Saturday, March 10, 2012


As a child I use to look at myself in the mirror wondering what I would look like when I grew old. Now I am old I look in the mirror wondering what I ever saw in wondering what I would be in years to come. This week I heard that my late brothers house went up for sale. It hit home even more the tragedy of death, seeing pictures of a house emptied and knowing that once a family filled those rooms. It is an empty type of feeling. But in feeling all those raw emotions, I found myself reminding myself to keep the good memories and hold onto them. Even through my divorce, I have tried against all odds to look back and see the happy times. It is so true in life often the bad out weighs the good, but it is our choice and ours alone what we spend our time reflecting on. I think this world would be a better place if we pointed out the good and not focus on the bad so much. It is true there is a lot of sadness in this world but together we all could find hope.
My late brothers house will be sold and new life will fill those rooms, another chapter in an old home and me I will press on holding onto to the memory of the cricket game I played at his house with him the last time I saw Scott.I will try my in it all to look up to God and say here make good out of all this brokenness. How about you what will you do? I will tell you holding onto bitterness just hurts you.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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