Monday, July 13, 2015

Life in a moment.

Life is just a fragment of time, everyone knows that but no one grasps that until you realize that you could have been killed or someone died suddenly. This passed weekend I was on my way to help a friend another single mom, I was to clean her house as she moved to another and get a little extra money for doing it. I loaded my girls and I into our mini van leaving a few minutes early in the hope of getting home a little earlier. I was only five minutes from my home and as I turned a corner a flat bed truck that was carrying large truck tires including their rims was speeding up to catch the light in the other lane and one of his tires started to fly through the air. My mind was "Dear God" I had the split second decision go into a ditch or swerve and get hit. So swerve I did, no one stopped no one came to see if we were alright, but as we looked for his tire we realized the unkindness of man that he had come back for his tire, but left us with a smashed bumper and light and feeling unnerved. The horrible reality that no one cared or had compassion to stop to see if three women were alright and as the heat was rising passed the 90's my heart is so disturbed by the lack of compassion. A friend told me that if the tire had bounced more it would have gone through the front window killing me and one of my daughters. I recall an incident in NC this passed winter of a man who had stopped to help someone and then a few miles down the road a person literally had hit his car or him and left him dead. They did catch that person. But life is but a fleeting moment a second can change life forever. A friends daughter died last year in an accident where she was texting she was moments from her home. It is times like this you understand how fragile life is and how as Christians we are suppose to and I say suppose to shine our light. Not all do this but I say sternly we are the light in this dark world and we should show compassion and care for others. If we don't then who will? I will never forget the empty feeling I felt when my brother died nearly five years ago and how a person one week after he died asked me if I had got over his death. Compassion is a life lesson, an ability to shine your light even to people we do not know. So what lessons to learn from a flying tire. Never take life for granted, say you love someone, forgive more and show your light and love for Jesus to as many as you can.

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