Saturday, June 27, 2015

God's Plan

I was fortunate enough this past week to go by a stables near where I live. As my daughter and I approached the stables there was a sign on the entrance "God's Way" as clear as day. I was surprised and my heart rejoiced that someone would be so bold enough to put this on their property. I had the wonderful chance to be interviewed by the woman who owns this stables. "Whispering Hope Stables" in Raleigh is a wonderful place. It is one where you feel the peace and presence of God as soon as you drive up to it. This wonderful property is not just a business but gives back to the community, growing food to feed the homeless. This woman Amy Peters who owns the stables, truly has embraced what God's plan is by allowing God to be present in her work and giving back to others. It is not in thinking of just ourselves but allowing God to use our businesses our talents in our lives to glorify Christ in everything we do. Many times in life we wonder what is God's plan I know I do. As a single mum I am constantly wondering what should I do next God? How will I make it through this year, will I get to go Home to England ever again and the list goes on and on. But God always provides always sees my Big heart and has never let me down. Even in my brother's death, God was gracious enough to bring amazing miracles through it. My daughter Katie each year collects money and food for "Garner Area Ministries" and each year my family collects warm clothes for "The Salvation Army." It is in these acts of thinking of others rather than ourselves that we see God's true plan. I am just a cashier in a grocery store and yet I have prayed for people, held their hands when they have cried and seen God move in so many peoples' lives. God's plan may be very different than our own plan but it is in Trusting in Him and knowing He has the best for us. I know it is hard truly I have sat crying my eyes out and yet there is this peace that if we take steps of faith that God will do great things. So look beyond what we so often see in the mirror and see that God has great plans for you. I truly believe that. The best is yet to come.

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