Thursday, September 17, 2015

Be that Change to Change the world

Well blog where to begin I don't know who reads my blogs I use to really care then a woman said I should be looking for a job and not writing on here there was some truth in what she said. But if writing brings a smile on my face then what harm does it do, so every now and again I start to write in the hope it helps someone out there. Lots to say in my world. It appears so easy to send your child to college you think they will never grow up and inside as the years go by you convince yourself that time will stand still and that some how you and they will escape the fact that they have to grow up. Some stay home and commute to college and yet your heart still aches every time they walk out the door walk on that campus, it is as if you have no control you pray with all you have that minutes, seconds and hours will go oh so fast and that nothing will happen that would be bad and then you sigh a sigh of relieve when you hear their voice. This is the aching heart of a mother who wishes time stood still. Even though you know and you believe that God has a plan for them there is this sense this yearning that couldn't I have been given more time and then this other voice it's time to let them fly and time for them to grow. I have seen old people in homes, left there, the money making business of making money out of these old people. Sad as you walk down the corridors realizing that their money is been zapped up by an industry and does anyone really care who visits them. Yet once they danced and fell in love, once had family and yet now many are all alone. Then there are the single parents left in a world like outcasts, trying to find their feet and move on. Society kicks them to the side as if they have nothing no medical, no care you work it out you work the hours your problem not ours. Yet they struggle and keep on carrying on no matter what and yet the question arises does anyone really care.They say prayers for people at work not wanting the praise, yet it is the people loud voice and with little care who get promoted. It is in those moments that one sees that God must cry a tear. Dishonesty the nature of the Beast who truly is honest who truly cares? You try to get help some repairs and people abuse that trust you gave them. It is a sad fact that people are more out to make money than care about being honest. Yet there are some out there. I have been blessed with an extremely honest friend. You just have to be careful be on your guard it is a sad fact that dishonesty reigns in a world where priorities are turned all upside down and one just has to truly say a prayer God guide me every single day. A single mum writes a story about Prince George coming into the world yet she is not famous and gets no credit and yet another woman writes a story who is more known writes a story about Prince George's dog and it is advertised on the television. It is a slightly upside down world. The single mum should get just as much credit her story funny and connecting with others and written in a time she wanted to bring a little bit of joy to her children's lives. Sad fact it is all in who you know. Lastly joy in the middle of tears. Some say that miracles don't happen in today but when you see young people reaching out raising money to feed the homeless and giving money to a single mum to get a dryer then you know that grace abounds and that God in His grace still can be found. It is those moments those people that we must cling onto knowing that our future our world has a chance to be changed. So go be that person be the change because only you can change it and only you can take that one step to make a difference.

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