Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Scotty McCreery standing in God's boots.

While reading the Triangle East magazine for summer 2011, I came across a few pages about Scotty McCreery, Garner's American Idol. Here is something he said, "A lot of times it's hard to decipher God's plan for your life, you've got to trust Him. God's given me this, and it's my job to use it to His glory and His benefit, not my own." For being the youngest winner on American Idol at the age of seventeen, he has a pretty strong faith. Though he seems to be a star and is actually very much in the spotlight right now, he is only human just like you and me. The only difference is that he is using his talents to praise God and letting God lead him in the right directions to go. I liked what Rev. Ron Fowler, the minister of students at Garner's First Baptist Church, said, "Scotty doesn't walk on water, but he has character, humility and faith in Christ that says, 'This is who I am.'"
Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." That means that not just a star or someone on tv, but that means that you can do anything. We have the opportunity to make a difference where we live and in your communities, whether that be a positive one or not. Our actions and words are a huge opportunity we have. Instead of pulling others down, we can used our words and actions to show others that God cares about them and is always there to help us.
So starting from today, I challenge you to say or do at least one nice thing to each person you see. My what a difference our world would be if everyone thought before they spoke and acted. Let's see where God takes not just Scotty McCreery, but also you these next few days, months, and even years.

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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