Monday, October 17, 2011

Phony or Real?

Through different times in middle school, high school, and life I have realized that somethings aren't always what it seems. The popular people don't really have it all. It is really those people who are true to themselves and are that same way at school and at home- to friends and to their parents who are the real "popular people." It might not seem like "the place to be" but time will show that you are the one that others will remember and want to stay in touch with, because they can trust you and know who you really are.
It's that time when you realize that the friends you had weren't real, and you realize you are glad that they are just acquaintances now.It's that moment when you are jealous of those popular kids who have it all- but really had... well... have absolutely nothing.The moment when you are upset with the people who can be one minute the nicest of people on the planet and make you float on cloud nine, but the next minute make you feel like dirt, that you realized you are worth better than being and listening to them.It's in life, that you find that not always the title of Miss Top Cheerleader-who has the boyfriend, the money, the so called millions friends, is the place you want to in.
You realize you'd rather be real and people to see you for who you are instead of being a phony in pretty outfits.
It's then that you realize You Are Worth WAY More and well, ARE Beautiful Just the Way You Are.

Please have a cup of tea with me.

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