Saturday, December 5, 2015

Just a cashier

Five years ago I could not find any job which would hire a mum with no degree. It amazed me how different America was to England. In England job shares were common and a degree did not matter,but not so in America. It is a cold fact that reality hits when you are a single mum trying to find a job with little education. I was offered a cashier position at a grocery store forty minutes from my house. I took my time doing all the required tests online to be honest I was dead scared, I remember my supervisor asking if I was done. I did not lie, I wasn't done but I sure did not want to go out into a big store and mess up on a register. Little me big store. She was and still is an amazing woman although she has moved on to another store along with some amazing others that I have known. They all made me a better person. A job where you stand for hours with little breaks and often ignorant people not allowing you to get a drink or go to the toilet. However I viewed that this job was given to me by God and I would do my best. I started becoming friends with the customers, laughing, singing and even crying. I prayed with them as they came through my line with customers saying we were hoping you were here. One woman lost a child and was trying to adopt her glowing face the day she adopted two children and merrily came and told me. The woman whose husband was dying and needed a transplant he was seriously ill and it was near Christmas I will never ever forget her coming up to me after Christmas telling me "he came home on Christmas day they say it was a miracle we had so many people at the house it's because of you and your prayers". The little girl who hated wearing her red coat I stood there telling her "no you got to wear that coat," little did she know it brought back memories of my mum and the little red coat my mum made me. Caroline made my world a better place her smile her laugh, her handing me her coat. The person who fell in the store and her son and I kept running back to make sure she was fine, her gratitude because of simple kindness. The man who calls me Mary Poppins and I him Dick Van Dyke. The man who had a heart transplant and his smile as I prayed for him. The woman who I prayed for and her husband died just holding them caring for one moment making them feel like that they mattered. The man yesterday who said he had cancer and my heart wanted to cry his joy that he was going to beat it made my world such a brighter place. A woman with a turban who had cancer. I smiling and saying she looked beautiful and the little girl with an eye patch whom I told her that she was amazing. People just in a store a woman whose mum lived through world war II and another who was a child in WWII and remembered sitting under tables as she heard the bombing of England above. A simple smile from ordinary people who in the eyes of management were just customers but to me they became family. It is not the posts on the wall and the amount you scan that matter in my world. It is praying and loving people where they are at caring that they actually matter. I decided a long time ago if I was going to get sacked because I prayed then God would watch my back. It is in the unseen messages that matters not to anyone in this world but to my Heavenly father. See I am just a cashier but not to the many I have prayed for cried with and loved. I am more than that I am woman who stood in the gap for a moment in time. Low paying it is but high paying in the Realm of Heaven. I assure you what you do in Christ's name is truly seen and will not be forgotten. Don't look for the praises of man because it is not eternal. Go pray, go reach the people that people just think are customers or in whatever you do don't let anyone say you are just.... you are an ambassador for Christ and that is a high paying job in His Kingdom Merry Christmas to you all and God bless us little people for we are so much more than the world sees us as.

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