Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lessons for life.

If you have ever gone through a divorce or lost someone or even a job, you will understand that at times you look back and reflect. You see the good the bad and the ugly and you at some point learn to have some grace or at least I hope. My brother was a man who had much sorrow. I do believe that he truly loved his wife. Through his death it has truly shown that at times I had very little compassion for those who had lost someone and for that, I am truly sorry. I truly do believe that today I have more compassion, at least, I sure hope I do.
With single parents, I guess I just ignored that they even were there.I was married and though struggling, my level of understanding was not very great. I think looking back at it all,I wished I had walked a day with these people asking God to show me what they were going through.
I so wished I could of done that even in my marriage. God is a big God and so I am thankful he did not shove me in outer planet and say Lisa you did not get it, here you are.
Even with my children, my children are very different and that is alright seeing how they interact and the lessons that I can learn has been huge.
It is so easy to judge less to try to understand and have compassion.
So whatever you are going through job loss or grieve or even happiness we all can truly learn from one another.
Take the time just to have grace I know I try to.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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