Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Calling Whistle

Today we went to the pool. Every fourty-five minutes, there is a fifteen minute break for the kids. Most of them sit around the sides of the pool just waiting for the whistle to be blown so they can jump into the refreshing cool water. Some kids though, go and have a snack or just sit on the side. Even when the whistle blows, they just stay there like nothing happened. My question today is are you going to come when God calls you or are you going to not even see the little things God is calling you to do to help others. You could be the person who makes a difference in someones life, but that good change for someone else depends on you. And remember, watch out and have your heart open to God because God could be calling you next to do something for Him, even if it is just encouraging someone else it can still be used for God's glory.
Because what you do makes a difference, no matter how small.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Emily!
    You are a very good writer. :) Keep your head up, because it will all work out in the end. You have friends (like me) that will help you get through this. Love ya girl!
    P.S.- i am glad that the anonymous option is back :) LOL
    P.S.S- u should know who this is
