Sunday, September 16, 2012

Churches lack to reach the divorced community.

It amazes me in a county where there are churches on every corner, that in my view they do little to reach the divorced community. I have seen divorced care groups and some even have get together and Bible studies.I have seen one where they mentor to boys from divorced families. But where is the mentoring for those who struggle with coming to terms with that loss in their lives or just taking those people out and hearing their story so that can feel that they are not alone? Where are the groups for the girls to let them know that there are still knights in shinning armor and that they are still beautiful? Who is there on Christmas or Thanksgiving when your children are at the other parent's who is there when night terrors come and sleepless nights of not knowing how to pay the bills or just wondering where your life is going? I started a group on facebook about two years ago with the hope that one day I would approach companies to sponsor a retreat where these families could feel just for a day that those burdens would be lifted off their shoulders. But surely I cannot be the only person who see's a dying need to meet these people. I have seen the loneliness in men, women and children from a divorce, crippling and sad it touches me to the bone. Where are the churches where are the people to help??? Don't get me wrong I have been blessed to have a lot of help, but at times it has been a huge burden to walk by myself. There are churches doing somethings. But many people slip through the gap and these people often become lost and depressed. Sadly not enough is being done. If you are feeling lost please join forces and reach out to others. Perhaps together we can do something I hope so. Please have a cup of tea with me today.

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