Thursday, March 26, 2015

Defining moments.

Many of us in life through events and circumstances allow others to dictate our emotions and decisions. It's not that we mean to it is just that we have lost who we are in the often mess of life. This past month I had the chance to embrace who I am. Finding out what I loved, what made me Me and finding out what I cherished. To be honest and truthful I ended up facing fear, preconceived ideas and loneliness. In facing all of those I found the values that mattered to me. Money comes and goes and I often wonder how I have made it. But to walk along a beach to walk down a country lane to laugh and be loved what price can you put on that! To have a person hold you and say you are not alone after years of feeling empty and like everything you did was being criticized no price can be put on that. The moment you feel in your heart that life has a purpose and you want that and that some how like climbing up a mountain the last part is the hardest but with all you have you do it you make it to the top and realize that you were only climbing a mound and that indeed God has amazing things in store for you. It is those defining moments that being a single mum and people pointing out things that are obvious like how can you keep your house, or how are you going to pay for things that you realize that every day we live by grace, by faith by placing one foot in front of the other. Sometimes life makes no sense, In truth Christ made no sense to many but it was a heart that was willing to have faith to believe. It is those moments when you embrace that Faith and hold onto it with all you have that you realize that all matters is what God places in your heart and nothing else.

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