Monday, October 15, 2012


I use to be told "why do you call yourself Mum that is a flower?" Yes indeed in America but not in England. Mum to me is a endearing word. My mum has not been perfect indeed she has had her faults throughout the years, but come on who hasn't. I have some
how learnt through God's grace to ignore things and focus on the good. It at times has not been easy. But my love for my mum is huge. It is like an ocean and although I am miles away. My heart cares so much for her. Mums carry a lot some our single parents balancing a job and home and every burden under the sun along with the pressure of their own lives. Yet still they carry on for the love of their children. Mums often need us in life as they grow old. It is knowing that they are not a burden and that even in their old age that you will not farm them off to a home or turn your back. I am not saying for some this is easy but I am saying better to keep on trying than stand at a funeral doing in your mind what is right. Anyone can stand at a funeral but it takes courage to help someone when you know in your mind they don't deserve it. Let's face it none of us deserve grace but Christ showed us. So if you can find it in yourself show some grace to your mum it will mean the world. Please have a cup of tea with me today. Love you Mum

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