Tuesday, January 26, 2010


We all have sympathy when someone has lost someone and we all say the right words when someone is going through a loss or a trial. But say if that trial goes on for years not weeks, not months but years. As I sat at divorce care last week I quickly understood that sometimes there simply is not word to heal a person. There simply is no answers in ourselves to heal some pains in life. We all gasp when a person says they are filling bankruptcy or that their home is in foreclosure, but maybe life just happened maybe that person feels bad already without our faces and our gasps of oh that is so bad that you could be doing that.
A friend told me that as Christians it is Christians that need to be helping others out. Indeed how many Christians own companies and could offer a Christian a job who has not got one, I mean if we can't help out people in our own churches then how can we reach the lost. How many Christians could buy food or offer to come and paint a room or say I know you are struggling with money do you want me to hold you accountable.
We look at the world and judge but in truth what are we doing. Grief/Trial or pain are very real for the people who are living it. God does not simply walk away I think often he is waiting for Christians to rise up and be Christians he gave some resources to guide others and not for us to judge.
So if you know of a person going through pain/Grief or a trial see what you can do to help.
I saw a woman a few weeks ago who needed encouragement I took one step and encouraged her then God laid it upon my heart to have her over for dinner. It was not that hard to show kindness.
You never know one day it might be you going through that pain/grief or trial and how would you want to be treated?
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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