Monday, August 1, 2011

Easy road of life or not so for great blessings.

Running away from anything never solves a thing. It is easy to think that running away is an answer. It is simply just one answer, it is short term with long lasting effects. Ever heard of people taking the easy way out? Well that is what it is. It is also a misconceived lie that some how in the struggles of life to run away or to escape from issues allows us a free exemption from responsibilities. I can say this as when my parents divorced shortly after that I got on a train left my mum without her knowing and lived with my dad. The effects of this were long lasting and to this day I regret the actions I took. I did not make much effort to go to art college. I chose to not take the harder road of getting qualifications and sticking to a plan. Even in recent years as I replay the tapes in my life, I wished I could do some of it again. Our fears sometimes get the best of us. Sometimes we do not see life from another person's perspective and miss the whole point of the lesson. Friends who might mean well actually can be more harmful than good. One has to take a step back, play the tape all the way through and truly listen.
Take for example a person who is now on their fourth marriage they might well tell you that having a break and re-evaluating the situation might have been a harder road but long term a road worth fighting for and so that might have not gone through the heart ache of four marriages.
Take another example a young person wants to be a doctor but to get there, they are going to have to study and study. So they take the easy road becoming a nurse or janitor at the hospital after all partying the night way sounded fun. But inside they have missed an opportunity.
Life is not a simple card game of playing happy families. It is simply us reflecting at times and taking a hard road to receive tremendous blessings.
I loved my brother and I will always, however what I have learnt about compassion since Scott died I would not trade.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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