Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Berlin Wall in our lives.

The Berlin wall went up in 1965 and was built to keep East Berliners away from Soviet controlled East Germany States. Although to begin with the wall did not really exist with the vast attempts to escape a wall eventually did go up in 1965. It had 300 watch towers and had 45,000 separate sections each 3.6 meters high and 1.5 meters wide and was over a hundred miles long. The collapse of this wall came in 1989. I do remember seeing the wall fall and people crying. It was probably one of the few times that I was choked with tears. That wall I had heard of many times just like the IRA bombings in Ireland. With all this information said I cannot but think of how many Berlin Walls we build my dad was one of these. About 5 years ago I decided to seek a counselor and move on from the Berlin Wall of hurt and anguish that I had to this man that had called me Little Lee. I did it to save my own life and then to save my children. I had built up such a wall and although on Fathers Day I would cry a tear or two, I still could not get over the pain I felt against this man and how abandoned i felt by him. Berlin Walls live all around us a divorce, a death a tragedy can allow us to build one. The watch towers are as numerous as those on the actual Berlin Wall. It took guts for that day to come and officials to make it possible for this great wall to fall. God is not into Berlin Walls yet through human nature we build them for self preservation. The day I let go of my hurt from my Dad was a Berlin Wall been crumbled. Like the balloons been let go on My Brothers Birthday I felt freedom. My wall lasted approximately 24 years. To this day I am thankful I choose to move on. Don't let your Berlin Wall hold you back nor let it hold you captive the day The Berlin Wall fell was one that will go down in history and the day yours goes down will be one you will never forget. You can do it. Don't let time hold you captive. Or as my daughter Emily says "Don't let the Berlin Wall crush you, but you crush the Berlin wall."

Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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