Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas 2015 and The Angel

As Christmas Day 2015 comes to an end and I congratulate myself in not giving my family food poisoning or making them sick for another Christmas meal, I would like to reflect on some things. Christmas Day and all its glory does not have to be about ourselves and me, myself, and I: it can in fact be about reaching out to people we know who are in need of love. This year is probably our fourth or fifth year of driving to our local pharmacist and singing rather loudly Merry Christmas as we hand these hard working people a pie. It is not forgetting those people who are forced to work or have to work. When we woke up, I told my girls let's call people who it would really count to have someone call and say, "Merry Christmas" and so we did to a lady who is ill, a woman with cancer and who is divorced, an old lady who is not always easy to get along with and in a home. It was amazing their responses and how touched they were. The old lady got me by saying, "Thank you for taking the time out of your Christmas" nothing but a few moments to care for someone. See I know so many people who are so bitter and will not forgive and just think beyond that hurt. As a child, I hated Christmas. It was not a time of joy: my family argued a lot and Christmas meant another day to argue. I could just stay in that and feel hurt, or choose to forgive and live. It is a decision only I can make and it might be very hard for some. I always say better to not live in regret and it is true. I have many regrets but each day I can try to move on from the hurt I have often felt. The other day someone said something about my brother and it really bothered me so that night I had a dream and my brother was in that dream. I had forgotten his voice I hate that but his voice was loud and clear. It is not for us to question when someone should die and when someone should go home but rest in knowing that God is in control. My brother told me to move this metal angel I had and to put it in my kitchen window and told me to tell my mum to put an angel in her window. She drew a little angel that night, and I put angel drawings in every window of my house. There was such a peace. It is knowing that God does not want us to sit here condemning ourselves but for us to trust him and know that there is peace when we rest in Him. I am not very good at doing that to be honest but at least I am trying so 2015 Christmas thank you for allowing me to be guided by an angel, to reach out to others, and learn that God and God alone can give me peace. Merry Christmas!

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