Saturday, September 10, 2011

Least we complain Really after 9/11

As 9/11 approaches and we see so much in the news about this date and it's now tenth anniversary. I am reminded of where I was that day. Tim was in Ohio and I was pregnant, Em and I received this call to switch on the telly and there and then our lives and the worlds were never the same. My nephew made cards at his school in England for the ire fighters in New York and we saw airports closed and for some of us life changed. Some of us cherished our freedom more, respected that freedom came at a price. Others flew flags and some places got picky at a flag been flown in their neighborhood, I mean least we ruin a image. Really.
Where are all those children and families today some changed forever. Some are bitter some learned and gave more and gave to see others lives healed.
As I cleaned my ex husbands apartment today I was reminded of the sacrifices Tim had made for us all as a family from working long hours to driving home when 9/11 happened. Our lives clouded so much by life and silliness and here we stood now divorced.
We should not take life for granted, appreciate what we have and those around us. Silly things will come and go, but compassion and love can heal a heart, then a nation and who knows maybe a world.
See in my lesson of helping Tim I saw him in a different light.
Maybe just for a moment it was alright just to give and want nothing in return.
What can you give without wanting anything back, maybe it is a smile, maybe it is a hug, maybe more. Let us not forget those that often sacrifice it all and we sit here complaining. Really !!!!
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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