thankfulness. However that is not a very good witness.
At my present job I like to talk to people, it is one thing I have found that I am good at. I ask people what they do for a living. I have been blessed when people share with me that they are out of work to direct them to a Jobseekers at Colonial Baptist in Cary it is the best one in this area a person just has to go one time on Monday to receive all the updates about jobs. This lady over heard me telling this chap and told him the times .When he left she looked at me with a shocked face that was very nice of you to tell him. I said I tell everyone who I know has not got a job to go there it is our place as Christians to help others and then added well that is my belief.
I try to encourage the older people on senior citizen day by calling it junior day when I hear people have gone through a divorce or are I hold their hands and say I am so sorry. When I see someone with a cancer shirt on I tell them about my story that I wrote and Rita and how brave they are.
Perhaps in these moments even putting shopping bags in a place that makes it easier for the elderly and young to pick up maybe in that others see Christ.
I may say i have grumbled with a dash of thankfulness but I am thankful that in all this God uses me to reach others by telling them about Jobseekers by adding a smile to a child's face or holding an elderly persons hand.
You might not think you make a difference but you do.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jesus Loves me Yes I know

Jesus loves me Yes I know is my most favorite song. There are few others that I hold dear to my heart young at heart, On England's green and pleasant lands and Forever young. Jesus loves is a song that was sung to me when I cried to go home when I first went to school at Lonsdale in Norwich. I don't believe the school exists any more. The Kindergarten teacher sat me in her lap and played on the piano that song with the students singing. I will never forget her kindness and she will never know the impact that she had on me for the rest of my life.
It is that way with being a Christian many of us will never know who we will reach by our testimony or who we will touch.
So today just take a moment to remember that Jesus Loves you this I know. That He See's all and has good in store. Just remember you will never know who you are impacting like that teacher she will never know how much she has meant to me over the years. Just remember to you are precious to Christ. It is not a lie. Jesus Loves you this I know.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thankful heart.

I was convicted today as I sat and was very discouraged I even emailed some friends about it all. A friend said go and read some thankful scriptures I decided not to do that but started saying the things I was thankful for and saying sorry for the one's I had complained about.
I saw today that the gulf has finally opened up to allow fishing again. What a blessing I thought as I saw this photo of this man walking across this bridge with his fishing rod. Many people who had loved that sport can now find their joy again.
I got to read a wonderful note today. I got to see a friend, I got to see it rain. I got to go for a walk and I got to think of things I had rather than things I did not.
No trial, road is easy but I know for sure with a few good friends and a lot of God it is the only way to make it through.
I am reminded as I type this of my mum who lived in the world war 2 of her story of parties in the streets when the war ended. The war may of seamed like eternity but there was rejoicing at the end.
Take a moment to be thankful even if you just think of one thing and say it out loud it will make you feel good.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Who is a Christian.

I will have to say as the years have gone on I ask this question. Many go to church wear the right clothes and wave their hands say amen at all the right places and even put money into the offering. They shake hands with you and me and say the words yet there is something not quite right. Easily we are swept into thinking that they have arrived and we know nothing about God. I have seen people who have very little money, and they admit they cannot quote scriptures very well yet their heart is pure gold. They would give you a cup of tea or piece of cake if it was the last thing they had. They see the needs and do not have to be asked to meet it.
Whatever life brings it is those people that make us see living faith and want to reach to the other side.
The older I get the more I see that many Christians are very selfish maybe I was to it is not just all about you and me but seeing others needs in your church. If you hear about a situation and you can help then do it. Many are wise with their money but they forget that all in an instance that can be lost and then what have you, they are wise for themselves not taking into consideration God.
Life is short.
It is so true rise up Christians and see the needs how can we be witnesses to the world if we do not even look after are own people.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Christians need to rise up.

I have been very blessed along my road through the last year. If anyone ever thinks that I am not then take it up with God. After watching a video on Wednesday at church it so struck me where are the Christians to help the single families. This video mentioned about lawyers representing them, about accountants helping those parents get on a budget. We all should ask the question where are those Christians. Is it simply that we feel a person going through a divorce or a trial needs to turn to God and work things out themselves. Are we simply to afraid to walk out on a limb and make a difference. When my sister in law died I was very hurt I was not told that she was in a hospice until the day I rang and she was dead, I thank God He told me to ring my brother that day. I was more sad that a story I had written for her was never read. It is my hope that that story will be published one day.
It is also my wish one day that I will be help to help divorced mums and their children.
A book by Mary Ann shaw is brilliant Helping Children Survive divorce.
It simply says about children's needs I recommend it to even those who are not going through a divorce.
God brings people are way. Don't forget what the family of God is about.
I often talk to older people hug and try and make them smile it is not my job but it is my job as a Christian.
No one can make anyone take a family under their wings.
Weather we are single,divorced,separated or a widow we need you families who are in Christ we have something to give all of you more than heartache we are survivors.
We all need to rise up and make a difference one person, one church and one town at a time that is what Christian families should be.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Long Road Home

Last night I went to my small group I love talking to a friend there. It is true this is a long road I have travelled and I am still on. I often think that one day I will get to fly home to England. I will do it. Dreams and Miracles are not silly they keep us going. In life at times I think God sends a few people to hold us up. Today at work a lady encouraged me we must keep praying. Another friend I talked to said the same. It may seam a long road home. I know one thing for sure along my road I have been blessed and along my road I have seen God move. I don't know when I will get to go back to England, nor when this road will end. I pray daily for miracles. I tell you friend grab a cup of tea and walk with me because this long road will lead us straight home maybe not to England but surely to God.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Don't let words tear you down.

Yesterday I sat in a room with someone telling me how I was stupid to believe for miracles. Let me tell you that miracles happen to those who believe. Words are just words but hope is in trusting in something that perhaps only you have the faith to believe in. No one has the right to tell you that you are stupid God put that belief there for a reason.
My trials seem very long but I am reminded by Warren Wiersbe
We are tried for a season and pure for eternity.
When God permits His children to go through the furnace He keeps His eye on the clock and His hand on the thermostat His loving heart knows how much and how long.
I will have to say I would sure like to know when it is going to be over.
Pray and Pray some more and don't let words tare you down at the end of the day all that matters is that through it all you kept your faith you fought the good fight and God knew your heart.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A day to make a differance.

A little thank you goes along way. Yesterday I sold Lemonade at Harris teeter raising money for the USA troops. I found it a blessing to give back to a cause where so many people have given for me and others. I also felt encouraged that even in my situation I could do something. I raised a lot of money. I was proud of myself. If only I could find a job like that where I promoted a cause that I believed in from saving the countryside to raising money for cancer patients or drilling water holes in South Africa or promoting Radio services throughout the world or helping kids through divorce I know I could make a huge difference. I wished I could find a job that my life made an impact and I got paid for it. I laughed how cool if I could promote my girls school and have them go there for free. It appeared that I truly had a gift for this. In it all a lady came up with the manager here as she handed me some flowers if it was not for you I would not shop here . I wanted to cry. In all this mess I had touched someones heart I had encouraged her to join a job seekers group as she had lost her job. It was wonderful. This week an older lady had hurt herself at the store I sat talking to her and cleaning her shoe of the blood on it. Yes the manager came and recorded it all but to go that extra mile and just reassure her felt great.Anyone can record something but to sit for a moment and care what price can anyone put on that.
Life is a journey for all of us. But if at the end of it I have given back and helped others on the way then my life was worth it. To change a heart of the broken and to give them hope. That is my wish and my wish for a job. I hope somewhere out there a job will come my way.
To all you near and far Happy 4th and remember to encourage someone less fortunate give a hug or a smile away you will have it given back to you a hundred fold.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Life is a journey.

Well as i sit here and see a picture of my mum's house I am reminded that this year I was suppose to be going home. My mum turned 80 years old this year and I so wanted to see her. As I watch my children go through this divorce it is sure obvious to me this is living hell for anyone going through it. We walk a life where in a divorce situation you either lean on God or simply misinterpret what God has said. I have seen the stress it causes the young the old and it is not a road for the faint of heart. We constantly look for security in God. We pray about their school. At times I look around and wonder if there is any good marriages. Then I am reminded I have come this far. God has surely been a huge rock for little old me. I did not expect my girls or other kids to have to cry out so much. I think it breaks a mothers heart to say the destruction it causes on a child. Yet I know for sure that God See's every tear cried and like Mary He notes them all.
I wish you all that your journey will not be long. Take your Bible it sure is your GPS system through this all and take a good cup of tea add a good friend or two and tell me one day we all can look back better people and renewed more in Christ.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.