Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oh Glorious Rain.

Yesterday my children, two dogs and I went for a walk. It was very humid, we were feeling a little down. We decided to go the long way around our neighborhood. I saw the dark clouds above and thought no worries after all we had no coats. But about 10 minutes from our house it poured. We could not stop laughing, we all agreed that God had done it on purpose to make us laugh. Our smallest dog however did not think it was so funny and found it hard to walk. My oldest daughter picked her up and carried her home. What a sight we must of looked.
It is so important in life to just take a second and laugh. We had no idea that God was going to help us. Perhaps he sends things your way to make you laugh and you miss it.
On Sunday I fell down when trying to take a photo I sat on my bottom just laughing. Or the time my friend and I made flat Yorkshire puddings we used them as Frisbees at the table.
Look around you God wants us to take a deep breath and laugh. You can do it. Laugh at what happened to me you can. I think in our laughter God hears our cries and He truly says. "My child you are going to be alright come to me with all your burdens".
So laugh a lot cry a little and be blessed today.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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