Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Magic Wand of life.

I so often wished I had a magic wand. I hate seeing people hurt, people getting upset, people not been treated fairly and people lying. There are probably some more, but these are on the top of the list. As my girls dad sadly and I say sadly leaves to his job in C.A I wished I had a magic wand to make everything different. In England I wanted a magic wand to allow us to stay and for all of us some how someway to be a family. My mum is another I love her with all my heart but she does not always view it like that and I wished I could have a magic wand to allow her to see how much I care, for her to own her house. It is a sad fact that the people who often try the hardest rarely get noticed. I know many people who have struggled and done amazing things with little praise and struggled financially yet loved the unlovable reached out to the lonely and made amazing differences in the people around them. My magic wand may only live in my heart but I so believe that God see's that and He see's all the work of those people and one day He will indeed make the tables of life equal. I don't have the answers to life but I sure have hope and a heart that sure wants to see so many people's lives changed for good. So with your magic wand change your world even if it is just in your heart because if you change heart to love even the unlovable you have started to change the world.

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