Monday, April 26, 2010

With love Rita

On Tuesday April 27th 2009 my sister in law in England died of cancer. She had cancer in a lot of her body. That very same day I had an email from my sister saying that Rita was very sick so I called my brother. His voice was very silent She died today Lisa. Emily my oldest daughter got to write and tell her about Christ and I got to share a little before her death I can still hear her voice she was from the Seychelles. I wrote a story it was a simple story about how if you plant one simple daisy and plant some to give to others that when people see pink daisies they would remember to plant hope for cancer patients I never got the chance to read that story to her nor has it been published yet.
My point of it all is this in 2007 when I last saw Rita I never knew that 2 years later she would die. Life is very short make the most of the time you have with loved one's turn your heartaches into joy, your hurt into giving and your sorrow into a chance to change others life.
So to the many people going through hard times I give you a pink daisy to remember pink daisies are for hope.
Always remembered dear Rita.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Are you trapped in your own Zoo?

My youngest daughter and I went on a school field trip to the zoo. I was a little sad as her and her sister will not be returning to their school in August due to everything going on. I kept on wanting to cry as I saw the amazing friends I had made. As I looked at the Zoo animals I thought are we like them often trapped in our own mess of life. Are we like the giraffes that were been chased by the ostriches tossed by every storm that comes are way. Or are we like the polar bear who sat on this stone with a soar on his leg letting life get to us. Then there are the lions majestic and sitting no care in the world. Perhaps that is why the Bible says the lion of Judea.
In all our storms we can learn from the lion to rest and be still and know that God is God and He will lead us through. So easy to say. This week has sure been a yo yo for me. I saw a dear friend looking very down and lonely after they had an operation my heart felt the pain yet there was nothing I could do but lean on God to help that person. We so often live in our own Zoo and never allow God to heal us and lead us through to the rivers of life.
Take a moment to reflect and just take a moment to just give everything to God. I have this week just prayed and prayed when things got to much I have no answers but I do have a Big God that cares for me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Well it is my Birthday today. It seams a little strange that I am by myself this year well so to speak. But I look at the amazing friends and daughters I have and I am so blessed. I look at the amazing children I have known through the years. The amazing moments I have had and the amazing God who has lead me through so much. In that I am so blessed.Friends who have just been so amazing.
I might have a long road to travel but I do know I have been blessed in so many ways.
So to all of you thank you for walking this road with me
Happy Birthday to all of you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Amazing blessings in saying kind words.

Today a lady called I had never spoken to her before. It was amazing to me how God used me to hopefully bless her. I got to encourage a woman who was going through a hard time. And for a moment think of her pain and not my own. I don't know if I helped. I do know it blessed me.
Life has many moments when a simple word can reach into someones soul and bring such a light.
Last Friday someone said some words to encourage me. I had never meet this person before but i know God had sent them.
So look for those moments when you can say some words to encourage another.
It will bless your soul too.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Refreashing rain.

I really do not like the pollen here in North Carolina. Finally last night it rained I even walked into work with it raining. There is still pollen on the ground. But as I look at the pollen it is a reflection of my own life. I feel my life is covered with this big mess of my divorce. But God's grace comes along and clears some of that away making the weight a little easier to carry. I am so thankful that God cleans us up and holds us tight in our day when we feel so pulled down by the thick pollen of life. I am thankful for prayers thankful for grace and thankful for my wonderful friends, girls and my church family.
I encourage you to look and see the good even in the thick pollen God is sending the refreshing rain. He will carry you as He is carrying me because by myself it is all to much.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Cleaner Of Life

When you use a toothbrush, do you really get every spot? No, of course not, because some people get cavities! God is sort of like the toothbrush. We just use it about twice a day, when we need it. We want to make people think our teeth look good, but really you wouldn't want anyone to see the back of it. It's like our heart. We say sorry sometimes and don't want to say sorry about other things because that person has just hurt you too much and you say "they deserve it". But really, the only person you are hurting is yourself. Somethings are very hard to give to God, to actually forgive that person in one moment and never think about it again would be impossible! But you can give a little each day to God, you just have to say, "I forgive that person, God, and I give them to You." It's a daily process. Believe me, it is not a walk in the park but with God, hey, you can accomplish anything!

Well, it is still your choice. Are you going to make God your cleaner and forgive, or are you going to become bitter and hurt others because of your hurt? Because you know the choice is all yours, it's in your hands, and it is your life.

Wishing you a new hope and a new day.

Please have a cup of tea with us today.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obscured vision

I went and had my eyes tested yesterday I hate my eyes been tested as I have hardly any sight in my left eye. But God was amazing the lady goes to Hope community church and was such a blessing to me. But as I reflect on the appointment for a moment our eyes become obscured when we start imagining things. My mum's eyes have something behind them and she has lost her vision in one eye and they are doing everything to help keep her sight. How often in life does our vision on where we are going get obscured. We forget that God is in control not us. We obscure from the truth from what the Bible says and we conclude our own conclusion. Yesterday my left eye could not make out hardly any of the letters I could of made up stuff but I sat wishing i could see but I honestly said I could not. It is when we make up things that we obscure from the truth.
The truth will never hurt us it is only when we make our own obscured take on it that it will destroy us.
So my words today are like from the movie Terabithia which was excellent Keep your eyes wide open because truly if you do God will do amazing things.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Easter day draws near.

We had an amazing Easter with going to church and eating with friends to the girls having a water fight with their friends. It was nice not to think of all that is going on in my life.
Often well meaning people give advice and often forget how hard it is to walk a mile in someones shoes. All of us can look back with regrets it never takes to long to realise that we are just human beings who need lots of forgiveness. Who make mistakes constantly. The tragedy with divorce is that there are so many elements involved and truly the intensity of it is beyond anything i have ever known. Undoubtedly the devil truly knows what he is doing. Traditions go and a heart is not broken but smashed. No words can heal that and only God can change and heal anything.
I wished with all my heart that my marriage had been restored but it takes two people being honest and open. I know my mistakes I know my heart aches.
I hope as Christ died on the cross for me and bought new life to my life that one day new life will flow in this situation. I hope my knight will come. I hope Easter will rise and live in my life as a new day.
My wish for all of you is the same for those who are heavy hearted I pray that our day for our Easter is very soon.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Petals at the Cross

Friends are like petals on a flower. Some stay for just a short amount of time while others last a life time. One of our very close friends took us out to eat at a fansy restaurant last night, and we had a blast! Friendship should be about building each other up, not tearing each other down. Jesus gave us so many examples of kindness. Like when He was on the cross, the person beside Him was a criminal but since the guy believed He was the Messiah, Jesus said that the man would see Jesus in Paradise, as in Heaven. Wow! How Jesus could died for ragged us and take upon all of our sins so we could be forgiven, believe He died and arose on Easter, and go to Heaven to live with Him in "Paradise" is amazing!! That to me is true friendship and what's so great is that Jesus doesn't care who you are, if you are rich or poor or are going through alot. He never turns His back on you. He's always there.
So today think about all that Jesus has done for you and how you can share His love with others this Easter of 2010.
Wishing you a new day and a new hope.
Please have a cup of tea with us today.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Who is a Christian?

I know some people who say that God tells them to do certain things. However as I sit here and reflect on those certain things I ask myself where God was. God does not want bitter hearts or unkind words said. We are to love each other like Christ did we are to daily die to ourselves. Whatever is done in secret will be one day shown in the light. What a man thinks so he will sow. I believe what is in our hearts one day God will shine a big light into and then all the lies that a person made will mean nothing because the truth will be seen.
As Easter Sunday approaches I ask you to search your heart. Each day I give someone to God ask God to help me forgive. I ask you to do the same. It is not easy but it allows the burdens to be handed to God at his feet. This Easter search your heart and make sure that you can truly say what you are thinking you would not mind if others knew. We all think many not so good things but it is being open to say you are sorry that heals so many hearts.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Where am I from?

Every day that I work I have people ask me where I am from. I often feel like I should wear a shirt which boldly says England. But in truth yes I proudly say England and my heart aches to go home. But maybe in truth there is more to that question I am from England but my home is Heaven. I am on a journey to a far better home than this world could ever offer me.
Today is Good Friday and in England we have hot cross buns a cross is on these brown raisin buns and as I think of how every Easter as I grew up my Mum would buy them I am reminded it is to the cross my heart yearns.
So as people ask you often in life where are you from I encourage you to think deeper it is not where we are from that matters but where we are going.
Have a blessed an amazing Easter for Christ's home that he prepares for us is so much more than this world.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.