Monday, April 30, 2012

Calling God first and friends second.

Life is not always easy. My parents had few friends. One thing for sure in this road of life that I have traveled I see that there is good and bad in having friends. Many times we can turn to our friends instead of God and sometimes we expect way too much of them. I have a few good friends and love them to pieces. It is better to have a few and know that they will give honest advice and care. But as I drove today I realized that often we call our friends instead of calling God. I have a peace when I rest in God. When I try to fix it, like by nature I always do, I find myself very worried. It's not easy I wished I carried a fairy wand with me and that I could have a car and be home in England but I do know God see's it all. Since my brother died I often talk to him and even if Scott is not here I do believe he will always be with me in some way or form in my heart or in a picture my brother lives. Even more so with God. He see's it all. Nothing goes unseen or unheard and that I do believe. I do believe that God is found in the still small voice. Like a child is a friend so easily to another so God opens His heart every day to you and me. It's just a thought to call Him first and friends second. After all God is a jealous God.
Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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