Sunday, March 10, 2013

Do churches just really live by their mission statements.

A friend said to read a churches mission statement and see if they are living it. To be honest I had never heard of a mission statement. Perhaps in reflection we all should have a mission statement to live by. It would appear many churches require a certain dress code, which I can understand to a certain degree,but say if you do not have enough money for a suit or a dress from the mall? Perhaps all you can afford is a pair of jeans with holes in them. What would Jesus do would He still accept them or look the other way? Is a church there to meet our own needs of society with loud music and words that no one can understand unless you are a scholar? Do the young have to be reached by merely going to loud concerts? I think to me Jesus reached us where we are at, He made it so anyone could understand. I love what I read about C.S.Lewis when Christians would say that they are saved...from what? It is a phrase I have used but now I see it is not in a word saying that you are saved it is in seeking God so that we can be more like Him, we ask Christ into our lives so that the world through are actions can see Christ. Listen some days I do not do good at this but it should be something as Christians we strive to do. So in searching the truth about where to worship God, perhaps the question lies in do churches just meet our need and who are they trying to reach out to. Words are just words unless a person can understand them and going to church does not make you a Christian it is indeed living out your mission statement that you have decided your Christian life will be in believing in a true and living God. Been a Christian is not a free ride it is mission for life and life to come.It is not in how big a church you worship in or how grand it is. It is in searching ourselves to draw us closer to a God that died for us.

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