Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Perfect morning. Perfect target.

When I was a child I would wake up early and walk in the dew on the wet grass. It was cold but there is something peaceful about it all. We lived in the countryside and to feel that dew underneath my feet, I felt like I was made clean or that I was walking on air. Like the wonderful mist coming up from the mountains in the morning it seams like a burden in our lives has been lifted or taken.
Last year in West Virginia I got to try archery for the first time I was not very good at it at all. My husband tried to show me, but I ended up charging with the arrow to the target. I laughed and chuckled. But if I had taken the time I could of done it without cheating.
The dew, the mist and the archery are very different but in fact they are all very similar. God lifts our burdens if we allow Him, as easy as walking on the cold dew in the morning you take one step and He does the rest. He lifts the morning air just ever so slow to reveal a wonderful landscape and a wonderful new day. He has His eye on a target His focus never changes and He scores perfectly, might come from different directions but He scores perfectly all the time. He is patient and never rushes. See although my aim was not perfect with practise and God's grace I could of hit right in the centre of that target. Life would be so differant if we allowed Him to shoot the arrow and not us. Perhaps less heartache, but lessons are learned and with time our arrow arrives at the centre. It just took a little longer.
I am not very good at just sitting and waiting for God to lift my burdens but I am trying to get better. As I sit here I think of the mornings I have loved at friends homes in England, seeing the morning in Maine and West Virginia and one of the best for sure was when I was just still and for a moment realized how amazing God is. To do so much for Me. I loved the dew on my feet as a child. You should try it, it makes you see that God in all His glory gave us so much and in that dew there is living water of Hope.
So today in whatever you are doing look outside your window and see that God scores perfectly in what He is doing, it might be a hard road but God will score perfectly in His time. That for sure I have no doubt. Try walking in the dew it might make you laugh it might make your feet feel cold but it is a memory for sure.
Please enjoy a cup of tea with me today.

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