Saturday, April 24, 2010

Are you trapped in your own Zoo?

My youngest daughter and I went on a school field trip to the zoo. I was a little sad as her and her sister will not be returning to their school in August due to everything going on. I kept on wanting to cry as I saw the amazing friends I had made. As I looked at the Zoo animals I thought are we like them often trapped in our own mess of life. Are we like the giraffes that were been chased by the ostriches tossed by every storm that comes are way. Or are we like the polar bear who sat on this stone with a soar on his leg letting life get to us. Then there are the lions majestic and sitting no care in the world. Perhaps that is why the Bible says the lion of Judea.
In all our storms we can learn from the lion to rest and be still and know that God is God and He will lead us through. So easy to say. This week has sure been a yo yo for me. I saw a dear friend looking very down and lonely after they had an operation my heart felt the pain yet there was nothing I could do but lean on God to help that person. We so often live in our own Zoo and never allow God to heal us and lead us through to the rivers of life.
Take a moment to reflect and just take a moment to just give everything to God. I have this week just prayed and prayed when things got to much I have no answers but I do have a Big God that cares for me.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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