Saturday, October 20, 2012

Grace Today.

The last few weeks, my mum has not been very well. It has been a pull of the heart, seeing if she is getting help and knowing that I cannot go home. One thing I know is that grace surely needs to be given to all of us. It is so easy to make harsh comments that a person should be in a home or judge someone else I often do this. But with my mum I appear to have lots of grace. Maybe it is a lesson for me to love others like I do her. I think if there was more grace the world would be a better place. Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I use to be told "why do you call yourself Mum that is a flower?" Yes indeed in America but not in England. Mum to me is a endearing word. My mum has not been perfect indeed she has had her faults throughout the years, but come on who hasn't. I have some
how learnt through God's grace to ignore things and focus on the good. It at times has not been easy. But my love for my mum is huge. It is like an ocean and although I am miles away. My heart cares so much for her. Mums carry a lot some our single parents balancing a job and home and every burden under the sun along with the pressure of their own lives. Yet still they carry on for the love of their children. Mums often need us in life as they grow old. It is knowing that they are not a burden and that even in their old age that you will not farm them off to a home or turn your back. I am not saying for some this is easy but I am saying better to keep on trying than stand at a funeral doing in your mind what is right. Anyone can stand at a funeral but it takes courage to help someone when you know in your mind they don't deserve it. Let's face it none of us deserve grace but Christ showed us. So if you can find it in yourself show some grace to your mum it will mean the world. Please have a cup of tea with me today. Love you Mum

Sunday, October 7, 2012


I have often cried a tear or two for my brother, even missing England and for my marriage. But today I heard a sermon which made me thinking perhaps in true grieving perhaps in seeing my part and crying over what i had done, this was my door to find happiness.I am sure we all can look back and say we could all of done things better we often in life say that, but never truly come to grips with grieving and crying for things we did wrong. I think once we do that we have to daily tell ourselves I laid this down at Jesus's feet and I am forgiven. In that I believe God meets us and brings us to a better place where He holds us tight and says to us Well done I am going to help you now. So what will you do. I use to say I was hurt and I mourned and I said sorry a million times for what I thought I did but I never came to grips in seeing it how Christ did to cry like I did the day my brother died. The choice is yours. Not easy, but oh so much better than crying alone. Please have a cup of tea with me today.