Friday, March 26, 2010

Unseen people.

The girls and I have a friend called Sir Paul we meet him a while ago, he has a bubbling character and serves others with his wife. It is amazing how a simple an act of kindness an act of a simple smile when you feel down can change how you feel when someone who is truly living for God enters in. Sir Paul serves not for the money but for the joy of knowing that he serves an amazing God and the blessing that him serving others does he is an unknown hero so to speak. As are so many people the janitor at your church or school the person who prays day and night for you. The single mother who counts and saves her money to make sure her children have a special treat. The child who gets up and makes sandwiches and helps their mother or the child who helps put dishes away when they don't want to. Last night I had the privilege of praying for my brother I just prayed for him it is a privilege to be there for a person in a time of need to go beyond one's self.To those people I say thank you.
Those attributes is what i want in my life.
Please have a cup of tea with me today

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