Saturday, January 9, 2016

Notes in my pocket. Integrity...or not !

I sit here truly bothered by two people I know and how they say one thing and yet do another. Have we in our society become so numb about people not to have integrity and being a man/woman of our word? Are we as humans so wrapped up in our own worlds that we forget the true value of being honest? My friend Rick has helped us out for many years fixing things in my house, Thank God, and today as I stood there with my list and listening to the air condition and not seeing the fan go on, it was so assuring that this man was a man of integrity, not wanting any praise, just an honest God worthy man that wanted to help me. My friend Mike is an amazing man of God. When I am around him and his wife I feel safe, I feel they want the best for me. I have watched him for years as he loves and cares for his family not wishing them harm but loving them and caring for them. It is not in saying one thing and doing another that we find ourselves but in giving of ourselves even when we have nothing to give and knowing in our hearts that even when tough days come that we tried our best. The mirror may show you one way but if we were to take a mirror and see our hearts, our intentions what would that mirror show. Have we numbed out the voice inside us that tells the truth or just numbed ourselves in believing a lie? Integrity or not, truth or lie questions that we have to choose every single day. If I was to die tomorrow what would people say about me when no one was there! Just a note to choose what person you truly what will you be...!
Remember at the end of the day God knows what you hide and what you are truly.

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