Sunday, February 27, 2011

This is my story.

Today at church my daughter played in the orchestra they played this hymn which a line says "this is my story." As I sang the song I thought what is my story yes I came from divorced parents and there was good and bad a long that road. I was blessed to have a great neighbor. Then I ended up divorced and I could sit here crying my story out and to be honest with cause. But that is not what I want My story to be. See we all make mistakes and I love my dad, my mum and my ex husband I wish them the best, no sarcasm meant in anyway. It has not been an easy road. But my story that I want one day told is how I tried, how I tried to see the best in people, forgiving is a hard road but it is a road I would advice anyone to go on. This is My story I am no one special but Christ allows me to move on and try my best and when my story is read, I want my story to be one of hope, it is a road of learning and a road of finding out who we can be that is what I want My story. So this is My Story the pages are new each day and I pray my story will one day bring Hope.
What do you want yours to be?
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Words come out of our mouths every single day, hour, minute. The effect of them can change a persons day, life forever. I remember things said to me from when I was very young. From been told I would stay at school forever to Mum your my Valentine. The first haunted me for years the other I will Cherish forever. I ask myself do people actually think sometimes before they speak before they blurt out on Face book, twitter or even their blogs. You truly never know when a persons last words will be said. I love it when I think of Christ His last words were "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." So true we often flare up and say things we regret, yet out into the world they go hurting souls.
This road of life is not an easy one. But think and be careful to encourage a person not pull them down. My friend Sharon is an amazing artist but she always encourages me always makes me feel like I am in England having a cup of tea. She is a TATA moment a person I respect. There are many others too. Sharon just always brings a smile to my face.
Say if you and I did that. Instead of Regret moments we could have TATA moments.
Here's to making TATA moments and making a difference. Just think before you speak and encourage not discourage.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Finding a support group.

As a Christian woman you need the support of other Christian women and I have been very blessed to have some amazing friends. However I am very disheartend by the lack of support offered to single mum's in the church. It is as if they know what to do with widows but single divorced mum's, oh my what to do! As one woman put it, it is as if we walk around with ashes on us, or a plague has come upon us. People say apply and apply for jobs little do they realize that exhaustion hits in and the cleaning of a home, schooling your children and paying bills just avalanches in, yes you put in the time to find a job and do the best you can. Some friends question everything you do. The truth is they need to take a walk for one day in your shoes. That applies to many things in life. My goal is to set up something for single mum's we are not something to shun from but a force to be reckoned with, once we stand together.
I encourage you, where ever you are to stand in the gap for many hurting people. Today I asked a lady if she was alright she said nothing so I looked at her and said you are not alright are you, I went to her and prayed with her. She was a hurting soul. So easy just to ignore that pain. Yet a kind word a hug meant everything.

Take the time to care.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A simple word

In the madness of life we can make a difference. I see many people and see many hurting faces. Yet a simple word of kindness can change a hurting soul it can capture a person, it can hold them in the arms of grace stopping anything around them and consuming them for that moment with hope. My brother may not be here now, but for moments and glimpses of his entire life I do believe he was captured by kind words. Friday is my sister in laws Birthday. My daughter got to tell her about Christ, in those moments she captured her Aunts attention so much so that her Aunt wrote her a letter. Little did we know how much that letter was going to capture our hearts. It is not in always knowing what to say or having the last word that counts, it is a simple word of love, of compassion, a hug and a kind word, a smile, a feeling that other persons pain. The day my brother died I had a friends daughter here, her mom came to pick her up and I cried and groaned into that woman's arms, she will never know how much her compassion will stay with me always.
You truly never know how much your words can reach someone.
I have made many a mistake but I do try to love with compassion as I walk on this road.
Happy Birthday Rita.
Words can make a heart not grow cold but filled with hope.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mum in a avalanche world.

Well, I have applied and applied for jobs it is so depressing. I was talking to another woman in a similar situation. She agreed can I just push papers anything to have a full time job and medical. I loved been a stay at home mum loved it, loved writing my stories and painting pictures with my kids. Yet that means nothing when you have no medical and the harsh reality is that all that experience amounts to a lot of NO's and recruiters telling you that you need other experience at least 6-12 months of it. Yet what are you suppose to do with your kids?
If I could do it all again would I do much different, I sure would of appreciated how fortunate I was to be a stay home at mum.
Where do I go from here. Keep going keep thinking through and hoping for a better day.
Mum out there your job is priceless and whatever they say you have far more degrees and experience then many executives. I know that does not pay the bills but at least I have the memories I did my best.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Customer service.

I am really big into customer service. I used to say it would not kill anyone to be polite but as the years have gone on, I think it would. My family and I often go to a charity shop in Garner called Garner Area Ministries the customer service is amazing. Then there is Kevin Strickland a mechanic that my friends put me in touch with always polite never rude. How often is it that the customer service so to speak in churches is very fake, we walk in all dressed to the hills but inside we are criticizing every inch of the place and others. Our own customer service is none existent, it only has a shelf life of a few hours. Talk to banks, mortgage companies etc and you will see how good their customer service really is. It is often the none profit firms that really have the best customer service they want to make a difference.
So my question is how is your customer service. I do my best to be polite and treat others with respect I think in truth we should all be held to do our best no sarcasm, but being honest with ourselves. Christ really knew how to deal with customer service bringing authority and yet speaking with respect regardless of peoples status quo.
Surely a lesson to learn.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fields of Poppy's

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love poppy's. When I got married I wanted Poppy's and blades of corn as my bouquet I did not get it. Maybe one day. Artificial poppy's are sold on remembrance day and before in England to remember the dead and those who served in my country. We so easily forget at what price freedom came. As I look back now at my marriage and my life and those who I have loved and lost I think Poppy's should be sold every single day least we forget the price that so many paid. Perhaps the biggest debt we forget is the one who died on a cross. I don't know if poppy's where there nor do I know if fields of gold were near. In reflection of my life the last time I was in England I saw loads and loads of poppy fields perhaps it was a sign of things to come. I will never forget the many tears I have cried the many blood shed hands who have labored for many a soul in prayer and especially for me. Least we forget that the soldiers are not always the ones who die on battle fields they are the ones who labor on their knees in prayer.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ice storm in your life or a chance to change.

When I first came to America I had never seen an ice storm, but boy once I saw one I never forgot it. Ice storms are like trials in our lives. I think I have been in an ice storm for a long time. But it is so true as many people have seen my life go through year after year of trial. I indeed have changed I hope for the best. I hope my ice storm has a day soon when the ice melts. As a Pastor at Whitley church said today we so ask people to pray for us but really God is waiting for us to pray. Maybe the ice melts as we believe that God is in the Ice storm. I have had clothes given me and my children and found an amazing mechanic all which has saved me a fortune. It has given me a desire to help others in my situation. For that I am thankful.
So to the Ice storm in my life as my daughter got a poll and knocked the ice out of her trampoline, little by little I have knocked the ice down and so I will until the Spring comes and I will make a difference in others lives.
Whatever your Ice storm is make your life count and make a difference for others.
Please have a cup of tea with me today

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It's crazy out there.

It's crazy out there. In a world that is very orientated to the married life, being a single mother is very daunting. It is a harsh fact of reality that in the job market a mothers qualifications of been a stay at home mum equates to nothing in the marketing industry. Neither does juggling your kids lives. You are thrusted into a world of trying to work out money, kids, finding a job and then having no medical it is a cruel harsh reality. Churches in general really need to rise up and help these mothers survive the avalanche, as it's crippling toll effects single mum's to the root of their soul and I believe it is the churches place to help us single mum's navigate through these murky waters and avalanches. It is so easy to turn a blind eye to so many hurting people. Yet if we stand in the gap and unit together we can do so much.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, February 18, 2011

New Day, New Beginning.

As I looked at the clock and saw the time ticking to the time I would be divorced. I decided it is a new day, we had our hair trimmed and God was good, we got them cut for last weeks promotion price. Too cool. So without many words Here's to mine and my families new beginning.
We all struggle and often the outcome is not what we would like, but as I walk through today I wonder what amazing things are coming my families way.
Trust in God with all your heart, not easy to do, but hold on tight, dream big and we will see where our adventures takes us.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Last few hours of seventeen years.

As the hours tick by to my marriage being officially ended. I am very heavy hearted and sad. It is so easy in life to see all the bad and never look at the good. I am thankful for the friends that we made along the way, my children and dogs the great trips home. The ornaments on the tree, the trips to Maine and Massachusetts. Yet in it all I have a few words to say as the hours tick on ever closer to the signing and end of this time in my life. This fairy was bought in Cromer and it says it so well I will add "God I am in need of a hug"
I think in life we all have moments like this, I surely thought I would have a full time job by now, had hoped that I would be going home to see my mum and forever hopeful that things would turn around. Yet it is a new day that I face after Friday a new Me and I new future and so to all you who face the same I tell you hold on and Dream big because as the group Kutless says "You will have the strength to rise and make a new beginning". Here is to a new chapter I pray it's a good one.
Please have a cup of tea with me today" Lisa

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quite Hope

This week is going by pretty fast. Yesterday I stood looking up at the roof of a store. Thinking if only time would stop and this Friday would never come. It seams like this week has no brakes and the time is flying ever so faster seventeen years coming to a drastic halt and judgement over turns what God intended never to happen. Yet in all this I feel a peace silly hey. I feel a warm blanket around me. With tears running down every inch of me I just believe that there is a new horizon a new beginning. Perhaps my brother is cheering me on. I hope so I truly tried to cheer him on. Perhaps God just has a new beginning for little old me. So with a heavy heart look for your warm blanket and hold on tight.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines 2011

In the words of Talula "who needs soppy boys". Valentines are an expression of one's heart. I saw many people buy flowers today and cards. My heart sinking each time. Yet I smiled lovingly saying " Happy Valentines" to most of the people. One man went on how I had to be nice to him. My bagger replied "no Lisa has a genuine heart she wishes all well". I was shocked at his comment. Then a woman came through I could see this circle with God on it. I asked about it she goes to Colonial and is a missionary in South Africa, "we had no money for our children's school"she replied " I said you have how many children?" she replied again" I mean the orphans. So I went and prayed and in the brush I found this circle it reads Trust in God". My heart sank and I wanted to cry that circle message was for me today. In a week where my heart is broken God sent this woman my way. My girls are my Valentine, no chocolates or fancy things just true love. I love them dearly. In the words of Lucy "the Sunday school teacher knows best we must mummy Trust in God". So to all your lonely Valentines Here is an air hug and no sinking heart just look and you might find your Valentine in places you least think.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day for Mum's

This Valentine is very awkward for me. I did buy my girls two soft toy dogs I thought they would not like them instead they loved them. We sang at church Hosanna it goes on how He is the king of Kings. As I stood in my wonderment of where my life is I sang with all my heart to Scott and a new tomorrow. So Valentines to me this year is to all those brilliant mum's/Mom's who labor lengthy hours either as a single mother or not the hours are lengthy no prizes or gifts on the table for getting all the knots out of a child's hair or dealing with head lice or making sure that the shoes are on the right feet or making sure that teeth are cleaned. To all of you my Valentine goes out as a true thank you for every tear you dried and for every time you thought for one moment what would it be like to have a bath without sorting out an argument.
Hosanna is a song sung to God to sing our praise to one amazing God. I think He sings His praise to all the mum's on Valentines who will not receive a card nor a rose or a chocolate for their praise is not found in gifts it is found in a father who says to those Mothers you are my Valentine.
Thanks Mum's
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Family.

So here we all are minus Kerry who never likes pictures. So she is included in the photo of us in 1972 at Christmas. Little did I know that in 2007 I would not be flying home in two years and that would be the last time I saw my brother and his wife. Yet come rain or shine this is who my family is. It is amazing that whatever life gives you that you always care about those people that came into your life and you called them brother or sister mum or dad. I wished so much they all lived here, I wished I could see them and that there was a date instead of an a question mark of when I will see them all again. Home is home and so it was in 2007 when I got on that plane and flew home. In truth that is how it is with God home is home. His calling and His time for us to go home is up to Him. I am forever thankful for these people in my life. For the many memories and the many tears. I am thankful that in God that He see's our aching heart He see's our tears and He knows our true Home.
Thank you Mum, Kerry, JJ, Scott, Rita, Luke,Jude, Troy, Jensen and Harley for being in my life and the memories. I love you all dearly.
Please have a cup of tea with Us today.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What is a Valentine?

I will have to say this Valentine has got me. I do not want to see the balloons or the cards or sweets. Someone asked me what I was doing for my girls, I replied I get divorced that week. As I think about it though it is sweet when you see a truly wonderful couple buy a card or touch others lives. that is true love I can tell you of a few couples I admire. Mike and LeaAnn they are honest and hugely giving people, Mike and Nancy love my girls immensely, Sue and John always have a good word to say, My mum at times sends hugs down the phone and Sharon well just draws love in her pictures her mum Marina knew what love was she opened up her home in so many ways. Others have shown love to me Fran, Carla and their family, Eunice and Regina to name a few. But as I think of what Valentines is and a woman's comment today of how some parents would not let their children celebrate Valentines religious rubbish she called it. I had to say a prayer. What greater Valentine do I have this year than a Man who died on a cross for me he shed his blood his heart beat and died for me. I maybe not receiving a card from anyone but I have indeed got the very best Valentine a heart that died for me. No religious rubbish Mam just religious truth.
So if you are feeling a little awkward about Valentine remember the good people in your life and remember that there is one and one true Valentine.
Please have a cup of tea with me today. XX

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wonderful smile a kind word.

It amazes me how someone's smile or a kind word can make you just feel good inside. My daughter had oral surgery today, she smiled and was amazing even after it her little face beamed. My mum rings here quite a bit and often her words make the day just seam so much better. A friend might call and they offer words of hope or a letter might come in the post and a smile comes across my face. It's amazing how a kind word a simple smile can make the day seam so much better.
I encourage you to try it it may change your day for the better.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seeing the good not the bad.

It is so easy in life to see the bad all the time. I mean all you have to do is switch on the computer and there it is or the TV. It just never ends. As a child you are sucked into almost not seeing much of the world disasters. From your work place you might see people losing their jobs, marriage break downs or hurting souls. Yet if for one moment we took the time to see the good I wonder how different the world would be. If we took a moment and in our fears we trusted someone or we saw the good in something and just made a huge do of that. I think the world would be a much better place. The ice a few weeks ago made a huge mess but it's beauty was amazing. I maybe divorced next week but I am thankful that I love Christmas because of the man I married.
It is not always easy seeing the good but it sure helps and feels better than seeing the bad.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mum 101

The single mum is coming and the train whistle is a blowing. The train does not make a sleepy sound like the words in a song I use to sing as a child with my family. I have learnt parts to do with cars that I would rather not, and now medical insurance what a nightmare. WOW who came up with how that one works infact does anyone know how it works. Then there is the mortgage company it is like dealing with the Government themselves. Hey add the maths problems of 8th grade and finding a job. How do you make Mum sound cool in the industry of marketing yourself to get a career that might actually pay well. It's degree's, word, excel, publisher, access and accounting terminology. I mean give me a band aid, some tissues and a sketch book and hey I am up there with Microsoft Word. Now all of a sudden I am rethinking myself. Hey I am in my forties now better look it. Mum 101 have to look like I know what I am doing. The truth is Mum 101 is a thing I am learning as I go. I know more about cars than I did last year. I know how to use a cashier register and smile even when I want to say pack your groceries yourself thank you. So as I enter Mum 101 I would like to say to all Mum's give yourself a break your doing a great job you may not have a degree you may not know what access is but you sure know how to hug your child better than any living soul. You are amazing.
So find the hair brush and lipstick and smile you are doing a great job Mum.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The writing on the wall.

If I look back at my marriage and many times in my life the old saying comes to mind the writing was on the wall. Last night I wrote this. When all is said and done who's writing is on the wall, a message about yourself, a loved one, or perhaps God wrote on your wall when you had no strength to write anything at all. I think this is true. Throughout the last three years at times I have felt zapped for strength and I think at those times he took the pen and wrote encouragement on my wall sending wonderful people my way. Like the poem footprints he carries us through those times. As the days tick to February 18th and my divorce date my heart is surely heavy and my tears just a bit more tearful I cry out to a God who I surely believe is writing on my wall a better tomorrow to come and who holds me tight. I am not saying it is easy trust me this has been the hardest road I have travelled and I would not wish it upon anyone. No one understands the intensity of it all then my brothers death was just huge. But I do believe that God takes his plume of a pen and writes with such wonderful skill our future.
I encourage you to imagine those wonderful old manuscripts to see the most wonderful beautiful things and see that that is how God see's you.
Here's to better days.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A taste of college tears or am I getting old.

My older daughter Emily went on a retreat this weekend with our church. We marched in placing the bags and sleeping things down and getting info. I thought oh how in a few years this would be off to college she goes. Katie and I stood almost in tears. I thought wow am I getting old. Parents eagerly waited today as their very tired children marched out of the chapel.
Perhaps some children came back a little more appreciative of how blessed they are. I know when I have gone on a retreat to Ken Hessler I am so appreciative of life itself. It seams like burdens are lifted and life is just a little more easier to bear. I am getting older every day but as I get older I am glad to say my heart becomes more tender to cry a few more tears to reach out to others and just see life in a different way. Who knows what i will be like when my girls go to college a crying mess probably but very appreciative of them and for once able to understand the crying parents who stand there.
I wonder if God cries a few tears as we go through the college of life hoping that we come through better people. A crying Dad who at the end, no diploma is given but the words Well done my good and faithful servant. To me no earthly diploma can ever match that.
Here's to a wonderful week.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.

My daughter Katie has to go for surgery on Thursday. She has been amazing, about three years ago we found out that Katie had extra teeth. So she had them removed and after years there was no front teeth, so Katie had braces and a space was made for her front tooth nick named the Heffalump. This Thursday her front tooth will get the old heave ho your coming down. The specialist will put a tiny chain and start pulling that toothy down. She is amazingly brave and is an amazing young lady.
I wonder if God often feels like giving us the old heave ho your going to listen. Like Katie and her tooth so I have learnt often the hard way.
I use to laugh about the song all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. However we all take things for granted and I have learnt that through my dear little girls teeth how I took the simple thing of having front teeth for granted. Perhaps in it all I have also seen how I took a lot more than just teeth for granted.
Thanks Brave Katie for making me see life just a little bit different
Here's to you your new two front teeth.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Dash between birth to death.

I recently received a forward and to be honest a lot of times I do not like forwards. This one was very touching. It reminded me of a poem I read at school about the tomb of the unknown solider of how his life had counted. This story went on about how on a tombstone you see the date of birth and then a dash and then the date the person died. It went on to say how that dash was the memories that space in time where their life was made where only people who knew them could fill in that dash. How we often take for granted that dash in time. My brother Scott will have been dead five months tomorrow. No more dashes in time the number at the end has been written in books and sealed in time. Yet that dash in time will always be filled with memories for those who shared his life. I would imagine my blog can speak to many a soul. It spoke to me when all is said and done what will people say about my dash in time. Will I be remembered for making a differance for laughing at bubbles or for what. I guess it is true life is so fragile handle with care. Life is but a fragment in time. I know I took it all for granted until Scott died. I ask you to reflect on the moment in times and your dash what will it say about you. There doesn't have to be a tombstone my brother was cremated his life will have a dash always and I am glad that I shared in knowing him in that dash in time.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Little red lamp.

Yesterday I saw this little red lantern it really stopped me in my tracks. It is amazing how a little lamp could do that. It bought back so many memories. When I was young my dad would go around the antique stalls and places and find these old lamps we had loads of them. I remember my dad painting them dark red. I never cared for them to be honest as we had so many. I never thought of them been used in a coal mine and maybe my dad's dad using it as he worked in the coal mines of Dover and in Wales. As I saw this little red lamp it bought back memories I wondered if Scott had had any in his house or if my dad had had any of them. I did not ignore the lamp this time. My younger daughter merrily picked it up and paid a couple of dollars for it. It sits on the table in the lounge. Reminding me of the light it can bring in and memories of these old rusty lamps been made new.
It also reminded me of how God's light can shine forth and make a difference yet if we ignore it it is no different than the rusty lamp waiting for someone to find it. God takes us as rusty lamps and if we allow him allows the light to shine in and bring others home.
Thanks little red lamp for making me smile and bring the light into my day.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.