Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Watch out Disney here is Scotty McCreery.

Well you know I had to wonder after listening to Scotty on Access Hollywood would he mention his believes again. Well he showed me this young man stood and said it quiet clearly that his song I love you this Big to him means His Lord Loves him this Big.
Wow what an amazing young man to use this platform. All I can say is giants watch out Scotty is wearing those giant boots of God into your camps.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Are you growing roses or thistles?

While reading the Secret GItalicarden, I found this quote which says,"Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow." It means that disagreeable thoughts and agreeable or courageous thoughts cannot be in the same place. Only one will survive and stay, while the other one will be forced to be "pushed out." If you keep on pulling yourself down with lies that you think are true about yourself or keep pondering over hurt that you or someone else has done to you, then you will not be able to grow to a beautiful, courageous rose. Instead, you will find yourself stuck. Like thistles, you will be hindered by the thorns of hurt that surround your every side. But if you do allow yourself to forgive or have courage instead of being so afraid, then you be will like a majestic rose that has pushed past the thorns of her stem and has come out a daring, shining rose. This new person's light will be so encouraging to everyone around her that it will shine even in the darkest times.
So like another quote that I found in Secret Garden,"Perhaps the beginning is just to say nice things are going to happen until you make them happen."
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Better than a Hallelujah.

Well I am writing about this amazing song again. Today we finished cutting the grass, yesterday I cut it in the rain. I have been so blessed in this winter of my life which to be honest seams to be most of my life. I work as a cashier, to be honest it was the only job I could get. I took it so that the girls and I could survive and just like my job at Haywards Pickles on the production line in my adversity God has shone his light. I have got to bless some amazing customers to listen to them, to calm their children and truly do the best I could. If I had my dream job it would surely be writing and some how been involved with making a difference in others lives and first and form most been a great mum. It was awesome the other day I got to find out that this other person who works there is a Christian she truly beamed I felt so blessed. See God has seen me even there and blessed me.
Hallelujah cries are all what my life seems to have been about and although this road gets weary I feel blessed that God has seen it all and see's my oh so many tears. My children have been such a hallelujah song I am sure God has seen there Hallelujah tears and cried them too.
So to you all listen to the song posted yesterday and listen to the new one day.
By Lee Ann Womack There is a God.

Because in all this mess I know that there is a God and He is there all the time for you too.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our tears to God are a sweet lullaby.

I was listening to a song yesterday and it was saying how our tears in a desperate moments are like a sweet lullaby to God. I never have thought of it like that. As many tears as I have cried over the many arguments I heard throughout my child, seeing my brother hit and the many times I have cried when my family did not speak to me,or the times I have cried throughout my marriage at the many things that happened and then my divorce. Being left with a house mess to sort out and the condition of the house not exactly up to par and then the car and looking for a full time job, my brothers death and the tears of oh I wished so much more for my children and then lastly just tears of God help me through all this loneliness. I am sure I have cried a river and an ocean at times from missing home to not knowing how I could do it. God has surely been with me. This song so encouraged me through my tears I never viewed God heard my tears as a lullaby and in another song that went on how in the darkest hour then the clouds break.
I truly encourage all of you sing your deepest hurts to God I know for sure He hears them all.
I know in those hurts, he hurts with you and He does not forget any of it.
Before the Morning by Josh Wilson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDKH6qZ6eOI

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Scotty McCreery I love you this BIG.

Scotty McCreery's single "I love you this big". It made me think of my brother Scott who died nearly nine months ago now and how much I loved him. Scott was five years older than me, he stood up for me at school. From the age of 6-21 my eyes were cross eyed and he would stand up as kids teased me at Priory school Stamford. I remember us singing to songs by the Carpenters as loud as we could in the car. I remember him walking into Laura Ashley's in Bury St Edmunds we sure did not look like we had enough money to buy a button less alone a dress and as they questioned if we needed help he said I am buying my sister a dress, he made me feel like I was a Queen that day. He kept a picture I drew when I was very little and I forever was thankful for a brother who stood up for me.
Love you this big makes me proud of the brother I loved and will always.
As I listened today to this song my arms open wide to my brother I sing I love you this big and to a mighty God who surely loves me this BIG. I sure hope that as much as Scotty's song encouraged me it will encourage you.
Please have a cup of Tea with me today God

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Scotty McCreery wins American Idol wearing big boots in Goliaths camp.

Well a young man dreamed big. Dream big has always been a quote for me.I stood in my cupboard last night and said to God well how cool if Scotty won, my brother was called Scott and how cool if Scotty McCreery a man with the same name as my brother won.
This young man as I have kept on saying has walked in Giants boots into Goliaths camp and guess what he slayed that giant down. Fox could not edit his words last night as he openly thanked The Lord for getting him through the journey of American Idol, as his parents thanked people for their prayers and the prayer circles praying for them and their son. How amazing and inspiring. People should look at this as inspiration to where ever they are in their lives that dreaming big and walking in giants boots can bring amazing things. I was so touched how he hugged each of his fellow contestants and how he praised Lauren it was sweet and so the right thing to do, he truly is a young man to respect. Although I quoted the mommy song, I truly wish Lauren Alaina the best. I believe she has a heart of gold.
From my blogs Cornfield Dreams and English Delights and my family we truly wish him all the best keep walking in the giants boots because the journey has just begun.
Please have a cup of tea with Scotty and me today.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Scotty McCreery did not have to sing a mommy song to get his message across

American Idol. Well we had drama and we had tight dresses or was it a beauty pageant where was Ryan's and we had a young man who stood composed, with a gentle heart almost unbelievable on such a platform. But in my world his composure was nothing but the grace of God that has bought him this far. American Idol did not bother to air the parts where Scotty McCreery quoted his faith in God and a scripture I mean lets be real why would Fox dare to mess with God himself. Perhaps their fear overwhelmed them in the fact that a mere high schooler could dare to quote his faith in such a public arena. Win or lose Scotty McCreery in my books held his arms wide open in his last song as if his heart and soul sung that to God himself. Yes just a mere song but not to that young man. Lets make something clear you don't have to win to win. A slight contradiction on words but sometimes who the world thinks is the winner really loses. If you look throughout history those who might in human eyes lost won. Look at Corrie Ten Boom to some such a loss she was in a Jewish concentration camp but she won she got to preach the message of God I mean what an awesome win.
Scotty McCreery may not have sung the mummy song but perhaps Fox was to scared to allow this young man to sing that song perhaps they themselves felt that if he sung it well lets put it this way Fox don't worry he does need a mummy song to win for God.
In truth the fairest way would of been to have had both singers sing the same song. But fairness is not what the music industry is about.
So my last words. Scotty you knocked it out of the ball park and your life has just begun on a road so big a platform just keep your eyes wide open for all the possibilities that God is going to open. Because for sure the game has just begun.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vote Vote Vote for Scotty McCreery.

A young man walking in giants boots against the record industry. A young man not afraid to quote scripture at a concert in Garner NC and to talk about how he prays before performing. His belief and constant genuineness shines through as a young man walking in Giants boots into the lions den or into Goliaths camp. I hope he does win American Idol to have a young man of such character would be great for young people.
Go Scotty.
Please have a cup of Tea with me today.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hats of to Princess Beatrice's hat.

Well before I get talking and blogging about the next American Idol lets rehash Princess Beatrice's hat it fetched a $131,341 now to us commoners that seems a lot of money.I mean most hats that I have ever worn maybe cost the most of $30. However in the world of hats Princess Beatrice's hat truly did not fetch as much as some. You may gasp and think oh my who in their right mind would pay that, however look at this photo of this hat it was sold for a mere $2,700,000. Wow and hats at this company can range form $5,000 to $35,000 I mean that is truly letting your money go to your head.
Hey I personally think that is just letting money go out of your head.
I think it is great however that Princess Beatrice has donated her money to UNICEF so although the toilet seat hat or whatever you want to call it gave us a laugh and a few eye brows raised it all ended up with Princess Beatrice taking off her hat for a good cause. Perhaps some of those other interesting hats could be auctioned off to help other good causes. I mean think how many children could eat in poverty stricken countries or how many elderly people helped to have warm homes this coming winter. Perhaps in our own way we can all help whether it is selling a hat or sharing a smile making a difference is what counts. Great job Princess Beatrice and truly hats off to you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Be still in the storm

"Be Still and know that I am God" Psalm46:10. As I walk through life the times that we are still and actually give God a chance is when God is there many of us have read footprints the poem. Many of us have carried our children when sick or for fun. I have been carried a few times. In those moments we rely on that single person to not allow us to fall. How much more so should we rely on God. I know it is not easy I am not good at it at all. But I do love to think of walking along a beach and there in that place is God. Tim use to love storms and probably still does he use to love how majestic it all was. In the midst of a storm there is a climax and then a calm and it is as if God says that is enough.
So as I try to allow God to carry me I hope you can do that to.It sure would make the road a lot easy at times.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Scotty McCreery Making a difference.

Scotty McCreery a teen has made it into the final two of American Idol. A young man with faith in God. All I can say is Pray it's a wild ride when you are on top. Use the platform that God gives you. Remember everyone dream big he was a bagger at Lowes Food and he just dreamed big. With God all things can happen.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Being Yourself

Recently, I have seen the movie called Lemonade Mouth which was based on a book written by Mark Peter Hughes. The movie says to be you and to go for your dreams. The author's dream of having his book turning into a movie came true. It just goes to show that if you dream big anything can happen. Lemonade Mouth shows that in being yourself and going for your dreams, you can achieve anything. Instead of feeling like you have to be someone else, just be you. If that means hiking up Mount Everest, playing in a band, or even being a math genius, then do it! Don't be afraid. In the end, it will be yourself who is disappointed. You are the only one holding yourself back. So like some of the cast from Lemonade Mouth flash mobbed an AT&T store singing "Determinate," let yourself get out and remember to always be confident in yourself.
So go out today being heard, being strong, and being proud, and always remembering to stand up for what you believe in.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Not everything has to be put online.

Facebook, twitter you name it. It is all in our faces. I will have to say I have one of these. I do go on you tube to find old songs and have a laugh. But lets face reality as you google things there is a lot of rubbish out there. I wrote about Scotty McCreery this weekend and my blog was one of the ones looked at. I write because I love it. I find encouragement in simple things. I miss home immensely and so I like to write about things that might encourage and make others think.
Lets be real about all this information out there. As a child I cycled everywhere I remember my first walkman a huge thing. An encyclopedia is what we used to look up things. Yes technology has taken giant steps forward. We need to not just protect our children but ourselves from reading unwanted trash. Knowledge is good but in some peoples hands very dangerous. I am very careful what i put out there. Listen do yourself a favor not everyone has to be your friend and not everything has to be recorded or written on facebook or other medias.
Be wise and truly think before you speak.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Christ was not an American Idol and look what He did.

As I listened to the young girls go on about Scotty McCreery I could not help but think as a Pastor preached today this young man has been given a platform by God. It is not that he is an American Idol yes by the program he appears on he is. An Idol is something people worship making them more of a God than God himself. I did not get that impression from this young man. I loved it how girls said oh and his a Christian, lets get this right he was probably a Christian before he sang. Christ was no American Idol but he reached how many!! We all have our platforms that Christ can use my daughter daily sends encouragaing words to her friend that does not give her a key to the town we live in. Many at Scotty's school may not see themselves as anything but when it is all said and done there are many who strive to do what is right and preach the message of Christ. Scotty is a young man with a huge platform there is a scripture and it says in basic English to whom much is given much will be expected. So when a person has that much of a platform God will expect it to be used for His glory and His alone. It is not in bringing the title to Raleigh or Garner but by people making a stand. You may think of yourself as a geek but if you preach and show the message of Christ you are just as important as Scotty McCreery your parade is in Heaven just not here.

Scotty McCreery just allowed his voice to be a vehicle to tell others about Christ.

At the end of the day what people need to see is Christ.

Don't get me wrong this young man has touched me in his stand but don't you think that you are less special because we all can make a differance. Charles Spurgeon, Billy Graham and you can change a world, use your platform.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Scotty McCreery a true Christian Role Model

Scotty McCreery not just a dear young man. I have been watching his homecoming performance and never have I ever heard someone mention God's name so much. If people want a role model then here he is.

Amos 4:7 "and I witheld the rain from you" He quoted this verse as it was suppose to rain and God did stop the rain for the concert.

He is not just an American Idol but a channel to proclaim a true message of Christ to young people.

This is what all parents need to be doing raising up people like this young man.

He did not have to quote his faith but he said it with confidence and truth and no fakeness.

May God bless his journey.

Yes we do support him weather this road takes him.

Please have a cup of tea with me today

Friday, May 13, 2011

Scotty McCreery

American Idol has seen it's interesting talents throughout its time on American TV. This year the age was lowered to allow fifteen year olds to audition. Scotty McCreery a young man who lives in Garner North Carolina has impressed me. He goes to First Baptist church of Garner and plays baseball. This young man has sung songs keeping to his moral standards which shows through even when Lady Gaga made comments Scotty did not faulter from his beliefs, unlike some of the other contestants. Scotty has kept his moral standards in all of his song choices and is truly a young man to be respected. My hope for this young man is that he keeps Christ at the for front of his life. He will not go wrong then and his light will touch more than just young girls screaming but will be a role model to other young Christian men to make a stand regardless of the pressure.
His church and parents should be proud that he has made a stand at such a young age.
It is people like him that will make a difference in the future not just in a song but in touching those around them with the message of Christ.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You don't have to be beauty Queen to Dream Big.

A wonderful person wrote these encouraging words.

You don't have to have the bling
To be a beauty Queen.
Just believe in yourself and Dream.

As a single mother it is very hard balancing every single penny. But it is so true. I dream big and believe for a better future. I have found some amazing things at thrift shops and been blessed with amazing clothes from friends and amazing gifts. It is a tough road but when you hear these words it sure makes the road easier.
Dream big is so true who knows where it will take us.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Single Mum's you are so amazing.

Today is mothers day in America I use to be so against celebrating it as it was not British Mothers day. But really how dumb in reality mothers desesrve many mothers days. I merrily wished women in my church a happy mothers day today and saw a single mom sitting alone that is so wrong we squeezed in on our seats so she could sit with us her smile beamed she was not going to alone if I had any say. I had wanted to go out but thought it was best not to spend money where we did not have to then a friend handed me a card with money to go out and also buy something for my children that they needed. I felt so amazingly blessed that little old me had not been forgotten. Been a mum/mom it itself is a tough job but let me tell you try being a single mum it is the toughest road you will face or at least one of the top ones. It is encouraging to see people like Candace Olsen a designer make it, her mother was a single mum and her love for her mother showed when she designed her mum a kitchen. I do not know where my road will take me but I know one thing I am so blessed to be a mum in all this I love it every single day. So hear below is a poem a special lady sent me with the love of another special girly in my life and to them I say thank you and I love you both dearly always.

The Beauty of a Mother.

The beauty of a mother is hard to describe.
It shines from the inside out with a grace that is refined.
It is courageously caring and bold,
And let’s the Maker mold.
It is faithful in modesty,
And shows how it can be trusted by her honesty.
Without a mope,
It laughs at fear and holds daringly onto hope.
While groping through the uncertainty of confusion,
It just puts on a straight face and keeps movin’.
At night, it twists and turns, thinking about fear and what is near.
But soon realizes, that the end is not here,
But that God is right there.
So in this courageous battle of a mother,
She is not a bother,
But is a sure hero to all who know her.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Power washed lives

Where I live my house has this plastic material called sidding on it, if not washed it becomes dingy looking. People wash their cars, wash themselves lets hope at least, wash their dogs and carpets, here we wash our houses. In truth people get power washers which pushes out water at a much higher preasure than a normal hose.

As I reflect on this power washing which people use wouldn't it be nice to power wash our lives I sure would like to zap zap somethings in my life and get to the end of some trials. To see our lives sparkling new.

Wow if we actually allowed God to do this to our lives what impact we would have on others and wow how differant the world would be.

I am so glad that with God's help he can power wash the hardest people but it is a choice and no one can make it for anyone.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Miss you Home.

What is a huge thing I miss about England. Home, that walking into the village and just chatting to people, You feel like their family and to be honest at times they know more about you than family themselves. The smell of the shore, the smell of Marina's cooking. My sister and my mum. I miss the walking down a street the poppy fields in summer. The cold winters and the pouring rain and walking to the shops and going to green grocerys and bakery's. I miss the postman and his biycycle, but I do not miss the damp cold air. I miss my favourite sweets and cakes. Oh I love and Miss London the place I really did not like as child I miss Cromer and Sheringham which I took for granted when I lived there. I miss hearing the church bells ring and the sound of the marketers call.I miss the robin in the winter. I guess if I was there I miss things here.

I make many a story up to remind me of home I hope one day I see you all and I hope if you are miles from home you get a little cheer sent your way. Memories are memories good or bad. I am thankful very much for the blessings I have seen in England and America.

I hope you see them where ever you live.

Please have a cup of tea with tonight.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Week after the Royal wedding.

Wow a week has passed since the Royal wedding and what have we found out. That many Brits love them street parties. The mad hatter leant his hats out at that wedding. Some went wild with engravings on their teeth. A little bridesmaid wanted something done about air crafts flying over Buckingham Palace while a wedding was going on, i mean how could they. Beatrice and Eugene gave us a treat with those interesting sculptures set admirally on their heads. A lady displayed Tesco across a sash the ultimate shopper she must be. Samantha Cameron can look great without a hat and help kids put on a great British street party. The Royal couple must be practising for the Olympics with that tandem that Boris gave them and what else streets are back to normal in London for now and the clock is ticking for yes not another wedding well we don't know yet but the Olympics in London 2012.
So set your alarm clocks because that is not just a one morning special but several.
So Rule Britannia Rule those hats and Mum put on the tea kettle no it's not another Royal wedding not yet.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Simple words

Simple words should not be taken for granted. As I reflect on the Royal wedding the words I do it is really important to hear what you are saying I do too. Many of us throughout life say I love you and such but think nothing of what those words mean. Today someone told me that I looked very young their smile brightened my day. In a world where vows and such are broken so easily i think it is good to reflect and be very careful of what we say. Sorry is not a cheap word if used in all genuineness but if not it is jut like dirty washing up water.
So my thought to ponder today is really think before you speak words can never be taken back thoughts are never heard but once you say something the impact lasts a life time. Often our thoughts spill out into words and they can never be retracted back.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our Dawn Treader Voyage in our lives.

I recently watched the amazing movie of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis an amazing British author. The movie was very well done, the fact that the same stars from the previous C.S. Lewis movie were in this one allowed the viewer to easily follow the characters new adventures. I found many answers to life by watching this movie. The amazing technology that is used to make this movie makes the movie come alive in such an amazing way. I am sure C. S. Lewis would of been proud of it.
I liked the depicition of evil by having evil depicted as pea soup fog.
It really bought it home how we can allow this green fog like evil and fears to consume us and take over our lives and distort the truth. I remember how hard it was for me to face the fears I had about my dad and during my brothers last days the hurt i heard in his voice he was caught in this green fog that gushed through every vain of his life and so it has in my life at times. I loved the truth that we have to defeat the enemies inside of us to really understand true freedom.
My walk has been a long road and I sure look forward to see the sunshine but I so appreciate the many blessings that I have had in my long road. I love writing and it is such a blessing to share my love on my blogs. Please take a moment to laugh and enjoy http://www.englishdelights.blogspot.com/
It is a little extension of me.
So i ask you are you going to allow the green fog to consume you or are you going to seek to see the shinning light, like in the movie, guiding you out. It is true as I look back at the times I lived on the North Norfolk coast and saw that rolling fog come rolling in I ask you do you stop and listen hear to the fog horn and can you see the lighthouse beacon, beckening you into safety.
I hope you find you safety in whatever your storm is.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Vows and morality.

As I watched the Royal wedding I did get very sentimental thinking back to the vows I made in 1993 which now are no more. But it also made me think these vows that were been said and that indeed many say what do they mean to people? Do they truely understand what they are saying. For many they live together try it out so to speak as if marriage was a garment you try on for size and hey if that does not work then try on another. But isn't that dropping down our standards? There is indeed no need for honeymoons it's all been tried and the relationship like God intended has been tainted to fit the world we live in. That sends a message to young people even more so that people in high places live together so it's alright and look where it has taken them.

I like the stand one person I know said "I did not watch the Royal wedding because they had lived together what does that message send to the young people". I was convicted by her convictions and as much as I loved watching the Fairy Tale wedding I had to agree.

I guess it is a question we should all ponder whether you are a King or commoner is it really alright to twist moral standards to conform to this world and then say it is alright.

I know it sounds rather deep by my hat goes off to my friend Laura and her standard.

Please have a cup of tea with today.