Friday, October 14, 2011

More than Just Words

We see famine in other countries and even in the ones we live in. We see people begging for food and some send a few pennies in, maybe they truly give, maybe some give to ease their conscience. However perhaps, there are people dying all around us. Emotionally drained, emotionally crying out, and are just shoved from pillar to post. I hate it when people say oh you know you are in a bad situation. No da! People would not be seeking help if everything was alright! It's almost as if people think by telling you that you that you are in a bad situation that they are helping. Let's face reality it does not help, it makes you feel like dear God perhaps I do have leprosy. I wonder if some people walked a mile in another's shoes would they be saying the same. Come on, I surely would have had more sympathy for my brother if I had known and walked in his shoes. So what makes us actually help instead of actually hurting people more. People saying at times you have not because you ask not, or they sympathies with you what does all that mean unless we as humans put into actions sharing others burdens.
It is simply words blowing in the wind. Like a tree blowing around to get rid of it's leaves and nothing falls.
There are so many hurting people. I see them all around me every day. I never understood people who had lost someone until my Brother, never understood how hard it was to be a single parent, never understood how homesick a person could be, or see the stress in my children's eyes until I walked down these roads. I do believe people can have compassion and help but it is more than words.
Don't let your words be an excuse not to go the full mile of helping someone.
Please have a cup of tea with me.

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