Sunday, April 5, 2015

Free indeed.

A friend of mine said something very life changing to me." It is the things that when we talk about them that brings a smile to our face and makes our eyes light up that we should pursue" Those things that when they come to your mind life stops and for a moment you are transported to another place. I never viewed that the things that made me smile could indeed be the very passage to change my life. Perhaps it is the impossible things that God says not impossible but possible. My trip home to England was sure impossible in so many ways it was as if every twist and turn there was something going wrong. If I look back it was a time to think for myself years ago I thought of going beyond my fears and reaching out to people who I needed to just say sorry to but others told me not to. This trip allowed me to think for myself.It is amazing the freedom and empowerment it is when you face your fears. It is embracing when a person cares enough about you that your fears to them do not matter that they just love you for you. A hand held by someone is often so not genuine but when someone holds your hand because they truly love you it is indeed a heart changing moment. It is so true the smile on my face when I think of my trip home says it all I found me and I want to be that person. Away from the hectic life of America and back to a person I found. We all should think what makes the smile come across our face what makes you feel you can climb a mountain and indeed what can you do to make your dream come true. Don't let any words hold you back I did for 22 years and I am beyond thankful that after all those years I got to be Free as the Bible says "who Christ has set free he is free indeed."

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