Saturday, June 18, 2011

Things in the legal system should change.

In England we have legal aid. But in America pro bono lawyers are a rare commodity. To seek legal advice from anyone is a hard cold fact that no one wants to say something in case they may get sued. The reality is many people men and women find themselves borrowing money to fight cases or get things through the legal system, and even then it never is really sorted out, there money gone to the wind so to speak. Recently a case was taken to the courts about a young girl wearing a nose ring to school, because of her religious beliefs.... now the schools dress code said that this was not allowed.... but you tell me who won??? Yes the school has now had to change their dress code mainly because it would cost the school thousands and thousands of tax payers money. You put this on a normal level to get an answer about separation or divorce it costs an average of $250 per hour to talk to a lawyer. Most people are already strapped for money. Then say if no one pays up for child support or alimony it costs you then to put it into the court system. You want something changed more money. Then the whole question arises with anyone who has no medical benefits you try your best but medical is very expensive and dental even more so.
The legal system is great for the privileged people who have money to throw around. But for the norm it is a harsh reality of suck it up. Now I am not saying that in all cases, it sure works in many a cases but as far as marital issues it is a harsh day in reality from what I have seen and heard for both sides.
What can we do instead of doing nothing I suggest we write a congress person, maybe one person at a time will change the system.
Maybe is the squeaky wheel that can help the norm.
I don't know I just hope things change.
Be the change is my suggestion to us all. You make the first step however small it is.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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