Thursday, October 14, 2010

What to learn from a dark Chilean mine.

As my life is filled with uncertainties like so many face today and I still sit hoping that my dear brother will call. I am reminded that God can do miracles. The Chilean miners caught the world they wrote in their papers how it was a miracle yet the rest of the world wrote how it was an amazing act of technology. There is no question that the only thing amazing was that God was with these men. Little rays of sunshine often show us in life that God is still on the move.
I will always have questions about my brother and I so wish I could hug him.
I do know that seeing those miners appear brought a tear to my heart and a knowledge that God can move mountains.
We just always have to look up. How amazing and how true it is often our lives are like the dark coal mines the very lows but eventually if we look up long enough we do see the light.
My cup rises to those men may they use it to glorify a true and living God.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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