Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Seasons in life

My brother lost his wife to cancer on April 27th of this year. My brother is 47 he is the middle child. He was left to bring up three boys who are now 5,9 and 15. As I listen to my brother and I cannot even comprehend how hard it must be for him as, he does not have a job, he has an old house and he was not involved with the running of this big house he lives in. I look back at the many situations of my life. I have to believe that in life we have seasons and we can learn from them or we can run from them. I have run a lot in my life, but the older I get the more I try to at least to look back and ponder what I could of learnt. Weather you loose a spouse or you loose your job or you just had a bad day nothing is easy. I have learnt that with God and a few good friends encouraging me through life that the road is not so burden down. It is not so gloomy and the burden is a little lighter.
My brothers burden is great to say the least and my heart cries for him. But I am reminded that often we carry burdens that only God can carry, some are just too great. I surely do not have the answers, to so many things in life. I just try to look back often and learn from the mistakes that I have made and encourage someone a long the way. So where ever you are today please send a encouragement to someone along your road that you are traveling you don't know how much that word might help that person.
Please take a moment to share a cup of tea with me today.

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