Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Birds Nest

My husband found a birds nest in our garden the other day. I remember when I was a child I found many birds nests, some with eggs and some without. One time I remember nursing baby birds in our airing cupboard. As you look at the nest you can see how amazing it is. People make wicker baskets but I think the birds have it on who makes the best. Each is amazing each has it's own special design, shape and color. Each has a special function to keep and protect a family.
As I look at the nest I am reminded how God helps us build homes to protect us with good friends, His word, sermons and showing us through simple things that He truly loves us. Many birds nests with stand many storms, some fall but even when they fall God helps the birds rebuild a new home. I think that is how it is with us, God helps us even when are nests fall. The nest is made of simple twigs, some are made with clay, which to most of us have little importance, but it is so intricate and so well made. God has made such a wonderful home for us. If we could only see through a birds eyes the beauty of this world.
Where ever you are today look out of your window and see the beauty that God has made and remember He is doing the same in your life if only we allow Him.
Please enjoy a cup of tea with me today.

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