Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Being five at any age.

Ever just ran out in the rain and just laughed a little.

Well today it started raining and so we all just ran out in the rain.
Wouldn't it be nice in life if every now and again if we just took a time out in our lives and just swung on a swing, ate ice cream from the bottom of the cone, put a piece of lemon in our mouths and smiled, or just got some bubbles and ran in the garden laughing at life.
Unfortunately our five year old moments are quickly forgotten and life traps us like a venus flytrap we suckered in and we can't get out.
I often feel like that, the weight of how my life is, but every now and again we go wild. We stop the car in my drive way, run around as fast as can and get back in, we turn the music up really loud and yes I have been known to eat tones of ice cream. Once we even jumped on the couch and sung with wooden spoons. Do you know what it was alright we did not need any counseling we did not need any therapy we ended up with no medical bill but a great memory.
Try it you might like it.
Please have a cup of tea with me today

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