Saturday, August 20, 2011

Greater things are yet to come.

Have you had someone call you a name or kept telling you that you are a certain way. In the end and after time it drains on a person. I was told yesterday as I have many a time that a person does not have to believe this or listen to it. Perhaps easier said than done. I know some people who have such a negative influence on some people that they have felt crippled to get up.
It is almost like you need about ten encouraging comments to counter act the one bad comment.
Emails I think are notorious, people shoot out what they think for that moment and do not think of how that might hurt a person.
In life we are not a single island, we all need each other. Some more than others. We need to be wise that the people we are around fill us with hope and direction. That we lock into a place where people and God can direct us even if it means hard changes. Then and only then do I think the harsh comments start to break down and a person can soar like an eagle. It is as though we are trapped in a prison with no light, we have to gather strength, reach and keep reaching. Comments that bring tears are just from hurting people. Comments that make you smile and sometimes even bring correction are from people who have walked in your shoes.
I believe you, who reads this, can do great things.
As a song says" Greater things are yet to come"
Here is the link to the song:

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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