Thursday, August 18, 2011

Influences of the past and present.

I will have to say that I have learnt the hard way. That to move forward in my life, I have had to look back. I have chosen to see the good in many bad times. My childhood had it's fair share of ups and downs like many other people. When I look back, I like to focus not on the times that caused me anguish or upset but instead the good in my dad, other people and the places I lived. I was very blessed. I went to a good school which I still love and lived in a wonderful part of England and although my parents marriage was a yo-yo I chose to see the good.
I sent a book out to try and get published at the beginning it reads in part this statement below.

"In life we all make decisions, but we rarely wonder how they will affect another person’s life, less alone another generation."

"But say if those choices you made today had outcomes that affected generations to come in your family. Let’s say that those chooses made things happen and peoples’ lives to take paths that they would never have dreamed of."

You see it is true in life we allow sometimes people to lead us and change our lives without thinking of the outcome. We often do not turn to God or even think for ourselves.
When my parents got divorced, it was a hard road for all three of us.
None of us talked much about it. Infact my mother would say that we were just kids and how could it affect us.
The problem was it affected all our lives.
I chose a road, least traveled, to see the good and try my hardest to move on. But it is not easy, I was hurt about somethings for over twenty years. All I can say is what a waste.
I don't know if my dad is alive, I don't know what the future holds.
I do know that I am thankful for the blessings that have come my way, for the wonderful memories I have chosen to hold onto. I do know one day my books will be on a shelf, maybe yours and read. I know in it I chose a better road and that is what I wish for anyone related to me and any person reading this. Don't let your past or others in it dictate who you will be, see the good in it all, don't stay bitter and find you, and in that you will find a peace and I surely hope you find my God who has been there for me through it all.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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