Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Have you ever heard the quote, "You knew me when I was invisible"? In movies, it has been portrayed as when the guy who was a friend becomes the knight in shining armor instead of the popular guy who turns out to be a jerk. But to me, it means that God knew me when no one else notices me. When ever we shed a tear or feel pain, God sees it even when others don't. Sometimes whom others think you are, is not really whom you really are. But God sees your heart and knows how confident and brave you are even when we have a hard time seeing it in ourselves. It is not about who are the brainiacs and who are the most popular. Usually when people call you a brainiac, they are jealous themselves that they didn't do better. But to make themselves feel better, they pull you down and make you feel unwanted. Brainiacs, geeks, or whomever you may be, God loves you just the way you are and would not change a thing. So if you are feeling invisible, know that there is an amazing God who sees you.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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