Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Help or not help?

Many people in the walk of life have offered help but as I was listening to a sermon yesterday. I wondered how much of that help was just coming from them. A friend once said people give tons of advice Lisa you be the person who works out what is right you have the ability to do this.
As the roads have twisted and turned in my life it is true that the moments I stopped and listened to God I have found peace. It is the moments that I sought a million answers that I have been most nervous.
It is like Paul on the boat his trust was in God and God alone. I cannot say that I am very like that. I do know that the biggest peace is found in finding a few good friends and then place the rest into Gods hands.
Many people have written to me with advice but few have walked my road and few want to spoil their pretty worlds with issues they know nothing about.
My mother wrote a poem how friends will all come back once your worries have gone away. This I believe is true.
My advice be very wise who your friends are many mean well but sometimes their advice is sharper than a two edged sword and kills to the bone and not in a good way.
Learn to listen and learn to be still I am not good at this. But at least I am trying.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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