Friday, December 18, 2015


Grinches/Dementia/Christmas you may ask what these have in common. Every Christmas since I have lived in America I have found that I get bills saying that medical is going up and often car Insurance, this year I was hit with not just these two but the house taxes and getting laid off from a job I loved. I have found for so many years here where I live stores and often people push buying so much and play wimpy Christmas music which you cannot hear as they do not want to offend anyone or as we say now Holiday music. We must not offend people by saying Christmas it is a Holiday where stores make tones of money off the poor innocent people. This year like many others I have got swept into it all. I find myself the older I get yearning for a simple life. The life I had in England was a little Christmas tree Charlie Brown one might say. But singing Carols at a local church and been bloody freezing now brings back happy memories of people I love and a time when life was not so commercialized. Dementia is not just for the old it is all around in people saying one thing and doing another it is like my amazing Sunday school teacher says " Many talk the Christian talk, but there is nothing solid in there life to say they actually live it" not exact words. But it has got me her words. So many times I speak with people who say I am praying for you and act like mere jerks, I am drawn into their nice words and then jabbed in the back by their actions. This sadly is not God at all by the dementia of a wicked and sinful world. I have worked with people with dementia and surprisingly enough they are sharper than some people, they are not as dumb as some make out they actually know how it is to love and actually want to be loved sadly they are often forgotten. Where dementia in the world abounds of been rude to people and lying to people abounds it is a sad fact that people ignore this as been normal. You either truly believe in Christ or you are deceiving yourself you cannot be lukewarm yet many of us play this very dangerous game I call this the New dementia of our time. Christmas is a time of reflecting on our lives to evaluate what truly means something to us. My trip home this year was a time to realize that true value is not found in things but in loving and caring about the people who matter the most. It was a time for me to be me. This Christmas don't become the new dementia be the true person God would have you be one that cares to be
true to yourself because been yourself is an amazing God gift and He loves you and values you like no one else. May God bless you this coming year and allow you to focus on the true meaning of Christmas do not be pulled into the new dementia but be pulled into God's amazing grace and Love Merry Christmas

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