Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bye 2011

There is only a few hours left of 2011 and some countries are now in 2012.

Auld Lang Syne : Lyrics

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne!

Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

So to all who read my blog near and far may you have an amazing 2012 and Dream Big.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, December 30, 2011


So what can we take or leave from 2011? I went through a divorce, celebrated my brothers Birthday by letting go of balloons, cried a lot of tears, applied and applied for a job and revalued who I am. In all my findings of 365 days I have learnt that it is better to have compassion than none, better to give a kind word than loads of advice, better to give a hug than none and better to dream than not at all.
So I may be a year older but I sure hope I have a bigger heart and bigger arms and I hope as i enter 2012 I get to see my dreams come true and that I sure get to be a blessing to some of you that pass my path either on this blog or in person.
May God bless all of you.
Please have a cup of tea with me.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Dream big in 2012

Well i sent out one of my stories, but only to a couple of people. We will see. God is a big God and so we will see where he wants me to go. So wish me all the best. My heart wants to give so much back to this world and if I can in anyway touch a life through my writing then that is my hope. As we venture into another year what do you want to do? What dreams do you have? I wonder each year where I will be. All I can say is dream Big, don't let anyone stop you from dreaming no one changed a persons life from just keeping that dream bottled up.
St.Jude's hospital is an amazing hospital and there people dream big. This is where people have touched lives and made a difference.
To some it was just a dream but today that hospital has changed lives forever.
So let your heart dream big in 2012 and see where it can take you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rich new soil.

As the rain poured down and the ground was wet beneath my feet. I walked down the garden to my compost heap. My little dog loves to jump into this, bless her. But today with the rain pouring down it was my fun to try to pull out some of that compost as I managed to turn some of the rich soil. I smiled as rain went down my legs, I looked at the wonderful colors in that new formed earth. Just scraps to the world were put onto the heap yet now golden rich soil. I thought if I had strength I would of pulled all of it out. It reminded me of the love I have for the countryside of England.My mum always said I liked to play in the mud and here I still am.Loving the smell of the wet ground and earth.
If you think about it all how amazing it all is, God takes scrapes broken egg shells, potato skins and pieces of food and makes them into this rich new soil. Makes you wonder what He is up to in us?
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Blessing someone else.

Well I am totally exhausted. Started job hunting again today.Oh how I absolutely hate it. How come in life that been a mum in the employment world counts for nothing. That all been said. We got to bless some friends yesterday who had to work. It was so nice to walk into a store singing carols and walk up to these ladies and hand them a pie. Their faces beamed and it made our day.
It was such a blessing that in all what we are going through and have been through that we are able to reach out.
I truly encourage you too, reach out in some way to someone else. Who knows where it will lead you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Twas the night before Christmas from my house to yours have a great Christmas

To all who read my blog near and far Merry Christmas.
This song is very touching to me and my family so enjoy.
It is called "Where's the line to see Jesus" by Becky Kelley.
In all of the amazing things that Christmas holds I ask that you would reach out to someone in need and bless them.
May you all be blessed, encouraged and have an amazing day.

Twas the Night before Christmas Poem

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Please have a cup of tea with me today.
Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Are there angels among us???

The other day I was a bit down and we were passing by a homeless person. The man flipped his sign around and made eye contact with me. I looked over and saw that his flipped sign said, "SMILE." We both smiled. It made me stop and think that I should be appreciative and be more thankful. Instead of arguing about petty things, I could be making a difference in a good way. Sometimes we get a chance to change. Some get more chances than others, some not as many. But don't you think that if an angel or a person shows kindness to you without wanting anything in return, we should do that too and at least have a smile?
See how you can make a difference even with a smile.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Helping others in need.

Dear readers,
I was reminded the other day as so many of us put change into the Salvation army pots that are often seen this time of year. What are we really putting in? Are we putting in just change or like the widows mite putting in are all. Don't get me wrong I can be convicted myself. But there are so many people who are in need. Do you know some that might need food this Christmas or might need a gift or money? Do you have a job you could give them to get by? See often it is like plowing a field often you have to help someone for a while. I saw a movie this chap helped this man who was going under financially he kept on helping him brought customers into his store he did not give up on this man. When asked why he did it his reply in my words was that in the hard times we were to help our neighbors because in due time we would need their help.
See it is easy to help for a short term much harder to walk a mile and see the finish with someone.
Much easier to ignore someone's needs and have our own pressies under the tree.
It is just life. But say if life changed and we helped the very people in our lives and they in turn helped another what a better place this world would be.

Please have a cup of tea with me today

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Keep Believing

Hi Cornfield Dreams when I first started writing this I did this because I love writing. Since time is ticked by my heart has grown to want to change the world and give compassion to so many hurting people. When my brother and his wife died my heart grew quiet big, I had never gone through anything like that.Then when I got divorced my heart shrunk a little and grew a whole part to love people single parents and try to help them. Not sure if I have in anyway but my heart is huge.
This road has not been an easy one and in my whole life from early childhood I have always wanted to make this world a happier place. I use to sit on a big chair mum still has it, every Birthday and say "I want everyone to be happy and gayeous and joyeous" silly but in truth those childhood words live in me more today than ever before.
I walk a line of faith with money hoping that God will provide, praying for a job and that one day soon I will see my Mum. Wanting to make a difference.
There have been times I was thankful and times I wasn't times I said sorry to people and times I did not.
But in all I have wanted to help hurting people. Not because I am any better than them in fact I am no better than anyone. I just want to make a difference.
So if you are reading this my prayer for you like it is for if you have a big heart keep believing don't give up. There story is not over yet.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


This time of year is the time to give.
But no one thinks, as I put the other day about the gift of forgiveness at Christmas. My advice is to forgive this holidays. Ask yourself and God who you need to say sorry to. Ask yourself what you can do in secret to bless that person.
It is a simple gift. Or is it? No it is often hard to forgive trust me it took a long time for me to forgive some people in my life. But if I had my time again i would have done it sooner.
So if you wondering what to give this Christmas think twice the best gift you can give yourself is to free yourself of anyone you might have issues with and forgive them and you.
Try it see if I am wrong
Please have a cup of tea with me today

Friday, December 16, 2011

The true spirit of Christmas

In the spirit of Christmas many of us fall prey to been Ba humbugs and allowing the spirit of giving to be forgotten we are caught up in the spirit of give me give me. How many times as a child did you look in a window wishing for a gift and you did not get it. But you played with something that no one would ever thought you would. Often people come into our lives and give us things and advice that is not in a spirit of giving it comes from a spirit of frustration in their lives. At Christmas think of a way that could bring good cheer to another person's heart even if it is not what you would love or want, do it for them.
I tell you that the best thing to give often is to ask forgiveness if you have done anything wrong. It will heal your heart and brighten your Christmas.
Don't let the Ba Humbugs ruin your Christmas let the joy of true giving feel your soul.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Dream Big

Life gets pretty interesting at times doesn't it. Sometimes friends maybe mean well, but what they want for your life is pushed on you and you often wonder who you are. Other times you come across amazing friends who share the truth and allow you to make your own conclusions. My one advice in listening to people is stay true to who you are, listen with your heart and soul and do what you believe God is telling you.
Above all that never stop dreaming if your dream is to fly then soar big, if your dream is touch a world then keep dreaming. Look how far Jesus got he was just a boy but He became oh so much more. My brother always loved flying, today I picture Scott flying high with an almighty God. I may dream Big that my books will get published and that I will do some amazing things to touch peoples lives but what harm is that?? Better to have dreamed big than to die with no dream.
I always believed that my ex husband could do great things, always believed in my brother that he could fly. So why not believe in YOU, you are the only one that can stop dreaming and listen to stop dreaming is to die a death to who you are. Don't do it.
Dream Big readers and I know you will go far.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bless a child or a teen this Christmas 2011

I will have to say that this Christmas is very hard I miss England so much and I write about it on my other blog I think at this time of year as I have mentioned before, we must never forget that all though Christmas has much magic, many children are hurting inside. Many are without parents, many in single family homes. To those children and even teens Christmas has lost it's magic. Many single and widowed families sit wondering how a Christmas meal will be on their table or how to heat their homes.
I do encourage all of you to think how you can encourage a child or someone you know or send them a gift or somehow help them through this time of year.
The economy is very bad in many countries and often those struggling are pushed more to the side.
They do often see hope but they are often caught up in the reality of bills.
I remember so many Merry Christmas's in England and I always took for granted how blessed I was. I encourage you not to be like who I use to be. But be a secret Santa and bless a child or a teen this Christmas. You can give faith to some discouraged people in just a simple gift.
Wishing you many blessings.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Why not believe in you!

I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. As I sat typing about London for my other blog, oh how I was magically taken back to the places I have walked around the smells and streets and the cold chill running through my bones. I don't miss the cold but I miss my England that is for sure. I hope for sure people appreciate me writing about England as at times I sure get homesick.
It is that time of year for so many that we wish we had won the lottery and that life would just take us down a good road.
But in general the lottery money is a moment in time thing so to speak. Perhaps the biggest thing to win is just by keep on believing that things will get better or that you can make it. Perhaps in having hope that is the greatest gift.
I don't think it is easy but I do think that in believing we help ourselves to move on.
It is more easier to be negative than see the good as the negative comes in like a flood and often to see the good is often hard when you are going through a lot.
I love Christmas lights, I love sprinkles on a cake and I smile when I see a child been hugged.
I might not have many answers but try to keep on believing no matter what.
There are many who of done this and gone onto be amazing people so why not.
Believe in yourself to do great things. You never know where it will take you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I count you twice in my blessings.

I went to say Good bye for now to a really amazing family yesterday they are moving to Tenn'. As I stood there complaining how I will miss them, they quickly reminded me of how far God has brought me and how many blessings God has brought my way. I never thought that I would be in this house this year honestly, I never knew how I would make it after my brother died, I never thought I would make it through so many things yet here I still am.
Mike and LeaAnn are people that walk the walk and talk the talk about their beliefs in Christ. I always say I was blessed the day I meet them, I was they have become and will always be an amazing family. That have just stood as true amazing friends.
As I listened to them and two of their daughters talk, I thought how amazing that they all have such strong beliefs.
So if like me you sometimes don't count your blessings twice, well perhaps take a moment to think there are many blessings all around us. Sometimes we just forget to see them.
So when I think of some friends and my blessings, I count some amazing people twice.
Thank you God.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh Christmas tree.

Oh to get a Christmas tree we go. Should be easy right! Accept it is so hard to put it on the car then to bring it in was a whole other story. I guess I truly took it all for granted someone doing that for me over the years.
The tree is standing just needs someone to come and tighten it.
It is surprising isn't it how much we take things for granted. A simple thing like bringing in a Christmas tree I probably never thanked my Dad nor my ex and now I see it is not so easy.
The lesson to learn from the Christmas tree is this: Always be thankful and buy a smaller tree.
Oh Christmas Tree........
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rachel Crow a true star.

Rachel Crow from the X Factor was voted of I personally could not believe Nicole Scherzinger voted her of. I do believe it would be hard to be making that decision. But Rachel had a heart of gold and sung her heart out. Her dear mom came out it appeared that she told Rachel that it was going to be alright, it seemed that Rachel just looked in her mom's eye's and just wanted to hear her mom say that so many times. I believe with all my heart she could of won the show.
Simon gave his word it would not be the last that we all see of Rachel. This dear young lady was a trooper a star in her own right after all she has been through. Simon looked shocked and not to happy. I am impressed beyond how Simon Cowell has stood by the young ladies that he has mentored.
It is surprising that often when you think you are going down one road you end up been lead down another.
Rachel I am sure has great things ahead.
I do believe that Simon who gave his word will do all he can to support young Rachel.
May God bless and help Rachel and her family.
Sweetie may you get your own bathroom, I do believe that Simon who is an English man will be true to his words. Trust me it appears that Simon has been very protective of all he has mentored and all I can is I think you were blessed that he was your mentor.
Hug your mom tight you're going to be alright sweetie.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Christmas a homesick time for many.

Someone asked me if I missed England in the holidays. Well let me put it this way "oh yes times that by a huge number". England at Christmas is just the best to me, cold wet and damp ok I hate the damp. But I love the smell of fireplaces and coming into a warm house. I did not like Christmas pudding which is like fruit cake. But who can resist a Christmas dinner of roast turkey and roast potatoes. They are the best. Crackers been popped and Carols being sung in an old church. I miss it all. I was blessed by a friend sending me a Christmas carol piano book that I had years ago. It sure brought a smile across my face.
Christmas is very tough when you are homesick and although I love hearing my mum, my heart breaks a tear or two not to actually hug her tight this Christmas.
So wherever you are I encourage you if you know of someone far from home let them tell you a story of how they spend Christmas it will enlighten you to who they are. Then I encourage you to allow them to share in a part of your Christmas.
I have been blessed with great Christmas's at some amazing friends.
But I will have to say the older I get the more I understand how much it would mean to see my Mum.
If you are able at least skype, call or show up at your parents house or bless someone with something special this year.
Christmas can be a blessing if you allow it.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Compassion at Christmas.

It seems so sad to me that in a world where there is a lot of money, certainly in many countries that there is so much poverty. I have seen people begging in London and in Washington DC. I have seen people who are genuinely trying to just get by just carry such a heaviness that it makes you want to have a magic wand. I guess mine is broken at the moment because it is not doing well on my life let alone others. But my heart does break and I wished I could do so much more. If I could just be used in a way to make a difference that would make my life so complete.
I never had much compassion years ago. But the more my trial goes on the larger my heart has got.
It is suppose to be a happy time of year, yet look around and it is as if we are living in the Victorian era or the depression of the 1930's so sad.
What should any of us take from these times is to give a lot of love, hugs and prayers, give a meal, search your soul and find compassion, hug your loved one's more and argue less. Just take the time to feel the pain of another person's life. In that you might find something that might well change yours for the best.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Moving on.

Today was a tough day. My hours were cut again so only five hours of work and seven on call. Three people came through my line with not much money and my heart went out as I saw their hand shaking to give me money and find out that it was more than they had I wanted to just sit on the floor and cry. I always have believed that if you did what was right then things would work out. My heart often breaks when I see hurting people, there are so many. Yet for this moment in life I surely struggle and I surely wonder why I have such a huge heart.
I will have to say as I asked God to encourage me this morning before all this happened I switched on the radio to "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" I absolutely hate that song. But I did chuckle and laugh. I rang a few friends for encouragement not sure if that really worked to be honest.
So in all of this not so good a day. I did take down a picture in my house, I made it for my ex husband it is the verse about love it was very well done. The hardest thing I have ever made. As I took it down I said to myself time to move on.
So if you are like me going through a hard valley. Perhaps it is time to move somethings and move on.
Looking at new signs along the road and forging new hopes and new dreams and perhaps along those ways we find a brighter future. I sure hope so.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can you hear me.

As I walked down the corridor of my church which is very, very large I saw tables with names of books that we could buy and have donated for the library, I saw something to do with helping a local hospital and the children in it. I have seen people do the shoe box thing and the Christmas Angel all amazingly great things. But listen to me. I know a woman who went through hard times and now blesses people, you tell me how many do that? I remember when we got this car insurance payment after a bad accident and I did not think of anyone but myself. Reality is that there is a balance in looking after ourselves and then giving back. I did not have a balance. I have seen money go from my own family and even mine and what did we really prophet from it absolutely nothing. I heard a friend say once the church needs to rise up and help those in need it is not the governments and programs I will have to agree. Tell me where are the tables the tree of hope for the hurting families in our own churches. I wrote on my facebook group asking people to say how their church helped single parents at this time of year no one answered. I saw a woman today a single mother I asked how she was "more food would be nice" was her reply. This is not a statement that should be heard in any church whether the church is 20 or 1,0000 the number is not the question. The pretty fine clothes and the right words mean nothing unless people are helping those that walk down their churches very corridors looking for hope. All nice to smile and say that was nice that you got your packages from home, but where are they helping. Your missing the point, the point is we need to rise up and help those who are really hurting, not push it off onto someone else. Do you know how hard it has to be for children who has lost parents or children who go from one parent to another. I tell you it is very hard and you would have to think hard how you would feel. There is no stiff upper lip simply many tears and while others taunt their wealth perhaps in my friend who had walked a mile in shoes similar to me and now gives we can learn that better is it to give than receive.
What will you do this Christmas?
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

May the star of Bethlehem shine on you all.

So the Christmas shopping begins. Oh how I dislike it all. Is it just me but everything is so expensive. My sister when we were children made gifts and I years ago would tea stain sweatshirts for my children or crotchet scarfs. I wondered as I bustled around a few stores where Christmas had really gone. From Disney calling Christmas Happy FA LA LA, to hotels not putting a star on their tree. Pharmacies open on Christmas day. I wonder Scrooge himself must be very happy. In it all I decided to go visit a craft shop where I found everything for Christmas was all taken down and on sale. Move over Christmas for Valentines. I will have to say perhaps in it all it is the people who give without someone knowing or sending gifts when people least expect that bring a smile in these times when the money sign has no mercy.

I ask you to think as you buy your gifts of taking a moment and reflect on what Christmas means to you.
To me it is a time of Hope and to that I am thankful. It is very different now that I am divorced another road and a feeling of God please in this coming year make the star that shone so long ago shine and make my life new and take the burdens that are so heavy from my life. I long to go home and I long for all you reading this that in whatever you buy or receive you find something to make you cry tears of hope for the coming year.
May the Star of Bethlehem shine on you all.
Please have a cup of Tea with me today.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Simon Cowell protects Drew like a true Dad.

Simon Cowell last night was like a protective dad. As he looked after Drew Ryniewicz as she got voted off the X Factor. I will have to say that some dad's could learn a thing or two from last night. Simon was protective of this young lady. Not making comments in public to his fellow judges. Admitting his fault and then standing by Drew. Often many dad's never admit their faults, the children fend for themselves throughout hard times and are left crying in the battle fields of life.
Simon might not be a dad but he did show last night that been humble and admitting your fault is something many of us need to do. A hug can mean the world when your world is falling apart.
So dad's you might think Mr. Cowell is very blunt but he proved last night to be a man of integrity and many dad's need to be that and in truth all of us do. In a world where honesty and integrity is going out of fashion it is rewarding that Simon showed true concern for Drew.
I am sure Drew will do well. She stood holding no shame she stood for her Jesus and I am sure He was proud.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Drew Ryniewicz

After watching the X Factor, Drew Ryniewicz was sent home. Before she was sent off the stage, she said, "Jesus Loves all of you and that's the reason I was here and I haven't been able to say it but I am now." Wow, great job Drew. It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, especially when it is live on TV. I was also impressed by how Simon Cowell acted. He was very protective of his contestant and admitted that it was his fault that she was standing there. He cared more about telling the truth and admitting his mistakes even if it was on TV; and when asked to make a comment, he stood looking after Drew.
When your actions meet up with your words, it shines out amazingly. Drew has shown this from saying that no one should feel that they are worthless to Jesus Loves all of you. She is the true star of the night. It doesn't matter whether she left or not, because God is still in control and He will use her in an amazing way.
Well, hold on Drew and may blessings reign down on you.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.


Well what a whirlwind day. I do have a few amazing friends. I got to talk to my friend in England Sharon she is just an awesome artist one that is just as sweet as apple pie they would say over here. I got to talk my friend LeaAnn and laugh and smile.
Back to reality ahhhh you may think a cry from another room
The UPS truck is here again.
I stood in a gaze
A chap handed me a box "hope you're liking all of them"
A smile beamed across my face "oh yes and Merry Christmas"
You see selfish me said thank you God for the gifts you have sent me, but I need something to dunk in my tea.
God been God he answered this time very quickly I think He wants me to have a cup of tea
In the package today was my dunking biscuit and some yummy sweeties.
I laughed and cried a tear and ran into the garden with a cheer.
I love my British Friend and Rule Britannia England will never end

To some I may be rather daft but reality is "We all are sweetie"
I have been blessed with a few Angels along my way some I've meet in stores and been able to bless them with a smile or a prayer others to be honest they have blessed me more than words can ever say.
I don't know what your tomorrow holds, but I know one thing I am so thankful that along this bumpy road of my life I have Angels around me watching me. Little gifts from Heaven called friends and my British Girlies.
Thank you all and may God send you Angels to you this day, you better be watching they come when you least expect, they do that so that the blessing is so sweet your heart melts in the deep snow of your life.
Thank you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gifts from Heaven.

A gift from heaven came to me today.
A package sent from overseas.
No one would know how much this gift would mean to me, other than a fellow Brit from oversea's
Gifts to make this old Brit cry a tear or two.
The dogs were not forgotten, with many a treat, not just a few.
Oh to have a warm cup of tea with my British cereal oh what a treat.
A friend sent from Heaven is what they are to me.
A lonely Brit missing home so much you see.
The only thing missing is for her to be here
Or wait much better for the British Girlies to be there.
So if you feeling down just wait there are Angels really around.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Count your blessings.

Well I am very tired today. A little sad I found out that my brothers house will be sold and things sold at a boot sale. I will have to say my heart ached a bit. As I heard my mother sound so sad. I wish so much I could do so much more. I miss my Mum so much. I hate it. It is such a lonely time of year. It is very easy as time slips by and problems on top problems arise not to count our blessings. I was sent dog food in the post the other day from I have no idea. What a blessing hey. I can call my mum and write on my blog and hope with all my heart that I reach someone. I guess I will never know. I hope that you can see blessings in the darkest times of your life. It is not easy but they come along every now and again.
Count your blessings name them one by one. It is true.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Missing home.

I am missing home so much today. More decorations up. I remember as a child excited to put up the lights that were like Cinderella's carriages. They were perfect. I don't remember having many decorations like I have. But I do remember always getting a tree with my dad. My mum cooked so much food I loved it all.
I am sure many people get to miss their homes this time of year. It is a happy and sad time. Some how I just wished this world was much smaller.
I am sure as you reflect on the holidays you have good and bad memories. Hold on dearly to the ones that made you laugh and smile.
I will never forget the year my mum got divorced she had an amazing outfit and I brought her flowers she glowed like never before. She looked amazing.
Wishing you happy memories ahead.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My friend an amazing gift.

Well I will have to say at times friends can be closer than your own family. My sister and I are not very close and I have struggled with this throughout the years. One amazing friend to me has been LeaAnn. She has lightened my life and made me smile through some rough times. I encourage you when your own family pulls you down think hard and maybe God will show you someone amazing who can be your friend. LeaAnn has so often made me see me in a completely different way.
Don't listen to the rubbish some people give you are amazing just the way you are.
A true gift.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Teddy comfort

When I was a child I had a doll called Tinnie i loved Tinnie at 21 Tinnie and I parted all around that time. My children have slept with many toys. I know of a child who lost both parents and had three teddies taken from them, those teddies were given to them by their mum. This person thought that they should grow up. I don't agree with that at all, what is wrong in life with having a little comfort if we are feeling down. I often hug something that is from my mothers house. I have to say that God gave us a comforter in His Son Jesus Christ. So as I hear about this story of this little child and their teddies taken. I will have to say where we would be if our Christ our comforter was taken away from us? So if you find comfort in a song, a prayer or a teddy bear. I encourage you that it is alright to receive a loving comfort in our lives. We all need that every single day.
Just remember your comforter is always close.
And although these teddies have been taken away his mother never will be.
Happy day after Thanksgiving.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Truly help those during the holidays.

Today is Thanksgiving. I really want to press the need for people to look outside themselves and give to families in need. Churches need to stand in the gap. Many people in many countries truly are in need. Don't let people slip through the gaps and go begging to government funded organizations when you can help. When people in your community sit freezing cold in their homes while you do not look outside your own warm window.
Better to give than to receive. I plead with churches to stop preaching this message unless you can give out yourselves to those hurting. This just hurts the Christian true meaning. Find away to meet those needs and then you will find true Thanksgiving.
from my family to yours may you be blessed.
The British Girlies
Please have a cup of tea with us today.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thank You.

The day before Thanksgiving one word Horrendous if you work in a food store. I worked 8-2 with a fifteen minute break. By the time I left I felt exhausted. In all of that on the way home I saw a sign that read "that if you need money for Thanksgiving meal drop in" it was at a car dealership near me. What an amazing blessing to many hurting families, this chap was genuine. I spoke to a friend today who was in the same church as me sadly to say when her mother died no one called her. It is sad in the world we live in that few demonstrate Christ.
As we look at the coming holidays. I am reminded of how many people are without jobs, single mom's struggling, homeless people walking our streets. Older people in cold homes alone.
As I grumbled about the weather been warm, my friend and I were reminded by another "at least it is not so cold for the homeless". A true reality to be thankful.
So in all of the struggles you are facing take a moment to give to another or least a call and say at least one thing you are thankful for.
I am so thankful that I have my mum and my family. Thank you for reading my blog and may in this holiday time you find away to give.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Get out of your boat.

Get out of that boat. I've heard that statement before. But say if you are in that boat, you imagine that the boat is far out to sea you paralyze yourself believing that the sea is so deep. When reality is that the boat never left the shallow part of the shore.
I use to live near the sea and I loved seeing the fishermen go out. How brave they were and are. We even sang a hymn at school about God protecting them at sea.
So to all you weary people I say be brave in the coming new year and get out of the boat and walk, you will set yourself free. That is my belief. After all the many fishermen come back don't they. Don't get caught up in the few that don't make it focus on those who do.
Dare to get out of your boat.
Please have a cup of tea with me today

Sunday, November 20, 2011

High Heels

My daughter was given some high heel shoes. It is funny how when we are young we want to grow up and when we are all grown up we want to be young. We tell our children don't talk to strangers yet when they are little we tell them "tell the person your name". We say be honest and put false information out there about ourselves scared that the dreaded internet will fed out our identity to people we don't want to know it.
So where is the balance? I guess perhaps we should all try to stay child like, I cannot walk well in high heels, but perhaps if I saw life through a child's eyes then maybe I could see the end of the tunnel faster. Perhaps I would smile more and laugh more. Perhaps my high heels would not seem so intimidating and maybe being young again would be seen in a new way.
So whatever the high heels are in your life try to look at it in a different perspective.
And it might remind you of the yesterdays and help you to see that you were never really wearing high heels anyways, it was just your perspective.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have not seen my mum for over four years now and if I had one wish for Christmas I would want to see my mum and my girls to see her too. The second wish would be that my stories got published so that I could move back to England. It is very difficult when you are so far from home, with no light at the end of the tunnel to when you are going to be going home again.
My friend LeaAnn moves back to her home Tennessee in a few weeks. I will have to say I am very sad, I feel in my heart another lose like when I divorced and my brother died. Her and her family are like no other. She was there when I got married, there when I gave birth to my daughter and through it all they have loved me. I had a friend tell me yesterday that they had never had close friends. I will have to say I have been blessed with a few. I have known LeaAnn for a long long time. So although I am sad I too am happy that she gets to go home. It is her time now and one day I will get to go home too. She would want the very best for me. I truly do her. No words could say enough of how much her friendship means to me.
So although my wish is to see my mum I too wish for all of you far from home that during these holiday times that people will make some of your wishes come true.
The road in life is very tough and we all need a few prayers answered, good friends and miracles.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Simon Cowell draws the line about Respect.

Last night I watched X Factor. I will have to say Simon Cowell throughout the years has been very blunt at times. I am sure this comes from working up the ladder to where he is today. Last night, as a mum I was very impressed. Perhaps more adults should have the guts to confront a person about being disrespectful. Astro is one of the contestants on the X Factor, and Simon Cowell was not putting up with this young man's attitude. I was impressed at how humble Stacy Francis, the other contestant that ended leaving was. She is a single mother of two who stood with dignity even when she lost. Astro however did not at first accept the comment from Simon Cowell, saying that his folded arms and how he had come out on the stage not really prepared to sing was disrespectful. Simon Cowell said it was disrepect for Astro's mother, for the show, and Simon was not happy. Rachel Crow another teen in the contest started to cry as she waited her fait. Simon stood with Rachel, his arm on her shoulder supporting the young lady and walked with her off the stage, when she found out that she was not leaving. She was not disrespectful, but acted with dignity.
What can we learn from Simon Cowell? One thing is for sure he might not have children, but he sure knows that respect is what anyone should have been given the huge platform that these performers have been given. It is sad to say that Simon who many have called Mr.Nasty actually was the only one to confront this young man, although L.A. Reid was not impressed with this young man's attitude either. I have felt for a while that Astro was arrogant but somewhat agreed with Simon that he had the fight to win.
Obviously Simon Cowell has drawn a line. Sad to say not many people do. I am glad that my fellow Brit confronted this issue on his show the X Factor. But how come it has come to this, that people are confronted about doing what is right? The issue should be confronted in our schools, homes and be a foundation of moving forward. Respect and thankfulness should not be bottle fed us.
So what can we learn from Mr.Nasty is that he actually has qualities that we can all learn from.
Let's not forget that if we are to demand respect ourselves, we better be giving it out.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The D word Divorce.

The D word is so overrated. D means divorce, I have heard many people say never mention the word when you are married. I will have to say for my experience that is true. It is like as soon as those words are out, there is away out. For many divorce people they struggle with how they wished things could of been or with regrets. Some are amazingly happy. I guess it depends on the depth of what you put in. What happens to these D people and children? They are often ignored, kind of disgrace to the church as the church in general does not know what to do. So as a society are divorced people classed as a group with a illness? In fact I think they are. How can we change society we as humans can reach out, take time to develop counseling for those going through and after divorce although this is there how many just listen to these hurting people?How many make sure that these people are not alone? So easy to give jobs to ministers in a church less easy to give it to a once stay at home mom. This is just my observation. At the holiday times, they should be the first that the church reaches out to. The impact we have on one another today will impact the next generations.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, November 14, 2011

School years

I will have to say I love hearing from the girls I went to school with. It has brought me so much joy and laughter to reconnect with people that knew me years ago. If you are like me and you loved school, I highly recommend it. There are many sites like facebook and friends reunited. They each hold a common thread of reconnecting friends together.

Friends from the past can remind you of things you had forgotten, some we like to forget, and some make us laugh. In all my school years I love to remember the good. The wonderful girls that I had a great privilege of sharing a few years of my life.
So take a moment and perhaps like me walk down memory lane and just be young again.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lessons from Geek Charming.

This past weekend I watched "Geek Charming" a Disney movie. Overall it has the normal high school stuff, what is interesting though about this movie is the end. I love how Dylan the young lady says-and I abbreviated this-that what matters is that you are around people who make you happy and accept you for who you are.
I think this is so true for even adults, also Dylan spent the whole of middle and some of high school years, changing who she was so that she would fit in. Now come on, we can all relate to that one. I know I can. I think it is in finding people who can encourage you to be you that is alright. I have been compared to many people. But in listening to this movie, perhaps, it is alright to just be me. I may be not what everyone had wanted me to be, but I like that I am British I like that I love the country and I like that one day I will have books published. So the lesson to take from Geek Charming is be you. Because being you is just fine.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Don't let your problems dictate your dreams.

Well I saw a sign today it read "Don't let your problems dictate your dreams." It was written just for me. I love to think that one day I will go home to England live in a very rural place and write my stories and off course them be published. It is such a simple cry from the life that I thought I wanted a few years after I came to live in America.The big house, lovely huge kitchen and big gardens. Off course 2 holidays a year and life would of been great. But my life did not end up like that nor did anyone from home come and visit well my friends did once. It has been a far cry from what I ever expected. In it all though I have truly gone back to being someone who I loved as a teen. People say that the teen years are the worst, for sure to a certain extent that was for me. My parents divorced and life changed. The one thing I did love was drawing and going everywhere with my Godmother Rosabelle Middleton. She will probably never know how much those days meant to me. I love the countryside more today than ever before, I love been compassionate and just the simple things I loved back then I seem to love more.
So perhaps just one day I will get to go back and live my dream life. As you read this perhaps take a moment to think what made you happy and don't give up on that dream. If it was to ice skate or fly do it one day. for no one else but YOU.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Lest we forget the price they paid.

Please take a moment to view this site. As a child at school we would buy poppies and remember all those who fought and who were fighting. I was taken back that in some parts of America no poppies are sold.
Please take a few moments to call someone who served for our freedom and thank them in some way.
Lest we forget what price they paid.
Thank you all .

Thursday, November 10, 2011

In every battle there is an end.

I know a friend who has been going through tough times for a long time in fact it has appeared her road started at the same time as mine. She is an amazing sweet person. I ask myself why oh why has there not been a break through. Although I do not see her every day any more. I feel her pain and her agonizing to want a break. I have to ask when will it all stop? It is is like a total snow storm continually been lived. I have often walked down roads and sat in broken cars just asking God please open up Heaven for me. I am not sure when a break comes, my heart cries for so many hurting people. I guess at least through this all I for one have much more compassion. It is not an easy road when struggles pull and your heart is weak. I do hope and pray sincerely that the the many hurting people that i have meet have amazing breaks and that the light just shines through them.
All I can say truly to all those reading this and who have lost jobs or are going through hard times, keep up the good fight and remember in every battle there is an end. Remember George and the dragon and David and Goliath they won.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Walking alone in a world full of people.

I find it interesting how few people want to help others. I made loads of muffins for a craft fair none of them sold. I have 60 muffins sitting in my house. A friend bought two dozen that at least brought the number down to 60. I have faced booked it, emailed it and nothing. How many of us ignore those cries for help. Like the email asking for a job or the email hey can you watch my children. Much easier to ignore it than answer it. A few years ago we were blessed with going to a small church called Catawba springs in Apex. I will have to say that this church has to be one of the most giving churches that I have ever experienced. Thanksgiving eve we were blessed with loads of food, i felt like a church mouse humbled to be given so much. The downfall was that when we left no one kept in touch. I see people walking in corridors so lonely in a big cold world and in a big often cold church because people will not reach out and help those in need. An email might be a cry for help, I know myself I have tried everything to find a job. We must not forget the old saying better to give than receive. How much more true is that in the world we live in.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Seeing the good in coming winter.

I am so glad that Murmuration was posted on msn today. I loved watching the video clip. Sophie is truly full of life and is amazing I wish her the best. Oh to see through eyes like her's full of life ,seeing and recording amazing things. How many of us take it all for granted the leaves changing colors, the flowers blooming and the skies oh so majestic in their beauty. I use to gaze at them when I was a child and I use to love walking in the woods. At points in the woods at Roman camp it was like you were indeed in Narnia the tree's engulfed you and I can see us sledding down those hills, my sister pulling my mum on the faithful sled that my grandfather had made years ago. A simple sled but one we all loved. I see it now the wood at the front broke and the rope many times all got replaced. As winter turns I ask you to look like Sophie Windsor Clive did and see the amazing things of life.
Just for a moment it might well bless you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Poverty stricken world.

I find it amazing that when you are down it as if people often find it in themselves to put you down even more. Instead of finding the good most people seem to find the bad. How is it that human nature only see's the bad? You see birds flying south and instead of seeing this amazing display of life you'll hear a person say, "Oh it means winter is here, oh the cold days." You almost want to say are you seeing what I am seeing? Then you have the people who have a good job and tell you it is easy to find one, as if that is going to help you. Or here is a good one, I am praying for you, ok here is reality prayers are needed but helping someone in a real way is often what is needed to. Prayers do amazing things but people often want a friend or just help through the storm. So how come we just cannot find it in ourselves to see the good? Perhaps that is why we live in a poverty stricken world, each and every country in poverty looking for love and answers. It is in that poverty on faces of children and families that we should find compassion to hug more, pray more and to help more.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.