Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Special people

As our time comes to an end at WCA I am reminded of the amazing friends that God has sent my way. The school has been a wonderful blessing of love and encouragement of memories and tears. I have learnt to value some amazing true friends. Some of these amazing people face many trials and their testimony is one of hope and encouragement. It was a miracle we got to stay until May. We believe for a miracle that we may stay longer. God is an amazing God I am so blessed to have seen His hand work in so many ways.
Look around today and just see how far God has bought you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The comfy chair of God

Today was a bit of a tough day. But the girls and I went and got a snack we meet a friend while we were out. They use to be a Pastor. This man ministered words of wisdom and kindness. It felt like sitting in a comfy chair and yet as I think about what he said it is this way with God. His words and His alone are like sitting in a comfy chair feeling safe and not alone and knowing that God truly comforts the weary. I don't know what the next day holds. I do know I love just sitting in the comfy chair with God. This man may not be a Pastor now but his ministering words touched my heart and he truly was a messenger of God. I think we need to sit long enough to know that God is that ultimate comforter.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Your Testimony

Life is not always what we want it to be. My parents divorced when I was 15 and now I am getting a divorce when my oldest is 14. Life is not always how we wished it could be. As I type the girls have so many days left at their school. It is somewhat refreshing the many people who have come up and said we are praying for you we are still believing that you will be back. It simply would take a miracle. Yet in all this people also say how much I have changed how they can see God working. I fought a good fight as I say what did I have to lose. I stand by what I believe the Bible says to dearly look after the family God has given me. This is not how I wanted a family to be, but for now I hold onto God and hold tight that He is bringing us through. I guess the last months I did not always see what others have seen. I am thankful for the kind words of friends and the school. It is true with every part of me I will miss the girls school dearly. I was so touched by the teachers who have said we will believe you are coming back and how much they would miss us. In saying it all it is surely in hard times that our testimony is shown whether we are going to just spout of words and verses or we are going to act and do what is right.
To all who are traveling the hard road or a valley remember what testimony are you portraying I wished I could have done a better job at times but one thing I know for sure. I hold onto the God that has held me for so many years and to Him I am thankful and grateful too.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The wisdom of the young.

The wisdom of the young. My daughters always amaze me at how wise they are. We have a relationship which allows us all to communicate the good, bad and the ugly. In that there is freedom and grace to be ouselves. We have often stopped the car and danced around it. Or laughed with the music loud. How often we forget that we should come to God like this open to receive open to be ourselves and open to listen.
So today just think for a moment who you want to be viewed as one who will listen or one who will just miss out on the amazing things of life it is a choice.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.