Monday, November 2, 2009

The price of a kind word.

My children and I go to a very large church even by American standards we have been there about one year and still know hardly anyone. We have started going to a small church closer to our home on Wednesday nights and although I have to wear a skirt the family unit there is so nice. Yesterday we went there they had a potluck it was so nice people talked to us introduced themselves it was lovely feeling like a family. It made us forget that there was just the three of us sitting with this family. Kind words like I hope you will come back, a simple smile or can I take your plate meant everything. We take those all for granted until there are storms after storms in our lives and then we gravitate to those simple words. What is sad is those simple words should be heard every day of our lives. You might be going through a storm but a simple I care or a listening ear can mean everything to every single one of us. My mum was in tears today on the phone the fact that I listened meant the world. So take the time to say one kind word a day it will bring healing to you and many others. Honestly you can but try it.
The photo is off my Godmother she is in her 90's now. Her kind words meant so much to me as a child in a time of my life where I felt very lonely. But listen I took those words for granted try not do that, be thankful for the kind words that come your way.
Thank you so much Rosabelle.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you enjoyed yesterday. Good to see you and the girls there. :)
