Monday, January 30, 2012


Sometimes people can pull us down and make us feel like nothing.
But we should not let them pull us down.
The ones who we should be listening to are the ones who are always there for us, make us feel special, let us be ourselves around them, and if we do mess up- then tell us kindly instead of making us feel even more horrible about ourselves.
We should be around friends who love us for us, without any changes. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. We might have different qualities about ourselves than others but using them the right way, we can move a nation. And show others that they don't have to change to be accepted.
So whether being you is wearing comfy shoes and slacks, high heels and a dress, hats, hair down or in braids, jewelry or no jewelry- just remember to be you. People love what is real, not what is an image of someone else who you think is better. It is not just others who will enjoy the real you, but also you will feel more confident in yourself.
Here are some songs just to say that we are all beautiful in our own way:

Here's to being strong in ourselves and in being real.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Crying out for help.

Been taken advantage of in this economy seems to be the going thing. I had my septic tank emptied and then was told I needed the lines flushed out. The man stood their grinning and laughing as he reported the amount and how fast the tank would fill up. I was then told by another friend to wash out the filter myself this is under huge cement stones. If anyone has meet me they realize I am quite petite. How many times have you gone to the store and been sold something you did not want? I was last year, when I tried to return it I was not allowed to. In this world there will always be trouble and always those who want to push us beyond our limits. My mum wrote when she got divorced a poem it said in it "come back when your worries are gone away" this is how many people feel when they go through divorce. Friends stay for a short time and then off they go because in a divorce or death situations take a long time to heal and sort out. I encourage of all you reading this to take the time to reach out to a widow or a person by themselves. In life roads are very lonely and we all need each other. Please help those around you.Perhaps there are people you know in your church, village who in their hearts are literally crying out for help, just like a child begging for food they do not know when the help will come yet still they cry.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Finishing the race.

My mum made a comment to me today. It made me think "you had so much confidence years ago Lisa" I remember when my parents got divorced wearing a hat and skipping with confidence. I guess life changes and knocks one down a bit. I sure remember skipping and smiling along the roads in Holt.
I guess we all need reminders of the confident part of our past. Made me think and say to myself "come on Lisa you have to keep going."
Perhaps it is not in winning the race that matters rather that we finish the race.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tears that flow down a broken persons face.

I cried a tear today as I walked down the busy street,
So many people all to busy to notice the tears streaming down my eyes.
I went into a church today tears flowing down my eyes.
They were very nice to me, but many stayed away, many did not see the tears flowing down my face they were to busy,
Yet from the corner of my eye I saw them starring at me they did not talk to me I felt very alone.
I went and walked a long a crowded beach the sea gulls followed me.
I heard a foot step behind me but no one was there.
Yet as looked I saw tiny footsteps in the sand.
I looked up to Heaven if only we could forgive, reach out to others like a child the world would be such a better place.Thank you God in my loneliness that you still follow me.

Don't become so harden by life that you do not see others tears or reach out to help them.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Don't give up.

In my job search for another job. I find myself daily and nightly calling out to God to show me guide me, guard me help me. I would imagine many a Pastor, missionary and disciple has done the very same. I have four very good friends John and Sue they were missionaries and Mike and LeaAnn. They continue to encourage me to call out to God and seek where He would have me to be. I encourage you as I continue to cry out not to give up. I often think as a poem says that if you give up it is then that you were near to winning.
Find people to encourage find strength in others who have gone down your very road.
Don't look back look forward and be encouraged.
Please have a cup of tea with me.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter the dolphin an amazing Tale.

I watched a movie last night called Dolphin Tale. It was about a dolphin that lost its tale. This young man and his persistence to find a way to help this dolphin to swim again was amazing. Little did this young boy probably know that the dolphin Winter and her story would give courage to humans who had lost a limb or going through similar experiences. I loved a statement in the movie which I am paraphrasing. It said that the dolphin was leading them like a star and although they thought the star was leading them in one direction perhaps indeed it was leading them in another.
In comparison the wise men did not give up on following the star that lead them to Jesus. So in our lives perhaps even when we feel like a star is leading us some where else we still need to keep looking at that one star. Winter captured the hearts of many and can be visited today. Her story was very inspirational. I suggest you take the time to watch the movie, you will be touched. I surely hope so to give you hope that if a dolphin can find hope then there is hope for us all.
Please visit her site and learn about her wonderful captivating story.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blessings in closed doors.

This weekend I learnt that as God closes a door look at why he has closed that door. Look at the blessings not what might of been or what was. Look at where you have come from,consider not what you have lost but more at what God is protecting you from. Then take a step back and see what blessings are around. My children are so blessed to have a dad that loves them dearly. At five am they showed up at the door they could not sleep my dad was not a man to do that. He laughs and takes them to movies, makes them amazing posters and he is a good dad. I have chosen to not look at the sadness in my past about my dad but to see I enjoyed the walks in the winter and for that I am thankful. But God chose to bless me with a few good men Mike,John and Rick have been just blessings to me. So what I lost in my life maybe is not so bad. Because God hand picked these men and for that i am thankful.
So in saying all of this see the blessings even in closed doors.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Trusting God

In life it is often in the silent moments we see God move. I will have to say that as I apply for job after job. I see that the only person one can truly rely on is God. It is in the moments of what will happen next that we have an opportunity to ask God where will you take me.
I sure hope He takes me and leads me where I can be a blessing to others.
Have a blessed weekend.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Be thankful always.

In life there are many trials even the Bible talks about these. My hours at the place I work have gone to five hours a week and will not be raised. As you can imagine I am job searching like crazy. But even though my life is a bit topsy turvy
each day I think of things that I am thankful for.It helps me to stay focused that even though the devil may wage war against us God still loves me.
So take a moment and be thankful for every single day.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Grandmother living without money what a gem.

I read this article yesterday.
The story is of a woman who has lived without money for sixteen years. I found it quite refreshing that she looked happy and seemed content. In a world where money has such an echoing resounding blueprint in peoples lives. It is comforting to think that this woman got fed up with how money ruled people and has gone onto be a happier person. Just take the American elections, how much money is spent on that event.Then take it more personally, I am looking for a job. I am in a huge church where many are in a position to help but they simply will not. They are scared to lose their own fortress that they have created yet in doing they are not seeing that the true meaning of life is to help others.
Life is very short and this woman is a true example of going against the grain and actually being happy.
Perhaps we should try and go against the grain and help others.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reaching out.

Life is not always easy by far. When I lost my brother and then I was divorced I felt very lonely. It is in all our situations throughout life that decisions are made whether to use those times in our lives when we are hurting and see that we can reach out to others or to stay there. I have cried mountains and rivers of tears and yet throughout it all I see for me that reaching out to people and giving them hope not always words, sometimes a hug a smile and sometimes just holding someones hand it appears to me that my world of pain lessens and I see that through my tears that the world can be reached in such a bigger way.
I hope in whatever you are going through you can one day or even now reach out to another.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Look with your eyes wide open.

This past week i have started to hang out my clothes on a washing line. I had forgotten what it was like to smell clothes that had not been dried in a dryer. That fresh air smell on your clothes so reminds me of England.
It is amazing if you take a moment and appreciate just the small things in life how much you can appreciate life in a new way.
So look around and see what you can appreciate. It might be in a washing line or seeing the detail in a blade of grass.
I think if you really look hard you will see that even in some people that might annoy us that there is amazing beauty in them.
Don't look through life with purple glasses on. Instead look with your eyes wide open.
Please have a cup of tea with me.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Empowering Exceptional women.

Well here we are 2012. I am not a person to promote anything that I do not believe in Last year I started up a group on facebook called empowering exceptional women. Here is the link.
The group is designed to encourage and strengthen women through life, giving them hope, direction and encouragement.
I would like to ask you to consider looking up this group and becoming a part of it.
The plan would be to get companies on board that could help women get jobs.
Together we can make a difference one woman at a time holding each other up through some very tough times.
Wishing you all a Happy New year
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Well it's official it is now 2012 wow. I did stay up or rather went to bed and then woke up again thirty minutes before the New Year was announced.
I have many wishes for myself this year but in thinking about them all. I do have one that I think we all need to consider what wish would we have for others.
I wish for all of you who come across my blog or blogs that you get to bless someone else this year, it maybe in a word it maybe with money but in whatever way when you look back, my wish is that you have given something back to this world.
My dad would always say that when it snowed on New Years Eve it cleaned the world. I have no snow but I do believe that each year, month and day we are given a chance to make a difference in some way.
Dance in the rain, make some food for a friend, give a friend a job, pray for someone, be a support in whatever way you can.
So today of all days Dream Big but allow your dreams to be a blessing to others.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Happy New Year 2012