Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bloody hands

I was thinking last night of the many times when we turn are backs on God. Some fall asleep in church, others read and then some throughout their days just turn and ignore God's voice. It was just a white lie we all say, or I can't turn to God because someone died that we knew or because something did not change in a person's life in the way we thought. I think every time we run from God, it is like putting your fingers up at God. We think we are all that and know all that.
The sad thing is we might have others fooled. We might play a role around certain people but nothing fools God. He sees through all of that and sees the real us. He knows we are not all that.
Through life I have learnt to see that without God, I am nothing. The times I thought I was all that, I was really all nothing.
It is like the delicate poppy in a field, some just walk through the field not a care in the world, others will take a moment and see that beauty of that wonderful miracle that God has made.
Like the delicate wish flower, that my family calls it, it is so delicate we need to make sure we value how much God truly is. Don't walk alone. Remember He is always there , and He will lead us I truly believe to some amazing places.
We were given a nail at church to carry with us as a reminder of what Christ has done. I do believe that each time we turn and think we are all that, we pound that nail into our own hands, and God sees that blood and cries. It is not just our hands we pound but Christs.
I think this road is very hard, but I do believe we need to always remember God sees it all and to make sure that we have blood on our hands for Him and not for our own glory.
So as you see the poppy picture today remember to see the wonderful beauty in what God has done. Pray today for those who are struggling and remember we are nothing without Him.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written. I think I shall try and find a nail, so that I too can carry it, and be reminded of Jeusus's wonderful gift, and sacrifice he made for us- we are indeed- nothing without him. I shall aslo think of God whenever I see a poppy- thanks Lis!
